Thursday, April 20, 2017

Marketing 101

My dad used to say that he could sense things business wise that others couldn't. In other words he built top notch companies and manufacturing plants without killing himself or without working an inordinate amount of hours. Business instinct is very rare, I never had that one in a million P and L bottom line instinct in reference to the business world. Although I do have a creative and entrepreneurial spirit and mind. There are things that just make sense to me and that is why I still really cant figure out our Potus. For starters our President has always prided himself for being the best of the best and a cut above the rest in business and life and everything else in between. Even though I never set the world on fire from a business standpoint I can still sense how off the mark Trump University was especially coming from a self professed wiz bang in the business world. I was actually wrong about not making as much money by giving the people what they want. In other words our Potus would have made a lot more money by showing up for these seminars. That would have made all of the difference. If he was there and if he shook a few hands Trump University could have been everything that he claims himself to be. Above board, Art Of The Deal, straight shooter the whole 9 yards. So he decided to make less money by not showing up and had to settle an egregious 25 million dollar fraud settlement. Is that the man we can expect to take this country to the next level? The first thing that he did was do everything that he said he wasn't going to do in reference to the Syrian False Flag. I thought that our Potus was going to be the one to ask a few questions about Sandy Hook and basically start to shake things up in this fraudulent world that we currently live in. So how are we going to expect somebody who engages in fraud to straighten out any fraud? Not paying his contractors this entire scenario has been a major let down for me for sure. Apparently Gov Scott was engaged in egregious amounts of fraud as well, this country is destined for failure at this point. Think about what they do to young adults that go to school. Not only do they not guarantee anybody a job after they graduate they do just the opposite but make sure that the families get strapped down with enormous amounts of student loan debt. These loans are set up just like the liar loans with adjustable rate mortgages that led to the meltdown of 08. How is our war effort against the so called evil entities out there going to put money in our pocket? N. Korea, Iran, Syria our Potus is pulling the same scam that W did except now its Syria that's the bad guy not Iraq. Not impressed, the first 100 days has been a major let down for me. Also since we have people that want to expand our Military Industrial Complex and need jobs what can we really do? I want a job that supports our military as well as our country so where are the openings? I want out of Palm Beach County. I want and need job with stability that doesn't set me up for guaranteed failure  

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