Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Quote Of The Day

"Acting has been around as long as mankind- Politicians are actors of the first order-" Marlon Brando- It takes one to know one. Does this mean our Potus is an actor? I don't think so he seems pretty real. Infact he is a breath of fresh air. Lindsay Graham making believe that we may get hit again like 9-11 if we take troops out from overseas. This is the same smarmy actor that considered the AG position.
  How does taking some troops home endanger us stateside, these politicians try to use the same old tricks all over again. Nothing that comes from most of these people  is authentic, its the same boring script.  I am also not surprised that the Democrats are not giving our Potus credit for de escalating our presence in other countries. They aren't real people they are partisan, they cant give credit where it is due because then that wouldn't fit into their agenda.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

For Drunks Only

"Others live for the moment, they might as well be clams on the bottom of the ocean protected by their hard shell of indifference". Time is an illusion that is a non separation of two points of consciousness. That is why time doesn't matter and who ever got up the earliest has the most sobriety that day. Who said that? That right there is an illusion and more like a delusion because time does matter and anybody who says otherwise is not being on the up and up.
  Tell me more- Its the quality of time because the drunken horse thief who was locked up and stayed dry what others would call sober. The only reason he/she didn't use was because he didn't have any commissary. When he came out he was just another dry drunk convicted horse thief who ended up using again right away. Anybody that tries to sell the myth that we can all turn on a dime is selling fear not faith. This means that we can stay sober on yesterdays sobriety as long as we did the work up until that point. This also means that lapses or recurrences usually don't come out of left field. This is backed up by the Universal Law number 6 which states your actions today create your reality tomorrow. If somebody is miserable and dry one doesn't have as much to give that is why (A Vision For You) says we cant transmit something that we haven't got. That is why another great spiritual mystic told us to watch out for the wallowers who can end up taking somebody down into the mud with them if one isn't wise to their ways. Also don't put anybody up on a  pedestal just because they wrote a book. Some people use words that don't exist what is that all about?
   Their is an old saying don't drink and call your sponsor but lets delve a little deeper. Today we have a Smart phone addiction epidemic and the recovery rate seems to be lower then ever. In the olden days people didn't call their sponsor because their were hardly any phones around but they still got sober and back then there was a much higher recovery rate. What does this mean? Technology has made life more difficult in stead of easier. Ten years ago hardly anybody had a Smart phone now everybody seems to be glued to it 24/7 and they are still telling people to call their sponsor more then ever. We need to keep it simple, don't drink and go to meetings, if that doesn't work then go to meetings and don't drink. In the interim set up appointments with your trusted source. Ones phone doesn't have to be lighting up like a Christmas tree all the time because this can cause more harm then good. Anybody who states that if one uses after x amount of time they still didn't lose their initial sobriety date or (they didn't lose that time) is not being authentic. This means that they are selling myths and are clearly still part of the problem and not the solution. With shame or without it we need to surrender to win because in many cases our egos do need to be beaten into a state of reasonableness.  

Predictive Programming

"Its far easier to remember where to get information when you need it then to memorize the information itself-" Scott Witt- How to be twice as Smart-1983- long before the google machine of intel and potential dis info. "Silicon Valleys techies and their ever perfecting algorithms have discovered the form of bait that will have you jumping like a witless minnow-" Andrew Sullivan- I used to be a human being. Tribal Narcissism- Jeffry Kluger- "If war is politics by other means, sporting events are war by other means- Fans or fanatics- (BIRG- basking in reflected glory) fair weather fans where many disown their team if they are down or if they lose and refer in the third  person- they got beat- Once they are on top however it is my team or our team- predictive programming

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Statue Of Liberty

In our age there is no such thing as "keeping out of politics" All issues are political issues- George Orwell-  Knowledge without experience is philosophy, experience without knowledge is ignorance- Dr Joe D- The law of cause and effect is immutable- Do you have any profound quotes of your own? Some here and there but not off hand
   Their are starving children in Yemen and hungry college students at Cornell. The statue of liberty is kaput for many students strapped down with false hopes and dreams and college loan debt. The happiest people in the world come from countries with  socialist based educational systems. America ranks 13. There is something wrong with the big picture when private equity firms and hedge funds make a killing off of students that are just trying to survive. The Darwinian based model of the American dream is for the 1% who continue to  exploit the vulnerable. The same executives that should have went to jail 10 years ago are now targeting scholars who just want a degree or two. These loans are unrealistic when the balance that gets paid off is just the interest. It sounds a lot like the adjustable rate mortgage scam. So let me get this straight the greed mongers that should have went to jail a decade ago  had Uncle Sam do an intervention and  bail them out but nobody is helping out the students who aren't doing anything illegal. These schools need to become more affordable, even the little ivys and big Ivys. Potential false hopes and dreams shouldn't be marketed just so the fat cats can continue to exploit the struggling students that are just trying to survive

