Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Nationalism Vs Patriotism

The only thing Jeff Spicoli needed was some tasty waves, a cool buzz and he was fine. The only thing I need is books, meetings, my blog, bike and my dog. Newspapers are ok if you want to learn what really is not going on in the world. I read some of the New York Times Sun edition. They had an interview with Dan Rather. So what is it going to be like for these establishment mouthpiece extroidanarees who never challenged the status quo? I believe that maybe he did challenge a few stories over the years but overall I would hate to be a talking head. It takes away any journalistic integrity or creativity when you cant write or say what you really feel. That is why my blogs would never make it to most op-eds. Rather was talking about being wary of  nationalism over patriotism. They are basically the same thing so why does everybody confuse issues in the intelligentsia world? The New York Times has pages and pages of articles just to fill up space in the dying dinosaur print media. Nationalism is good to have as a country but you have to watch out for the Ivan Drago Super SS types who feel that people should get wiped out just because of their genetic background and pedigree. When people start to act and play God as they continue to look down on the Untermensch or non Aryan blood types this is a recipe for disaster. Its ok to love your country and feel that you want to be the best and create exceptionalism and pride but not when you start to take innocent people out. That is never going to fly in the USA just to give the head sheds a heads up. These Nazis have infiltrated our society on every level and this is what has led to our current Eugenics program. Eventually the people behind these programs need to tried for crimes against humanity. The only people that should be wiped out are the scum of the earth Illuminati Robber barons who feel that they need to thin out the heard. God sees and judges all and he doesn't approve of that. If they continue on with this kind of mentality you are going to see a backlash of epic proportions much sooner rather then later. Nobody can play God just because you have billions of dollars of stolen money. I don't think that anybody can be a billionaire without being corrupt on some level. Its just too much money to be made legally. If you are playing with pernicious usury and are into money laundering then I can see how somebody can be a billionaire. So the money grubbing KBR cult operatives were spending money like doped up demons in Iraq and farming out their contracts to Foreign Nationals. What were they doing for the common folk in Americana? These Green Zone palatial palaces remind me of the Global Crossing's World Com's and Enrons of this former world. Companies that created wealth out of thin air just like a magician. I believe in civilian soldiers of the apocalypse as long as they can blend into the Military without causing backlash and animosity. If they go into Syria they need to surround the entire country and then start the Counter insurgence programs. Our Potus is right on the money- You have to listen to the Generals- The only thing civilian Potus's,  politicians and Ambassadors have done over the years is screw things up.
You can be a Patriot without being an extreme Nationalist I suppose. In other words if you disagree with aggressive Nationalist bellicose policies toward other countries then this would be the main difference. One can be a conscientious objector and never confuse dissent with disloyalty so there is a difference between the two so I stand corrected. Nationalists have been known to blindly follow and even carry out unlawful orders while Patriots stick to their guns with how they feel and what they really believe. 

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