Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Power Of Christ Compels You

How many neo-cons on Fox News have sold themselves out to the Devil? I am tired of blind xenophobia because we have been nothing but lied to over the years by both the left and the right. I want to know how many people are pissed off that they were treated liked terrorists going through the airports? Islamaphobia cool aid drinking its all about divide and conquer. Martin Sheen Bud Foxs dad from Wall Street- "I don't go to sleep with no whore and I don't wake up with no whore" I don't mind sleeping with a hoar and waking up with one is even better but I would never do that in reference to my country. We have a bunch of paid presstitutes seriously how much do these people make by continuing to tow the party line? In House to House Mick Ware the reporter was giving better intel to David Bellavia then anybody else what does that say? It means that he was a courageous and fearless reporter that risked it all to get the straight story to help out our military. In Fallujah 2 during the last stages the insurgents called David a jew. Have we really been fighting Israel's wars that is what I want to know? I wanted vengeance on the Muslims after 9-11 and I couldn't see straight for years. Then to find out that the official story didn't seem to quite add up so I though our new Potus was going to make some changes? Nothing is going to change its all a con. Gov Scott doesn't want to declare a public health emergency and Pam Biondi wants to regulate the sober homes out of business. What about making sure that their are good sober homes and keeping those and getting rid of the rest? Sometimes a good sober home is healthier then ones dysfunctional environment from the past. They should be cracking down on massive prescription writing by these rehabs. It seems to be a little too convenient as far as what I can gather. Opiate epidemic, massive Suboxone and anti depressant writing. These rehabs should be willing to go to any length to avoid writing a prescription for somebody. When I was taking Zoloft their was synapses buzzing around my head like a shorted out Christmas tree. Its a rat trap because then when you go back to the doc and explain the side effects they will just  write you another prescription for something else to see how that works. I like what our  Potus told Maria Bartiromo in reference to N. Korea- "You never know do you"- That is the way it should be because lets face it what Slick Willy did in Somalia in 1993 was criminal. Letting the world know in advance on the network news about a classified mission are you serious? Why didn't Clinton listen to his leader about more air support? Why was a civilian politician involved in any decision making process to begin with? I believe that what our Potus is doing will be better for us in the long run. We need to build back morale and self esteem after many years of ineptitude from our leaders.

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