Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Leisure Suit Larry

 Gordon Gekko to Bud Fox- "Save the cheap salesman talk will ya its obvious" I feel let down by our Potus by his leisure suit Larry Trump University. I would never get hired by a cut throat bottom line sales seminar consulting firm for the simple reason that I am not cut throat. Our Potus needs to make amends for Trump University and he needs to pay back the contractors that feel that he screwed them over. One of the reps for Trump University resigned because he stated that is was cold, cruel and callous, typical used car salesman bait and switch. Not good because if you are going to make America great again you have to be able to set the example and the bar yourself. Trump University was a guaranteed failure for the common folk, the hoi polloi who wanted to learn a few tricks of the trade directly from the legend himself. Our Potus was no where to be found, instead he had a cut out cardboard box caricature of himself that people could have taken pictures with. My philosophy is give the people what they want and make them feel happy and satisfied even if you don't make as much money. The fact that there was a 25 million dollar settlement substantiates that there was more then likely fraud committed. This is what is called- (Nolo Contendere) Too many allegations of unscrupulous business tactics by our Potus- He has the brand name the only thing he had to do was show up for the seminars and shake a few hands and have one of his subordinates read the script on how to make it in real estate.. Mr. Pray brought in some leisure suit Larry's as GMs when I was working for his company in the late 90s- Sometimes things just don't make any sense-- Going down to Dr Ks school was one of the best experiences of my life. He had top notch instructors show us the way of the world within Executive Protection- He was there to assist us and to also answer any of the questions that we had about the field. So not only were we able to learn how to protect and save lives we had the founder of the school with us. That is what builds trust, confidence and interdependence. I would loath going to one of those leisure suit Larry cult seminars like Trump University or Herbal Life- Our Potus is buds with Carl Icahn- I can see why- cutthroat and only out for the buck and just like Gordon Gekko he takes no prisoners. Dr K never guaranteed us success however he did instill in us a feeling of pride and integrity. This is something that I never felt while working for the Leisure Suit Larry types. Our country is filled with these kind of people. The worst most uneducated slime balls I had to work for in the car business. Then working at LA Fitness was another perfect example of thug like mentality. High turnover, high pressure, this for a fitness facility that sells itself. The only thing you have to do is  the tour and you will earn membership sales.. Instead the Leisure Suit Larry's always have to dial up the pressure because of their own fragile ego and of course their is always unrealistic sales expectations. Most people aren't that dumb, they can spot a rube from miles away. Whenever their is any unnecessary high pressure sales tactics this is the first tell tell sign of Mafioso thug culture, high turnover, greed and narcissism at the top. I am not that good of a salesman, infact I probably suck although I did ok for Mr Prays company until he started bringing in the high pressure leisure suits. Just like an NFL coach or Major League baseball Manager the owners and upper level management cant expect unrealistic results from the new recruits. You need to support your staff and stop having thugs as managers that are more often then not GED dropouts. These people just turn over the sale force in rapid fire succession. The first question you have to ask is what is the turnover rate? Most of the time these thugs will tell you that people were turned over, fired and quit because they couldn't sell but this is usually the furthest thing from the truth. The real world is pressure but these people don't have a clue. Everybody wants to succeed so one needs to be able to support somebody's strengths and weaknesses so they can eventually have a feeling of inner confidence and interdependence. We need to be able to live in a country where we don't have to lie cheat and steal in order to get the Glen Gary leads. My football coach from high school is another example of great leadership, he never blew his top and always got the best out of his players. Compare that to my football coach at Milford Academy the following year not so much. This guy beat the hell out of us and thought that he was Vince Lombardi. It wasn't a surprise when we got our head handed to us by Army and our best players quit before we even got out of the starting gate. If we had our high school coach as our coach we would have beaten Army I am convinced.

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