Saturday, April 22, 2017

Wiki Leaks- Vault 7

Fox News should make up their mind if Julian Assange is a bad guy or not. He was a good guy when he was unleashing a lot of dirt on the Clinton campaign so why is he supposed to be a bad guy now? Is he really supposed to be hunted down and extradited back to the USA to face justice? That sounds a bit too convenient for me. You need to take a stand and make a decision if our Deep State who ever they may be needs to be more transparent or not. The Trump campaign and some of his hatchet men were really into Wiki Leaks in order to get the head shed elected. I think Assange is a good guy that needs  to be left alone. What did Wiki Leaks come out with that the Iraq War was immoral, it was an illegal occupation  of a sovereign nation  and that the USA is a terrorist state  that stands behind Gitmos and False Flags to perpetuate their Wall Street Agenda? Why should we think that he needs to be taken out for telling us the way of the world? That would be a disservice to future generations. Also Snowden should be left alone as well and so should that Vault 7 spy. I am not into phony tears, fake smiles and bs distortion campaigns. Capital Cronyism and all of these back stabbing establishment elites that always have to give us their two cents. I tried out MSNBC but couldn't get into it. The Democratic party needs a leader but not that Las Vegas demagogue that demonstrated a profanity laced diatribe.. One can rant with their writings but once  you get up on that podium and start shouting not only are you unintelligible you seem insincere, these people come across as complete rubes. Abby Martin stated that this country needs a  United multicultural Progressive movement. That makes sense to me. Oreilly had a central theme over the years and that was that Multiculturism and being politically correct is detrimental for society in general. He is right in many ways, people should speak their mind without fear of reprisal as long as it comes from the heart. Just because somebody disagrees with you on a particular issue does that make them wrong? No, but their are certain prima fascia facts that all of these establishment mouthpieces seem to shy away from. Anne Coutler wrote a great article but stopped short on calling Syria a False Flag. What is the big deal the USA has been launching these for centuries. Pearl Harbor probably, Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, created outrage with babies in incubators in Gulf War 1, 9-11, Sandy Hook the list goes on. So how come people don't talk about this? There are war junkies that are here to stay, that is why we need people that are actually better war fighters that prevent these pre-emptive wars. That is what so many Vietnam Vets tried to do with the Iraq War. I don't believe that the Wall is going to do anything productive. Jeff Sessions, what ever happened to Loretta Lynch? The new story of the day is that The Wall is going to prevent drugs and crime from coming in. Drugs are going to come in anyway the same way the establishment stood down in the 80s and let the inner cities get destroyed by crack and the Ollie Norths of this world. Jail, prisons, desperation, crime, the string pullers get off on inflicting pain and misery onto others. This is malignant narcissism in its finest form. We have a bunch of Free Mason two faced Janus Principle back stabbing pathological liars that are the decision makers. The only thing that they know how to do is create drama and Divide And Conquer scenarios. Distractions, distortions and lip service while they loot, plunder and pillage. Lets take a look at how depraved our politicians are. Rubio stands behind the Orlando shooting as if it were a real event and then has the audacity to request blood donations. When are these people going to go to jail for racketeering and Propaganda 101? How many politicians stood behind Sandy Hook- Malloy, Bloomberg, Holder, Obummer the list goes on. I believe that we should get rid of criminal illegal Aliens that are recidivists but the Xenophobia within this administration is palpable. Stop the bs because Islam is a peaceful religion and the only time these people want to kill us is when we invade their counties illegally. And any other stateside attacks have been manufactured false flag events with no real victims.  Its time- we need to get rid of these liars and cool aide drinkers that keep pulling the same bs over and over again- Hey Diddle Diddle straight Up The Middle  . 

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