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Russia Hoax

"Whoever controls food exports controls the world" (Jacques Chonchol-) Who is that? I have no idea but you heard of Kissinger right? He stated-" control oil and you control nations control food and you control the people." This was around the same time Nixon upped the contamination process of our food supply. Around the turn of the 19th century five large companies controlled 55% of the market. Today about four companies control 80% of the market.
  Conspiracies have always been around. Upton Sinclair The Jungle- (Trusts) met in secret set prices and conspired to destroy the labor unions. Monopolies that got evened out by the antitrusters and competition flourished once again  just to return to the old ways after 1970 but it only got worse. There you have it processed food, high fructose corn syrup and surrepitiotios ingredients with plenty of sugar.
  What did you think about the Russia Hoax- Some profound quotes by Greg Jarett- Here are a few- "Comey mangled the rule of law and arrogated partisanship over principles" He stated that the Comey Mueller team botched the biggest case they ever handled- Anthrax case. The anti trump dossier seems to be manufactured by fusion gps contrived by a foreign national and they used unverified info to obtain a Fisa warrant. Any more profound quotes- Jarett wrote about Clarence Darrow- "There is no such thing as justice in or out of the court- the law had evolved into a horrible business." Any more intel- Yes- retired FBI agent Michael Biasello- "Comey singlehandedly ruined the reputation of the FBI-" The outcome was predestined by design, Comeys decision was cowardly"
   Exoneration before investigation is not what a professional investigator would do especially while employed at the highest levels of what is supposed to be our supreme law enforcement agency. Joe digenova stated " I don't think there is any doubt that Comey committed multiple crimes, obstruction of an investigation being one of them. The man who previously been asked to enforce the law against leakers became a notorious leaker himself. Clinton appears to have violated the espionage act among other crimes. Setting up an unclassified e-mail server that housed classified material- Changing grossly negligent to extremely careless- bold, brazen and arrogant enforcers of our rule of law. Another good quote from a great lawyer who's book will go down in the history books-"Ignorance and maladroitness are not defenses under the law-" Greg Jarett

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Science Of Mind

Whether one is Plato Plotinus or Socrates the end result is the same we are all united as one. All the great mystics have seen the cosmic light and Jesus was the greatest of them all. We are little Buddha's big Buddha's and everything else in between. We are warrior poets rock and roll mercenaries and soldiers of the apocalypse training for the possibility of  the end of all ages. Spiritual and unique- Ernest Homes- The Science Of Mind.- psychics usually have mixed reviews while the mystic intuitively perceives the truth.
  Emerson, Whitman the list is long and quite extensive. "(Poets have sung of the eternity of the soul while the saints and sages of the ages have assured us that man is an immortal being"386) And if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch, no wallowing in the mud.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Ego vs Soul

Ego vs soul- ego seeks to serve itself soul seeks to serve others. Ego seeks outward recognition soul seeks inner authenticity. ego seeks wisdom soul is wisdom. ego seeks to preserve itself, soul seeks to preserve others. ego is me, soul is we

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Billionares Boys Club

What is the difference between a fat cat war monger and an NFL owner? Not much the only difference is that in war people die however  in the NFL they are willing to give up their life.  Both the NFL owners and the fat cat war mongers are protected by the billionaires boys club and they take no prisoners. They both have executive protection and their only real interests are their own. They are used to getting protected but don't really care what happens to the warriors in the arena. In war the fat cat war mongers make a lot of green- (high speed lucrative overseas contracts with high returns). The more that they spend the more they make the exact opposite of the way a real business is supposed to run. It doesn't really matter how messed up the war plan was they still made a killing.
   The warriors in the NFL need guaranteed contracts and need to be taken care of. The average career of a player is 3 years and 60% of the players make the league minimum but  cant tap into their pension until their fourth year. Its kind of like the social security scam where they want you to die before you collect. The coddled billionaires boys club where most never even played the game. The warriors on the field risk life and  limb and the opiates are in abundant supply. Some also have equipment that are inferior to Div 1 programs.
   So what else are the greed mongers up to? Lets see addiction for kids- nicotine marketing as if nicotine inst addictive. Vapes nicotine may not kill you as quickly as the cigarettes with the tar and chemicals but who ever deemed Vapes as safe? The same people that stated that cigarettes weren't addictive and the same marketers who stated that opiates were safe and effective. Nicotine is still highly addictive and they already know this.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Ponzi Scheme

What other insights did you get out of the Hacking of the American Mind? This is one of the most important books of our time. Dr Lustig breaks down issues that aren't being addressed in other venues. Like which ones? All main stream outlets- "Corporate interests hate to back losers" WSJ-11-5.This means our vote doesn't really count because its all about how much money the hedge funds and private equity firms funnel to the various campaigns. Its all an illusion. Our vote counted in 2016 with our new populist president however. It looks like corporate interests stand by the side of the democrats that is why they may take both the house and senate.
   After these marketing and pr firms do all the damage that is when they admit their guilt. Like Purdue Pharma taking a big full page out in the WSJ explaining how they now know how addictive opiates are and that is why they are working on a less addictive opiate. Same with Big Tobacco- The actuaries predicted a death at 64 from smoking and they knew this but still presented cigarettes as safe and effective. Ponzi scam social security. The healthy people pay in when they are young just so they can die at 64 the year before they are supposed to collect. Dr Lustig states that their is collusion with the processed food industry but stops short calling it a conspiracy. There is data to back collusion as an individual business to make money but not on a large scale between them that is what differentiates collusion vs conspiracy. As more people are kept alive due to metabolic syndrome this is breaking  down the entire health care system. "When the base of the pyramid starts to crumble the whole structure collapses." Young people 10 years old type 2 diabetes- Tricky Dick one of the first politicians to increase the cheap processed food revolution. The most dangerous drug sugar high fructose corn syrup can be considered to be poison             .

