Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Potus Downgrade

Our Potus has lost some points in my eyes- Reliable sources claim that not only was Syria a False Flag attack but that our president didn't pay many people that did work for him over the years. Not good because if you are going to make America great again by making believe that you have compassion and empathy for the little guy but then basically not pay them for the work that was conducted this is hypocrisy 101- It goes deeper then if he wasn't satisfied with their work, it appears that people were blatantly wiped out over huge jobs that were agreed to in advance. Neo-con agenda. My dad built the best house in Greenwich, he would never screw over his contractors. He put the fear of god in them but always made sure that everybody got  paid- That is business 101- Morale, interdependence, respect. If their wasn't so many people claiming the same thing then I would be able to overlook this but there appears to be hundreds of complaints so I cant overlook this.. WSJ has pages and pages of lawsuits and complaints against our Potus for unpaid bills and Trump University didn't make me too happy either. I also have people that told me directly that they knew people that weren't paid, at least two sources. My dad should have been President- People knew never to fuck with him but he also made sure to always pay his guys. It wasn't about greed and power for my dad because he has solid values. They respected his toughness but they always knew that they would get paid- So how is launching War World 3 in Syria going to make America great again? The problem is that our Potus reminds me too much of The Boss- I would hate to have played for that man. He didn't have his shit together, he was totally of the cuff and created way too much drama. You have to let your people swing for the fences without interference and constant control. In Never Enough our Potus stated "I don't like to analyze myself because I might not like what I see" We have to analyze ourselves because that is what the program is all about and you have to be able to listen to constructive criticism. I believe that The Boss would have won many more World Series if he wasn't such a drama queen. Seriously you need to have a hands off approach and let people attempt to reach their full potential without constant criticism and without having everybody walk around on eggshells all the time. That is narcissism in its purest form because this means that you are not capable of empathizing how your behavior may effect others. If Our Potus didn't pay a lot of contractors for work that was legit and on the up and up then what do you think that did to their overall psyche and  view on life? What are you going to say that they didn't do  a good enough job so they aren't getting paid or I know that we agreed on such and such a price but I am only going to pay you 75% of that? Think about how competitive all of the low ball bids are just to earn the contract? Then after lowballing to earn the business then you only get 75% of an already lowball bid are you serious? How is that being a good business man that builds trust confidence and success in the long run? It would make the contractors hate him and nobody wants to sue they just want to get f ing paid without drama ego and narcissism involved. The Boss and our Potus were buds I can see why, birds of a feather flock together. There is no way anybody is going to tell me that all of these people that complained about not getting paid all did a job that was not good enough. How are you supposed to run programs like The Apprentice if you haven't set a good enough example yourself? The Boss was more or less a child, I know that Rick Cerrone told him to go f himself after one of his childish narcissistic diatribes. We need a Populist Potus that listens to we the people, I don't know if we want more WW 3 Drama- Maybe we do but these Neo-cons like Bolton are so obvious. We need to take some of that money and sprinkle into our infrastructure because their were trillions of dollars wasted in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and I still cant even find a minimum wage job scrubbing floors. I applied to the most humble low paying jobs out there and I still cant get hired so the system is still broken. Instead of constantly building and not paying contractors he needed a team of trusted  members and then have his go to guys set the standard for everybody else. That means like a franchise concept where all you had to do is follow the recipe and you more or less will succeed. It sounds to me that he was way too greedy and building too fast and all over the place without having one trusted set of go to guys. His go to guys could have trained all of the other contractors to make sure that as long as you followed the recipe of the already proven standard of success then you would get paid. If somebody didn't do a good enough job then that means that you didn't hire or train the right way. But if you didn't train the right way or hire the right people then you have to at least pay them and then say sorry but you didn't meet the standard so I am never going to use you again for my projects. Everything else is just greed and narcissism.  

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