Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Crime Scene

http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/04/24/nh-treats-overdoses-as-crime-scenes-targets-drug-dealers.html I like this NH law that will allow law enforcement to treat ods as crime scenes. This is the way it should have been all along. We need to decriminalize drugs but also use these type of tactics to make the dealers aware that they have blood on their hands. This heroin is being laced, not sure if I believe them but supposedly fentanyl is coming in from China-  Putting up a wall to stop Mexicans from coming in is not going to prevent  drugs and crime. Not impressed by our elected officials. The biggest problem that we have is our inability to call these people out as frauds and get them in front of a judge so they can swear under oath. This only perpetuates their greatness myth and then they start to wholeheartly believe in their own bs. Rep- Neo-Con Peter King comes across as a demon- He is so hell bent on letting us all know the dangers of Islamic Jihad seriously what is the matter with these people? This is supposed to be the real world not Hollywood so stop it, they should seriously start to lose the act. Then our Potus states that he is more impressed with astronauts then many of the politicians that he met in DC- For starters I am not impressed by him anymore and secondly I know that he knows that NASA is a fraud-. So what does that really say about our President elect? I thought that he was going to come in and set the world on fire and take on these historical fraud cases. Instead he is more impressed with the frauds which only substantiates my latest conviction that he himself must be the fraud. He is buds with Larry Silverstein, he is never going to challenge 9-11- its all backslapping greasy palm handshakes, high fives and a wink and a nod- At least AJ had Tosh Plumlee on his program telling us how the Company has been bringing in the dope for decades. The only thing our Potus can do is have his Attorney General tell us how great a wall would be- not impressed to say the least- Oh yes Saturn and Mars are next cgi spies and lies- everybody's tax dollars are hard at work and our Potus apparently supports this. When I was growing up if  did something wrong or immoral my parents would admonish me and let me know about it- Who is going to be able to hold our elected officials accountable if the fraud goes all the way up to the top and above? I suppose that I can go along with the joke- I am in love with Nasa and all of their Moon and Mars missions- The female astronauts are good looking and do great somersaults in their ISS zero g planes. I am no longer impressed with Joe Rogan- Apparently he sold out to the higher ups- He was a talented guy- UFC- comedy, he was on the moon Nasa hoax band wagon that was of course until his podcast show became much bigger- Then it looks like he backtracked and went 180% in the other direction. Its never going to work for the sell outs because there is always going to be a digital footprint or videos of ones previous position. This is the most obvious kind of sell out that there is but why would he do this? If Neil Disgrace wanted to talk to me I would laugh- These people are pathetic- Seriously some people call Dubay a shill, I am not sure 100% the only thing I know is that he has great intel and he is very smart and well spoken. If somebody else can be as smart as he is then they would be my go to guy. A Plane Truth basically states that the Jesuits are the bad guys and they are using the Jewish people as the fall guy, Free Mason who knows- It looks like Rogan sold his soul out for the money-        

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