Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Our Future Is Clear These Free Mason Satanist actors are still alive. They made believe that they got blown up in 86. This is a common theme- A conspiracy within a conspiracy- Divide And Conquer dominate the airwaves while pulling at our heartstrings. Of course that teacher Christie Maclluiffe from NH- That was a real tear jerker. So the way it looks is that they knew that the shuttle was going to explode and they were going to claim incompetence as usual ie-- O rings or whatever other bs story of the day they decide to come up with. Also it looks as if the Jesuits are really the rulers of all- The Black Pope- All of our Universities Jesuit- Free Mason- This means that AJ really is legit because he never signaled out Israel as being the bad guy because more then likely they are not. The Vatican in Rome- Every other evil doer out there appears to be just a subsidiary- Out Of Chaos Comes Order- Order Out Of Chaos- Our Potus is not anti NWO or anti establishment he is the NWO that's the way it is and that's the way it outta be- He was elected specifically for that purpose- So maybe that will be good for Americana- With Tax cuts maybe there will be more jobs. And once he takes over Iran N. Korea, China and Syria we will have the NWO Globalist cashless currency that everybody has been waiting for. Bitcoin- The Illuminati greenback will be in the distant past- The Fed will be dismantled and all of that Ponzi scam counterfeit currency will be released to the masses. Everybody will be rich and happy. Jobs for the lower to middle class and the minimum wage will go up to 15$ with no fear of automation taking over. We will be the number 1 superpower without a Revolution and our Potus will go down in the history books. 

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