Monday, April 24, 2017

Narcissists Among Us This former FBI accountant and whistleblower stated that he stood by his claims that Gov Rick Scott was the leader of a criminal enterprise. I lost trust in Scott after  he told us that people were definitely going to lose their life during the hurricane. How many people died? So we have Scott, Rubio, Jebb Bush is their any wonder that I cant get a job that pays  more then 8 dollars per hour? Why is that the worst criminals always find a way to the top? Its part of the narcissism that drives people into the power positions to begin with. They don't get into Politics because of benevolence but rather for money and powers sake and money and powers sake alone. Narcissists have very little ability to empathize with others but many appear that they can, they are charmers and have a smooth ability to manipulate and even come across as sincere. Malignant Narcissists are almost interchangeable with sociopathy- These people are actual sadists and get off on the torture, pain and suffering that they inflict on others. Let me tell you something I have read and heard of reports of torture in this GWOT- These sadists better stop short with that bs because that is inhumane and barbaric. How do people get re-elected as Gov while running a Medicare scam? I broke a few laws and even went to jail a few times but I would never be a politician and then proceed to be a two faced leader of a criminal enterprise. My faith in all politicians has currently ceased to exist. I had our Potus up on a pedestal and thought that he was going to be a game changer. He appears to be no different then the rest of them and many would say more then likely even worse- Trump University, stiffing contractors, the establishment mouthpiece media didn't really talk about that at all. So what is really the Fake News? Maybe Gordon Duff is right after all about many of the things that I flat out refused to believe under any circumstances. If he is right then we are really in bad shape in reference to our current Potus situation 

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