Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Hero's Among Us

Low profile real intel professionals never get any kudos for what they do behind the scenes. That's not what they signed up for, for these warriors its all about doing the right thing for god and country.  They will never get the credit even though they don't want it and neither do the good Samaritans of this world. A good intel professional will always state that it was their supporting troops around them that did all of the heroics and that they were just doing their job. That is why running backs who talk about themselves all the time like Ricky Henderson did when he stole all of those bases are bad news. A good running back will never take credit for his accomplishments, he will usually say that it was his offensive line that did all of the work, that they created huge holes in the trenches and I just ran through them. The same premise holds true for a Lietutent in the infantry. If they aren't respecting the hell out of their NCOs and squad leaders all the way down to the PFCs then they are usually not going to last very long. Good samara tins are the hero's among us as well that nobody ever reads about. I was riding my bike back from the 12 pm meeting and saw all of these good samara tins that surrounded a car where an older woman was passed out behind the wheel on busy Northlake Blvd- I joined in claiming that I knew a few things about first aid but they did all of the work. I directed traffic while all of these good Samar tins helped this woman until the First responders showed up. It could have been much worse. She was passed out behind the wheel, I was expecting the worst where all of the sudden her foot would hit the accelerator while she came to. I thought that she might be too old for heroin but it looks like the medics may have administered some Narcan. Their were also claims of alcohol being on her breath. Good samara tins are rare finds. More often then not people just drive on by because for the most part they wouldn't have a clue on what to do or how to act. Sprinkle a little apathy on top of that and this is the perfect recipe for an ugly American. Good samara tins are the unsung hero's  of our world that don't want the credit either. They work in the shadows low profile and way under the radar. 

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