Thursday, April 6, 2017

Ibogaine- Disease Of Addiction

Its good that there is going to be 3 million dollars allocated for the Opiate crisis which had the Palm Beach Post yesterday state that the scope of the problem has been unprecedented. They need to fast track Ibogaine and get it through all of the pilot programs to make it legal in the USA-  Its a miracle extraction of the Iboga plant that makes people trip and rewires the circuitry of the brain. This should be used not only for opiate addiction but also for alcohol and cigarettes, basically for the treatment of all addictive substances. Why are they making people feel like criminals by having them go off shore to get this  treatment when the real criminals are the ones who have continued to make this substance illegal? This is a contradiction that our Potus must address asap because this crisis is coming through this country like a runaway freight train. I don't like to see people suffer, Law And Order SVU had an episode where Dr Wong risked his status with the FBI to help an opiate addict get past the withdrawal stages of heroin addiction with Ibogaine. Why should people be penalized for doing the right thing? People are dying and a lot of people are hurting so all back and fourth drama with the Dems vs the Trump Administration should be put on the back burner. If we didn't have so many cover up artists people would be talking about getting Ibogaine approved on msm- How can we expect that when they have been covering up and protecting all of big pharmas crimes, especially the pernicious vaccines like MMR where  Dr William Thompson already came out as a CDC whistleblower. Seriously what kind of person would protect Big Pharma? They have helped some people at times I will give them that much but overall they are money grubbing capitalists that incessantly hammer our commercial airwaves with their new drug of the day. I am seriously getting tired of these people because Stratera made me feel like offing myself. They make sure to talk about all of the warning signs of suicide ideation with their ads, I cant stand them. They make me sick, now we have a generation of 20 something's that are od ing and dying all over the country. This opiate epidemic would cease to exist by legalizing Ibogaine because most people cant afford many thousands of dollars to go off shore especially when they rely on insurance and already have to pay a hefty premium. Ibogaine, Amino Acid therapy and getting off of cigarettes combined with the 12 step program and therapy would greatly enhance the chance of somebody getting and staying sober. They have done studies that show that addicts who smoke have a much higher recidivism rate because the chemicals  hit similar receptors. I haven't seen statistics but I know that non narcotic pychotropics also greatly enhance the recidivism rate as well. People need to get Ibogaine treatment and then proceed to get off of everything all at once however they have to make sure to do the follow up treatment with the 12 step program etc.. The disease of addiction never goes away. 

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