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Chasing The Dragon

The Hacking of the American Mind- Robert Lustig MD- "What is better taking out one wasp at a time or taking out the entire wasp nest." We are currently putting band aids on gushing wounds in an attempt to fight the addiction epidemic. This epidemic encompasses all aspects of our life especially nutrition. Brilliant book that explains the dopamine and serotonin connection. Our dopamine receptors get down regulated and we develop a tolerance. This means we need more to get the same result ie- "chasing the dragon"
  Big processed food business- 1.46 trillion dollars per year 45% profit- marketing campaigns that have contaminated our food supply. 1950- Mcds- processed junk and high fructose corn syrup. If the epidemic of addiction has any chance of being addressed we need to change the treatment modality- Abstinence is not enough because of switching addictions. The fact that our rehabs don't address the cigarette addiction is indicative of the overall big picture. It is all about the dollars and cents, the marketers would have a hard time in their recruitment efforts if they told the potential client that they are going to stop smoking cigarettes as well. We need to take out the entire wasps nest and not put band aids on gushing wounds. Obesity, Type 2 diabetes and hypertension- Metabolic syndrome- Our contaminated food supply is what is contributing to the mental aberrations and symptoms of anxiety and depression. This leads to big pharma profits and high blood pressure pills. Our ailments are all mostly lifestyle related, epi genetic diseases but the big chain greed monger rehabs are not addressing this issue. They are also aiding and abetting in this epidemic by pushing heavy MAT programs that have already proven to do more harm then good in many cases.
 We need serotonin which leads to contentment because happiness doesn't stem from dopamine induced hedonic pleasures. We have children with type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease all because of no exercise, eating junk and sitting in front of the x-box. Sugar does the same thing that alcohol does and it is surreptitiously placed in the ingredients with names that are not recognizable as sugar.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Hostage To Our ego

New age spiritual mystics- AA made us whole but it is not our whole life. The last time you said its a bridge back to life but not your whole life you ended up under the influence. What about the soul who is convinced that he/she definitely is not god but is still being run by the egoic mind. We don't need to get out of ourselves or continually run to the rooms for solace because we already have source within but we must give it away to keep it. The three dimensional hamster wheel runners are always restless irritable and discontent. Some also always make a point that their only problem is the first  drink but its clear that by the way they carry themselves they have much bigger problems then that. That first sucker drink is what imminently occurs when people keep spinning their wheels on the three dimensional hamster wheel.
  One should rather want to transcend into a five dimensional astroplane mission through the celestial spheres.  Big pharma is a big problem, they disavow the epigenetic natural mind body connection and destroy our homeostasis. The investors are happy because this creates  recurrence rates that are through the moon and back. It also keeps the lab rats  miserable but accountable however  the labs become quite prosperous and content. Everything is natural energy that travels above and beyond the three dimensional hamster wheel. Once this becomes our reality we no longer have fear nor do we need to look out side of ourselves for approbation. Why do we need to look out side of ourselves that is what led us to jails institutions and homelessness. We are already whole so we don't need some med to prove this to us. The same so called conspiratorial forces that were dragging us down are actually the same angels that were always trying to raise us up through the power of ascension.
   One toke is too many and 1,000 is not enough while we are stuck on the lower frequency astral plane. Your vibe is your tribe, this is why the drug seekers get the electromagnetic pull directly toward the dealer man. The dealer man knows one when he sees one because in many cases he is one. Today we no longer have to be a slave or hostage to our ego. This means that there is no devil just our shadow self dressed up as one.

Organic and McD'S

What is the story with Organic by Peter Laufer? It's not a story when a dog bites man but it is when man bites the dog. An investigative journalist's quest to discover the truth behind food labeling. We should be grateful for many people out there who put in the work to uncover the hidden world that hides beneath most industries. It is much easier to regurgitate the info that other people pounded the pavement to uncover. He basically states that many of these third world countries are labeling food as organic shipping it into the US fraudulently and making bundles of doe in the process.
  90% of the diseases known to man are caused by cheap foodstuffs- You are what you eat (1923- telegram-) McDonald's sold 1.3 billion big macs last year. Americans are getting healthier that is why there was a sales slump. According to Ray Kroc Mcds helped drive Hojos off the map. It used to be "all things to all people-" WSJ- Organic definition on both sides of the Atlantic- ingredients free from chemical herbicides and pesticides and gmos- genetically modified- "There is a lot of greed and bs in the organic industry" pp-13- (somebody that is in the know) QAI- quality assurance international- big money putting their stamp of approval labeling organic. "China is the biggest fraud regarding organics that you can imagine-"14 This health industry has been hijacked by  corporate America- Its a sector that has grown so fast it has been co-opted by big business and its massive lobbying machine. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Quantum Questions

What did you think about Quantum Questions- mystical writings of the worlds greatest physicists? Deepak Chopra read Ken Wilber to be inspired by the most extraordinary mind of our times. The book was written in 1985-" Newtonian psychics is actually much closer in many ways to eastern mysticism then quantum physics pp-22- This seems to contradict Dr D's quantum's field and electromagnetic frequencies- He has proven just the opposite, the new paradigm is all about the shift toward the quantum fields. One needs to cause the effect just by thought alone, forget about Newtonian cause and effect karma because that is archaic.
  What do you think about Jordan Peterson? Not impressed he seems to be the new it guy the establishment has picked out to lead the way. I got an uneasy feeling about him when he was describing his "patients". What is everybody else in a hospital ward and he is on top of the therapeutic pedestal? My analysis was confirmed when he made a statement about Alex Jones and labeled him a fringe paranoid crackpot  alternative right type or something to that effect. He also had an insolent tone in his voice which pretty much summed up my initial reaction or first gut instinct about this man. Its pretty slim Pickens out there as far as people to admire that is for sure. The problem with the new age spiritual gurus is that they never delve into real issues. Its all about what you resist persists and if somebody upsets you then there is a problem with you and not them. Even the late Wayne Dyer, he went out to lunch with some astronaut who supposedly landed on the moon is that real or was that all an illusion?  Anybody who doesn't tell the entire truth as they know it is not somebody to be respected. A lot of these people have goodness about them but many people have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the moon hoax is just that a fantasy to make everybody feel good. Everybody knows it but not that many people speak about it, fear of ridicule etc.. Hollywood fantasy land and new age spiritual mystics. I used to respect Tony Robbins but he seems to be just another billionaire who drops f bombs and says don't worry about it because I am not your guru anyway.
   One has to be their own spiritual advisor of sorts because others are more then fallible and 9 times out of 10 they don't want to be put up on some spiritual hierarchy anyway. Who is one of the very few politicians out there that you have a good feeling about? That is a tough question because most of them make my skin crawl. I don't care how great of a speech Lindsay Graham made he will never be somebody I admire, way too smarmy and I will never forget how he didn't care how many people died in Syria. Ron Desantis is somebody who can make a difference. He wants to clean up the ocean's and do a lot more. What a difference between Desantis and Rick Scott.
    Big Pharma sell outs, the big question is when is Hillary and Huma Abedin going to get a target letter? We have somebody like Alex Jones who speaks truth to power and has a lot of courage but continues to get demonized and censored by these globalist corporate sheisters. People need to go to jail plain and simple, how many people died in this opiate war? More then any of the other wars combined, 700k and 65k last year alone. A Pa. coroner started to label deaths as homicides not accidental overdoses. That is a start because this elevates it into the criminal realm where it should have been all along. Criminal prosecutions, out of business signs, handcuffs and  prison time is the only way these greedy sociopathic corporate warlords and their world depopulation agenda will ever be stopped.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tools Of The Trade

