Thursday, April 20, 2017

Change The Status Quo Cover up con artists The devil made them do it I don't care  what their excuse is the families needs answers. Ordered to stand down in one of the worst places to be engaged in Afgananastan- Stand Down- The Extortion 17 official story doesn't add up. There may be some light at the end of the tunnel. Oreilly is stepping down making room for Tucker Carlson- I liked Oreilly, he was my go to guy for many years. However Alex Jones took his place as my go to guy. Oreilly is very successful and he always tried to be fair and balanced for the most part. He was engaging and wrote a lot of good books. I still have to read Killing The Rising Sun- His hands were tied in many cases, he had to toe the party line and not be too controversial. As it was he was the most successful cable network host of all time so that should stand for something. Even if he wanted to bring some real investigative journalism to the table he probably wouldn't have been allowed to. Hopefully Tucker Carlson will be able to change the status quo. I am a little skeptical with all of this Hannity cool aide drinking with his Israeli pals. I try to be fair and balanced, I do try to see both sides of the spectrum that is why I have to bring what VT has to say to the table. Is Israel our friend or foe that is what I want to know? Gordon Duff stated that Bibi made a quote in Finks Bar that clearly demonstrated that he was not our friend. The question is did he make that comment or not  because this should be a very simple question to answer. Did Bibi make that comment at Finks Bar because inquiring people want to know? Tucker Carlson needs to have Gordon Duff on his program. That shouldn't be that difficult to set up. If Fox News doesn't have VTs Gordon Duff on his program then that means that there may be a cover up about our supposed ally Israel- Nobody is ever going to have me drink anybody's cool aide that is why Patriots reign supreme over any pin heads as Oreilly used to say.  

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