Tuesday, April 18, 2017

WW 3

I am a Patriot because I wouldn't have intervened in Syria based off of intel that was more then likely fabricated and without going through Congress first. Our Potus is a demagogue and a Nationalist. He loves war and that is why the neo-cons brought him in. All of this anti establishment rhetoric is just a cover for the neo-con hawks that want to continue on with world wide hegemony. I would be for economic imperialistic hegemony over MOAB bombs that just create a lot of drama. We bombed Vietnam into the stone age and it turned out to be an exercise in futility. I believe that our Potus is a combination of Patton and Macarthur in one of his other lives. Legend has it that both Patton and Macarthur crossed paths in WW 1- The Great War- The War to end all wars. America will never stop fighting wars its just the way that we roll. Thou Shall Not Kill- meaning I don't want any more American soldiers dying because of some neo- con agenda- Keep the warriors home for good stateside jobs and give them the care that they need in the VA- PTSD- TBI and suicides this really isn't a good situation for our vets. Now potential WW3 in Syria and Korea- Our Potus was never anti NWO- It appears that he was elected knowing all along that he was going to specifically fulfill the  neo-con warlike bellicose New World Order agenda of perpetual wars in the middle east. KBR and Halliburton the more that you spend and waste the more that you make. Its great for stocks and wall street because seriously who wants a dove that appears to get pushed around as our Commander In Chief? So the anti Globalist pre election rhetoric was more then likely a ruse. This doesn't mean that he wont be able to still help make America great again. I believe that some people feel betrayed but not that surprised. All of our conflagrations have started out with False Flags so why should he be any different? I believe that he really is buds with all of the war mongers in Washington Dc the Chain Gang etc.. It appears that Henry Waxman is a Patriot and really tried to bring some accountability to the Belt Way Bandit section of town. There is still a lot of time left for our country to turn around. If they pumped some of that military Industrial Complex funding into creating  jobs and ultimate stability for the lower to middle classes that would be a decent start. I am not asking for that much $14-15 dollars an hour with a job that I don't have to end up in wheel chair or go to my chiropractor asap or even worse get harassed by a leisure suit Larry my standards aren't that unrealistic..

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