Sometimes in the NYPD the only difference between the cop and the criminal is a badge. New York Times- (9-23)"His years wearing a badge in Brooklyn would prove to be on the job training for a second career as a purveyor of prostitutes and pimps, because of his familiarity with the tools of the trade and Vice. The dirty cops would tip off their associates when undercover officers were on the way. Detective Paz one of alleged dirty cops once stated- "It was a good job to protect the people, to be part of the good side not the bad" Thousands of hours of surveillance and recordings of conversations had been collected. The investigators at IAB took so long to make the arrest because of the secrecy involved. "Policing the police without tipping off the officers brings its challenges"
  Sex crimes and drug sale allegations at John Jay College of criminal justice- against the faculty-

Monday, September 24, 2018

Deep State Unmasked

What else did you learn from our former DNI's Magnum Opus? I learned that Cheney better known as chain gang or Darth Vader inserted his civilian capital into the military and injected it straight into the Pentagon. I checked out Lincoln by Spielberg and this only made me want to learn the straight story about the Civil War. Have no fears because Dr P always come through especially when we need him most. He explained that the Civil War was nothing more then (auto genocide) and that Lincoln was an unstable megalomaniac. Think about it what kind of Potus would instigate a major civil war kin vs kin where 600k American soldiers died? This was more then a criminal act and only dictators act that way especially when the war had nothing to do with liberating the slaves.  Barbaric, no medics and many of our soldiers died from infections gangrene etc..
   Deep State unmasked DSA- Democratic Socialists of America- lets f s up total abuse of tax payers money and unbridled arrogance- James O'Keeffe went undercover where these people are exposed for who and what they are. Project Veritas- doing great work for many years. No second hand anonymous bogus sources and no he said she saids- We get to hear it straight from these people who seem to have contempt for our rule of law.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Addictions Come Full Circle

Weaponized food intel apparatus as well as tech gadgets- high fructose corn syrup supposedly more addictive then cocaine and heroin. Preservatives hard to digest turns into fat. Since 1950 our food supply has been tainted with junk, high profit motive and solution based cancer industry diabetes etc.. Big pharma and Silicon Valley hooks- meds for high blood pressure etc..
  (Hooked- Nir Manipulation matrix- VC companies with the best and brightest figuring out ways to turn us into zombies- Opiate addiction analogy- Are you building a vitamin or a painkiller- clichéd question in VC circles- The answer is always a painkiller where 65k people have passed on last year alone because of addictive and deadly opiates. This is because painkillers solve obvious need and have quantifiable markets. Build painkillers not vitamins- Hegelian Dialectic- problem- reaction- solution. Hook model gets people addicted to their tech gadgets-
  The Dealer- "creating a product that the designer does not believe improves the users life and that he himself wouldn't use is called exploitation". The tech wiz bangs with all of the brains wouldn't let their kids use these products- X box Smart grid- Zuch Town- the incessant need to smoke cigarettes in what used to be the majority of the population has been replaced by a nearly equal compulsion to constantly check our electronic devices. Purdue Pharma now wants to sell a less addictive opiate after decimating populations in Appalachia and destroying a generation of addicted souls. Psychological profit motive- Tribal Validation fb, Twitter, instagram- hook cycles- dopamine surges these people have it all figured out. Internal and external triggers- "Connecting internal triggers with a product is the brass ring of technology" Great book very insightful and well researched.
      Connecting the dots from all of the angles of addiction comes full circle- Good habits and bad habits- Something done with little or no conscious thought. "Building a habit forming product is an in iterative process that requires user behavior analysis and continuous experimentation." Most people don't get addicted but many people do.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Truth To Power

"As long as one doesn't put the cart before the horse the world can be your oyster" Any more profound quotes- yes- "Comey is going down the dirty cop is going down-" Joe di Genova- Dirty feds with book and movie deals- now McCabe is getting in on all of it with a tell all book. Unwritten law of intelligence- "Speak straight unbiased intelligence truth to power and the leave the business of policy making to the policy makers" Does the former head of the DNI say anything else of significance? So far he maintains that one must keep a low profile in the intel business. Under the radar and shouldn't be giving speeches or appearing on talking head shows nor giving interviews.
  He did state that books may not be a great idea but I don't mind if they do write because I like to learn from these former spooks. I just don't know if I am getting the straight story or dis info to fit their agenda. He seems to have respect for our former Commander in Chief and even referred to Obama as humble.
A quote from Comey's predecessor Robert Mueller as FBI Director and now the head shed of the Russia investigation-  "I love everything about investigations, I love the forensics, I love the fingerprints and the bullet casings and all of the rest"

