Monday, April 10, 2017

Losing Iraq  How was the US supposed to take over 7 countries in 5 years with economic imperialistic hegemony if we couldn't even take over two countries in 15 years? In Losing Iraq it looked like Bremer wanted to shoot some looters. You aren't supposed to shoot the looters because violence perceived in violence achieved. You can shoot near some of the looters but once you cross over to the dark side its tough to ever go back. McMaster stated that this wasn't the American way but that doesn't mean that we couldn't have taken over both Iraq and Afghanistan with far less American casualties.  I don't know if taking over Afghanistan was such a good idea anyway because it looks like it was all about the drugs. The problem is that we were never supposed to win, only cause chaos and destabilization. What we really need to do is ask the seasoned vets of both wars if their sacrifice was worth it? It should come down to how they feel but I am upset that it appears that cia has done nothing but run drugs at the cost of much blood and treasure. I believe that there are conspiracies behind actual conspiracies however the only thing I pretty much know for sure is that anything the network news has been putting out over the years has been false. I just feel that the Bush cronies knew in advance that IEDS would become the weapon of choice in Iraq. I wouldn't mind shooting those insurgents that were planting the IEDS. If one of my friends was blown up I don't know how much restraint I would have overall either because that kind of thing can make one go over the edge. Imagine being in a land where there is hostility toward you and lack of appreciation for what you are their for while you watch your buddies get blown up and killed? Viewed as occupiers and then have the ROEs be soft on top of that while your brothers continue to get blown up by IEDs while you do nothing but drive around outside of the wire? The entire scenario sounds like insanity to me that is why I don't think that I will ever be able to respect the Bush cronies. It would be one thing if they told the senior level officers in advance to expect a 15 year quagmire but I never read that they ever did that. Fiasco stated that they were telling everybody that they would be in and out Mission Accomplished. That is Satanism 101 because after reading Blackhearts I am convinced that the string pullers have no soul. Losing Iraq on Frontline PBS had the Iraq War still going on in 2014. So they never wanted to win only loot isn't that obvious? We have an Opiate epidemic going on right here and right now. So the string pullers started the 7 countries in 5 years campaign while also predicting an opiate crisis that more then likely surpasses the Opiate Wars of the past. The people at the top aren't dumb that is why they probably cracked down on the pill mills knowing full well that people would have no choice but to start shooting up dope. Eugenicists, technocrats these people are highly educated that is why I don't believe for one second that they expected Iraq and Afghanistan to be over in only a  few years. We are Americans we live in a constant state of 1984- Orwellian warfare- Now its time for full battle rattle toward North Korea, Syria, Iran, China, Russia and who ever else that wants to challenge the Great Satan. Fear and Greed dominates our soul, it keeps the American War Machine going at full throttle.

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