Saturday, April 22, 2017

If You Want A Friend Get A Dog

Our Potus doesn't even have a dog or like dogs? My dad told me that I never should trust a woman that doesn't like dogs, that was one of the reasons that my marriage didn't work out. The same premise should hold true for a man in a leadership position. I am beginning to think that Hillary was right about the Deplorables. Fox News is really scraping bottom now and has hit an all time low at the 8 pm time slot. I don't even know who was filling in for Oreilly but I could barely make it through the entire hour. This guy was completely off the mark and a complete cool aide drinker. At least Oreilly made an effort to bring in opposing views, rumor has it that Oreilly was really a closet liberal that backed Obama. There was no hiding anything last night, they were slanted so far toward the ultra right  band wagon. Then they bring on Lt Col Ralph Peters for his spin on the Paris attacks. At least he told the truth, the only thing we have to do is listen closely and these people will sometimes tell us the truth. He stated that Islamic Jihad is here to stay because events like the police shooting in Paris are so easy to "stage". That is correct "stage" he told us the way it really is with these staged false flags with more then likely no real victims. Why is Peters so soft spoken, he doesn't come across as a confident protector and leader who will get us out of harms way during the next Jihadi attack on stateside soil. I am sure he will be there for analysis and commentary after it happens however. Then they had this girl on the program that acted like she was 12 years old, one of the guests even called Springsteen The other Boss a coward. Really just because he isn't into blind jingoism and xenophobia this makes him a coward? This girl talked with an affectation but she also sounded like a Valley Girl at the same time. Then they had this guy who was trying to act funny say that he liked Springsteen better when he was singing Jack and Dianne. Really is that what Fox News has come to? Melelncamp is Jack and Dianne and he was married to Christie Brinkley so he definitely was doing something right. I am beginning to see the Hollywood view on things in reference to our current scenario. I wont give up hope yet it has only been 100 days or so. The only issue I had with Springsteen was when he made a blind assumption that NYPD went overboard with the  Diallo Vestibule quagmire in the late 90s. He made it sound like the cops really wanted to shoot 41 times from an overkill standpoint. One needs to be able to walk in the shoes of the humble servants that protect and serve before making assumptions that they are all out to shoot and overkill first and foremost. Nothing can be further from the truth for the most part. I am talking about most cops and not the aggressive police state cool aide drinkers but I never witnessed any of that. I saw a few on AJs program go overboard so this means that probably 10% of the cops out there are bad news. Sometimes a cop may make a bad shoot in a situation that calls for a good shoot for the simple reason that he/she has never been in a life/death scenario before. This is why they say that there is such a high miss ratio (around 80-90%) within a 10 yard radius during a legit shoot to kill scenario. Its much different shooting at paper targets, adrenaline takes over in the real world and nobody really knows how somebody will react. That's why realistic training is so important. I was so nervous going to bw's Advanced ep course that I completely missed the target at 10 yards at first. I was still recovering from PTSD after being arrested and treated like a terrorist on my way to work. That was the first time I shot since being incarcerated and I was really bad, this was an all time low. We had a Seal and a Recon operator as instructors. They had all of these high speed shooters even some DEA guys that really knew what they were doing. DEA caught a bad rap when that one guy shot himself in the foot while trying to show little children how to safely manage a weapon. I don't know if they will ever live that one down. Missing the target within 10 yards in front of high speed professionals was very bad, humbling and embarrassing but that DEA guy that shot himself in the foot at a weapons handling safety seminar in front of little children was even much worse then that.  

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