Monday, September 17, 2018

Convergence Of Evidence

Convergence Of Evidence- Sounds a lot like slam dunk WMD's according to Madam President.
  What else is going on- Hollywood phonies and hypocrites- Jim Carey believes that socialism is the way to go even though he had a manifestation to earn $10,000,000 within a few years and surprisingly the check became a reality when he made Dumb and Dumber- I tried to watch Bruce Almighty but it was definitely dumb and dumber and I had to turn it off. There is a huge disconnect with some of these people. How is it that socialism and global warming is a reality to these multi millionaires in Hollywood-
     Colbert talked about the opiate epidemic but it just seems that they are over the hill and far away. I don't like that they cant give credit where it is due. To me this means that they don't have the ability to tell the truth. Their entire life seems to be an act or a script based off what the SAG unions push for. The fact that they cant seem to write scripts without people getting killed or dropping f- bombs  says a lot about where they have been. Madam Secretary is refreshing, I am pleasantly surprised with everything about it. A husband of the Secretary of State who isn't into serial cheating Me Too and actually tries to do the right thing. "For once politics should take a back seat to doing the right thing"

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Robber Barons And War Junkies

Standard Oil Antirust- "it takes time to crush men who are pursuing legitimate trade- but one of Rockefellers most impressive characteristics is patience- he was like a general who besieging a city surrounded hills, views from a balloon nothing was too small, corner grocery store etc.. Ida Tarbell- 1905- meet Lina Khan who compares Rockefeller to Bezos.
   What do you think about James Clappers new book so far- Facts and Fears- Not bad ones entire history should be taken into account. Pentagon Truism- "every nation is preparing to fight its last war." He is quite accomplished, a long and dedicated career. He talked about the pick up basketball game against Dan Quale and how he let his team win. Why would you let somebody win just because he is the VP? I wouldn't trust Quayle in a foxhole how did he ever become VP? Clapper seems to be politically correct, we didn't need that as a former DNI leader. He seems to be a decent man but definitely in the rear with the gear. I never heard any of these people talk about how dumb our previous wars have been. Gulf War 1- Stormin Norman- Iraq invaded Kuwait- and it quickly escalated from Desert Shield to Desert Storm- Stormin Norman was complaining about the area imagery intel photos- no wide area imagery photos- like looking through a patch of land through a soda straw. These people knew that Vietnam was unwinnable because of what the French experienced but they escalated it anyway. If that wasn't bad enough they did the same exact thing to our troops in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom-
    What do you think about Dr P's assessment that  many of these people are sociopaths- and that John Bolton is more then likely the source of the anonymous op-ed leak in the New York Times? For starters people shouldn't be anonymous because right off the bat they are being shady and untrustworthy. Secondly I believe Dr P is right on the money and I take back my assessment that he wasn't right about Obama probably being a sociopath. I looked into Bolton's eyes last year during one of his war junky tirades and I knew that I was witnessing a crazed war dog. The only thing these people know is war so they are just going to do what they have always done. Peace bores  the hell out of them but they are never the ones who end up getting killed or wounded. Dr P stated that Bolton subjugates his subordinates while kissing up to the higher ups-

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Madam President

"(When you find yourself where there is no integrity in the situation that you are in that one must find it from within and then change the world right where you are standing. Madam President) Wouldn't it be great if we had a secretary of state who didn't make up cover stories and then get ambassadors killed. The Trump train doesn't stand down and they don't get  ambassadors killed. The Trump Train doesn't make excuses of war bs effigies of burned out Mohammad's and continue to lie to the American people
  What could be worse then not providing enough executive protection or listening to the warriors that have been there before. Dirty dossiers and lying to a federal judge on four separate occasions. The corruption level is off the charts, when are people going to start getting indited? Fraud on the court

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Attack on We The People

Is it true that Clintons planned parenthood cronies believe in abortion up until 9 months? I don't know but these people are beyond disturbing. UN global population control, how many more felonies are these people going to commit. Title 18 under the US constitution. What about the late not so great John McCain is it true that he supplied the dirty dossier intel to Brennan and their globalist cronies in an to attempt to rig the election for Hillary? Are you speaking badly about a deceased POW war hero? I am going to side with our Potus on that- "I like people who weren't captured."
  What is your feeling about the pig socks worn by Colin K, the guy who sucks as qb and now is speaking badly about our law enforcement? He wore pig socks as if to say our cops are pigs, that guy is beyond disturbing. He may have a legal right to do this  but he just sealed his own fate. I hope the money Nike threw at him was worth being known as a lowlife and a degenerate. What does it say about Nike that they would hire a thug like this? George Soros, Antifa, radical anti American, their days are numbered. Our cops, fireman and our military vets are the real Americas hero's. I don't consider guys that throw footballs  for a living and crash into each other at high speeds in the same category. It is a good distraction (bread and circus) and decent entertainment but when you have an overpaid punk that has the audacity to attract attention to himself and then wears pig socks in reference to our cops we have serious problems. The NFL is sinking anyway, too many burned our boy banders at halftime and their commercial breaks are way too long. We are tired of Hollywood and their mindless violence as well as their pedophilia. Also we are tired of morons like Colin K. who insult our leos. We are also getting a little pissed off by continually being lied to by our media and with all of the degenerate low life greedy globalist politicians who just committed multiple felonies in an attempt to try to rig an election and frame our Potus. Any attack on our Potus by the media is an attack on We The People. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

