Monday, April 24, 2017

Business 101

These banks need to calm down with their egregious ATM charges. Seriously 35% $3.50 just to take out $10 not to mention charges sometimes from your own bank if you don't go through them as well. These banks make so much money taking advantage of the working class folks. These Mom and Pops are getting a little out of hand with their $5 minimum. That is kind of extortionist because it shouldn't be our fault if their merchant processor is too greedy. What a cut throat business- Merchant Processing- They will hire anybody as long as you are willing to starve to death while you bang on one door after another straight commission and absolutely no chance for benefits. There is something wrong with a system that encourages people to cold call business to business even though the signs on the outside say no solicitation. It is almost as bad as being on the front lines, cannon fodder, high turnover, boiler-room and constant harassment and  pressure from the higher ups. I banged on a few doors after college, what a waste of time. These people have gatekeepers and if you keep hammering eventually you may be lucky enough to get an appointment. If it ever gets time to set up a business proposal then you have to compete against 3 or 4 other competitors where everybody claims that they will be able to save you a couple of sheckles. Merchant Processors shouldn't be charging Mom and Pops high interest rates for minimum purchases. I tried Merchant Processing sales for a little while. What a low level Leisure Suit scenario. Car sales is just as cut throat. You work your ass off for 48 hours straight and only take home $130 if you don't sell anything or basically spot deliver them. It sucks I hated it, maybe I am not cut out for low level boiler-room sales. These kind of places have snakes and sharks that tip each other off about who is pulling into the lot if their isn't an up system. Then when you threaten to harm them physically for being a low life scum bag then you are the one that usually gets fired. That's what happened to me at Westchester BMW- We need to be able to create egalitarianism across the board because right now I have doubts that a lot of jobs are going to be created. Too much capital cronyism and Shark Tanks that take advantage of the small fry's. What did Wells Fargo do deceptive marketing practices- Dot-Com e-bay is hard to make money because you always have the bottom feeders who under cut everybody. My dot-com makes sense- OVE Manheim Auto purchasing- One stop shop software where people can pay a broker fee for buying a pre-owned car. Transparency, they are able to see what we are required to pay, no agendas or hidden glom fees like the Acquisition fee. Manheim- Ove uses condition reports that are more thorough and professional then what e-bay motors is required to use. Basically the business model is to cut out the pre-owned independent dealers. As long as you don't piss them off too much because a lot of mobsters have their hooks into the high end auto industry so one must tread lightly. I had a good software program and a very solid business model but I cant do everything alone, I already tried that and ended up in ugly places. 

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