Disconnect From Academia

quotes of the day- "before enlightenment chop wood carry water after enlightenment chop wood carry water- Silence is the way of the warrior". "The war machine has fallen silent and the summer hum of insects fills the air" Shooting Ghosts- on the Gaza strip- We have wanna be politicians who aren't experts in geopolitics who want to abolish ICE-
  We are living in bizarre times, lets take a look at the drug war before we examine other wars. We have 65k people dying each year from ods from a drug that is labeled a schedule 2 meaning less dangerous then (Ibogaine considered a schedule 1 the most dangerous) a drug that is non addictive, rewires the brain and eliminates the withdrawal effects of opiates and other drugs.  Schedule 1-through 5- According to the big pharma rep opiate pills were safe and effective and pseudo addiction was the name of the game. Ibogaine is illegal and people cant even do it within the US what is wrong with this picture? There is a solution- prescribe drugs which cause the maladaptive behavior and suicide and homicide ideation. These are drugs with no clinical efficacy. Actually they do the job they give people chemical lobotomies dwis and make them forget what day of the week it is. Now everybody has co-occurring disorders,
 this means we need different drugs to ween us off the drugs we are coming off of. Also one has to stay on the meds interminably, that is part of the protocol otherwise peoples brains go haywire.
    What is going on with the other wars? Never listen to somebody who talks or writes about war that has never been there before. Unless they are getting intel from real soldiers then its useless. I never read or listen to people who talk about our mid east campaigns in a way that our real soldiers have. The Future of War by Lawrence Freedman written by an English academic, an Oxford type who seems to embody the reality of academia's establishment.  It's not up close and personal, a total and complete disconnect from UK's finest. Lets listen to real warriors- "TJ was blown up by a member of the Afghan police, misguided futility of the Afghan campaign- the very forces Americans were trying to help secure their country- Hemland Province- It was considered the least strategically important with only 20% of the population but 20% of Americas military resources were devoted to it. In 2015 Helmand became the biggest producer of opium then ever before. Rather then bringing peace and stability the intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan have only made things worse.
     What did our Potus state about Iraq? During the campaign for Potus he stated that the war was wrong and we never should have been there and he doesn't care if he loses for saying it. He also stated recently that Americas invasion of Iraq was the single worst decision of all time. Times are changing for the better. If our vets are killing themselves because of the meds that are being prescribed there are going to be big problems on the horizon.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Rebirth- "learn to die and you shall live, for there shall be none who learn to truly live who have not learned to die-"  What does that really mean? It's living the Buddha life I suppose. Science is not dead it just needs to be tweaked. Science has the answer and in many ways is the answer. Dr D Universal meditation is spiritual based backed by real science. The new science of spirituality can and will change everything.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Madam Secretary

quotes of the day- "Sessions has no command presence and Christopher Wray is an empty suit-" Joe di Genova- What is the story with the new Socialists? If the new socialists want to have capitalism spread toward more then just the one percent then what is all of the duality about? The new socialists supposedly know that socialism in a totalitarian government owned scenario doesn't work and believe in a more fair and balanced system then they shouldn't complain against the Trump Train-
  The Trump Trains entire campaign was based off of creating wealth and abundance for the masses so why does the left continue to make up pernicious lies? This is because their is a big difference between the left and liberalism- The left are nasty liars, liberals are fair and balanced. The left consist of the main stream media anarchists who continually misrepresent the facts- Chris Mathews stated that our Potus was guilty of(high crimes and misdemeanors)  One day in the not too distant future the press is going to have to be honest otherwise their will be legal repercussions- Fox news continues to do a great job contrary to some intel analysts that claim otherwise. They are hitting home runs with the majority of their investigative journalists- Hannity, Sarah Carter- Greg Jarett- I was impressed that Maria Bartiroma is aggressively seeking facts as we get closer and closer to the Deep States demise. Judicial Watch- Many people are making us proud because they are doing the best they can under the circumstances. Judge Jeanine is never going to stop asking questions until people are indicted.
  Wouldn't it be great if we had a real Madam Secretary working for we the people. Somebody like Tea Leoni- beautiful, integrity all about god and country doing the right thing and not full of self. Somebody that doesn't have a money laundering scam that robs from the poor people of Haiti. Wouldn't it be great if we could eventually have faith in our FBI and DOJ?  Our AG is so out to lunch it is beyond the pale- Its all politics, he wrote a Tweet that made zero sense. He is not going to be influenced by political considerations- What is that supposed to mean? We the people want a real investigation of the investigators that blatantly took advantage of our intel apparatus and many peoples lives were ruined as they tried to rig an election and frame our Potus. They have been doing this for years, not only does this  need to end it is going to end. The best is the non paid interneship working for the Clinton scam-  The left pushed for a minimum wage increase until it directly affects them. Taking advantage of vulnerable students coming out of school, many have no choice because they want experience and a decent resume. Working for the biggest money laundering operation in our nations history for zero pay could be a good place to start I suppose.  

Full Battle Rattle

Some people were born to fly others were born to win-  Some people are warrior poets and some people actually even know it. Changiz was born to win. I was 38 years old with a thirst for war,  I couldn't wait to get out to battle simulation. This is where I met Changiz- I didn't fire rounds down range with him, I actually kind of suck at shooting however I did live with Changiz. He was so humble and down to earth it was an honor to meet and get to know him.
  I stumbled across Battle Rattle- New Book,  Changiz life story as a warrior. His resume is amazing, the man is down to earth salt of the earth. Operation Eagle Claw- He was on a one man spy mission during the hostage crisis with 52 American diplomats in Iran. Trained the Muj in Pakistan and Afghanistan- Trained them to fight the Soviets- A Team- ODA- 5th group- Operation Desert Storm- in 91- 12 years later his convoy was ambushed on the way to Fallujah- He was also 50 meters away from the Blackhawk that went down in Somalia- 93- Blackhawk- Down- I would feel safe with Changiz as SAC for any and all high level threat executive protection details- Changiz also gained intel on the Blind Sheik Omar- The first towers bomber mastermind while working for an FBI anti terrorist unit.
   In 02 he dressed as a Pashtun farmer in the eastern white mountains of Afghanistan to locate Bin Laden for cia. SF legend and legion of merit award and multiple purple hearts, multiple US Army achievement medals. 6 joint service medals from FBI Dept of State- DEA. Nominated for induction to Military Intel Hall Of Fame- "Cited as the finest NCO to ever serve in Special Forces-" Somebody who exemplifies the American dream"

Friday, August 31, 2018


Anne Coulter has a new book, she is smart and seems to have a good personality. She mentioned that the elites loved Obama and he was their Fred Astaire. If you are going to be the establishment's darling you still have to play by the rules. If you are going to be a fed then act  like a fed, not with rogue third and fourth world banana republic tactics. These feds are dirty, they are an embarrassment to our great nation and they need to be held accountable. Their is no way they are going to be able to put this genie back in the bottle because full transparency is coming much sooner rather then later.
   We have one main stream media outlet and this includes nobody in our print media that are giving us the real facts what does this say about our current state of affairs. When one is a monopoly they can control and manipulate in various ways, but not for that much longer. The new AG from NY looks like my fifth grade teacher who always sent me to the principles office for reasons that were less then legitimate. Maybe they were legitimate but it is obvious what the southern district of NY is all about, a two tiered bias criminal justice system. Loretta Lynch abomination to the rule of law. Schenedleman, woman abuser and claimed that he was the law.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Dirty Feds

Comey cronies- Real Clear Investigations- Paul Sperry- The FBI prematurely closed the investigation into Hillary Clinton based on political motivations and lied to the American people when they insisted days before the 2016 election that the  agency had reviewed all of the communication found on the lap top. Only 3000 of 694k e-mails were reviewed for incriminating info. Comey told congress thanks to the wizardry of our technicians they were able to eliminate the vast majority of messages as "duplicates". Advanced de duplicating technology is of dubious veracity. This is how they claimed to investigate at such a rapid pace. Can't review 650k e-mails in such a time frame. Strzok- f them to oversight committee on the Hill. Federal statute called for (grossly negligent,) this was changed to non criminal (extremely careless-)
  No Damage Assessment- in public testimony Comey claimed to have left no stone unturned. Damage assessment is required by law and this is what judicial Watch is suing for. They are doing the job of oversight and what the feds should have been doing all along. We need to know how Clintons negligence was a threat to our national security. FBI whistleblower was ordered to delete all images off of the laptop hard drive and wipe clean all of Clintons e-mails that he copied on to his workstation.

Sanctimonious Fraud

Comey never liked or respected bullies but never stood up to them. When you get called out by a bully one is never supposed to stand down because this shows cowardice. Grade school children respect people who aren't afraid but Comey seemed afraid. Otherwise he would have fought to earn respect and this is usually when bullies either back down or they don't fight as hard. He was correct by stating that real leadership doesn't have anything to do with threats or intimidation but that doesn't mean one should stand down to bullies. Not only that he didn't speak the highest truth as our former FBI director.
   Comey was making it appear that we live in a fairy tale of greatness as a nation but this isn't based in what is real. Our Potus is a straight shooter, the upper echelons  of the FBI and DOJ are not. They are dirty and continue to manipulate the press with yellow journalism. Russia is not our enemy and if I were to surmise I would state that our President's adversaries are the real war mongers. These are the people who continually make up half truths and spin while trying to sell fear. Oreilly stated that Putin is a killer and our Potus responded by stating "there are a lot of killers do you think our country is so innocent"? Comey needs to lose the holier then thou act, Thomas Paine is calling him out for 28 counts of Treason. That is The American Intelligence Media. So is America that great? Not based on the way we launched wars and what we did to the Indians. We have a military that dealt arms to Iraq during the first gulf war and then our soldiers got debilitating illnesses from gulf war syndrome. Our Potus is trying to make America great and not engage in this type of behavior to our own people. And our deep state rogue agencies are still out to get our Potus, somebody that is really trying to make a difference and already has. He doesn't claim to be perfect but at least he doesn't lie to us like the rest of our unscrupulous predecessors

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Quote Of The Day

"(What kind of man is this an AG that did not take control of the Justice Dept-" Potus Trump quote) We are living in a time where priests abuse little boys under the name of god and we have newly sworn in AGs that quote the wrong statutes to recuse themselves from investigations. Real Clear Investigations- Paul Sperry- Comey lied to the American people when he insisted days before the election that his agency had reviewed "all of the communications found on Clintons secret server. Only 3,000 of the 694k e-mails were reviewed for either classified or incriminating info- Comey told congress "thanks to the wizardry of our techs the FBI was able to eliminate the vast majority of messages as duplicates. Tireless agents then worked night after night after night to scrutinize the remaining material." "Virtually none of his account was true." Unauthorized unsecure server officials in  Washington tried to bury the new trove of evidence" "Under a federally mandated damage assessment directive classified intel was improperly stored and transmitted-" The FBI did not refer the matter to the US intel agencies-
   Important parts of the investigation remained open when Comey prematurely declared that the case was wrapped up in front of congress- According to a senior FBI official no real investigation was conducted. FBI soft-pedaled the original investigation of Clinton e-mails and suppressed the follow up probe related to the laptop. Strzok didn't obtain warrant until 10-30-16- violating Dept policy edited warrant affidavit-on his home e-mail account- bypassing FBI system- Then proceeded to draft an exoneration statement before conducting the search. Warrant was limited in scope- excluded any messages exchanged before or after 2009-13- how convenient. Contrary to Clinton supporters who feel opening up the e-mail case before the election was what caused her to lose Comey opened it up  only because his hand was forced. AG Lynch ordered a rush through the evidence.
   Why did Comey break protocol and arbitrarily decide to not turn the info over to the DOJ? The FBI deals with evidence and facts and then the DOJ decides if charges are to be brought just like the DA's of various municipalities. Since Lynch's credibility was questioned this was Comey's explanation, the entire thing is a charade and a mockery of our criminal justice system, the same system everybody else must abide by under penalties of fines or arrest. Non criminal statute extremely careless why not move to Venezuela- Third and Fourth world countries system of greedy politicians and sworn law enforcement officials who are hypocritical and utilize a double standard. Every democrat should want justice to be levied evenly across the board because this should have nothing to do with partisan politics. If we don't straighten out this mess ie-  two tiered criminal justice system our country is going to continue to break down in every way.

Church Cover Up- Grand Jury

Church sex abuse cover up-" corroborating accounts of victims and illustrating the organized cover up by senior church officials that stretched in some cases all the way to the Vatican." Pa- grand jury report with many victims and some  that are still coming forward. Abuse- period of 70 years. Pa. more grand juries investigations then any other state. Internal investigation cover up- "priests were raping little boys and girls, and the men of god who were responsible for them not only did nothing, they hid it all for decades." WSJ- 

Friday, August 24, 2018

A Higher Loyalty

What did you think about A Higher Loyalty? It was a good book Comey comes across as a clean cut boy scout above and beyond reproach. He was somewhat concerned because he never saw our Potus smile. Comey seems to have a positive outlook on life and knows the difference between confidence and cockiness. Was the book all smoke and mirrors? I don't know Greg Jarrett seems to think so and so do many others. He stated that he never leaked classified info because his Intel  was not only marked unclassified it was released to the press through his source after he became  a private citizen. Once he got fired from the FBI he claims that he was no longer bound by the same rules and laws. He talked about the Imposter Complex- This is when we fear that if people really knew us they wouldn't like us very much. It was hard not to develop an affinity and respect for our former FBI Director after reading his book.
  What else did you learn, Comey may have come across as a boy scout that is all about fidelity bravery and integrity but then again so did Robert Hansen. Comey was a federal prosecutor in Manhattan and worked to put many high profile mobsters away. He mentioned that Giuliani was somewhat of a superstar back in the day, he earned a fierce  reputation for prosecuting some members of  the maphia as well. Sammy the Bull and a few others. Comey made it very clear that the Feds are never supposed to mix intel and politics. "The intel committee does facts the White House does politics and spin." He made a reference to the bad intel for the Iraq War. He was also humble enough to admit that his work as a high ranking prosecutor wasn't enough for 5 children headed to college and this is why he went to work in the private sector.  He also had some profound quotes, he seems to be a philosopher of sorts.  Here is one by Churchill- "In wartime truth is so precious that she should always be protected by a bodyguard of lies." 

Monday, August 20, 2018

Change The World

If we want to change the world we need to make our bed because a messy bed means a messy head. When one is on the Teams the only easy day was yesterday because it pays to be a winner. If we want to change the world we need to learn how to swim with the sharks. I was never on the Teams and I don't have any children but our Potus made us proud by revoking Sean Brenan's security clearance.  He didn't embarrass my children if I had any and I am sure many people feel the same way. Brennan came across like he had the secret sauce and that maybe Putin had something on our President, this to me seems like a complete abuse of power.
  So far I am not very impressed with the Washington Post because I would rather listen to real crime fighters, like somebody who was the DA of Westchester County. That is and was a county with a lot of crimes to prosecute. So far I know that Brennan was a communist what is that all about. Saul Alinsky tactics, how did we go so far down the scale into moral turpitude.   

Friday, August 17, 2018

Shane The Highlander

Shane was a floppy eared red Doberman, the cutest one around. His bud was named Kona another floppy eared red Doberman. Shane did a lot of good for many people and Kona learned to love him as well. Kona was on his way out with cancer and only three legs. I used to go running with Kona with him in that condition, it didn't seem to bother him much. On the last day of Shane's life he wanted to roll with the big boys. The big boys in this case were Jake another beautiful k-9 that made everybody happy. I let Shane know that he couldn't roll with the big boys because he had heartworm and he was just too old. No dog wants to be told that he is too old especially Shane. He came up to the top of the driveway and asked if he could partake in a neighborhood run but was told to go home.
  That evening Shane burst into my door with a terrible sound that was emanating all the way down into and through his soul. I couldn't do much except give him water, by then I knew it would be just a matter of time. I will never forget how he burst through my door  letting me know that it was his time. As I look back I feel that maybe he was showing appreciation and gratitude for helping to give him a good life full of joy and warmth. He was picked out of a litter from a Doberman farm in the Poconos.  Dobermans don't live that long, hip dysplasia among other things. This is a celebration of a great and beautiful dog named Shane. Every dog dies but not every dog gets the chance to really live. 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Diagnosed Sociopath

The US is supposed to be different from third world countries, it was founded in response to the corruption that held together the British government. Kevin Ship thinks that Hillary Clinton is a sociopath maybe even worse. What could be worse then a sociopath? I don't know maybe a sociopath that acts out their thoughts. Title 18 USC-  Felonies, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, Misuse of classified information, lying under oath, destruction of subpoenaed e-mails, obstruction of a criminal investigation these people are real winners. Comey- obstruction of justice in a serious espionage case not to mention covering up for HSBC what should have been major criminal prosecutions with people going away for a very long time. Instead they settled for a pittance of a civil fine in aggregate to how much money they laundered from drug running and financing terrorist organizations. Loretta Lynch cover up, the AG who just continued on the corruption of the Holder Obama era. This is so bad it is almost not believable but Ship and many others are standing by these facts.
  Uranium 1 20% of our Uranium that went to Russia  and a secret e-mail server with intel going to China according to Ship. Exoneration before investigation turning what should have been a gross negligence charge into a non criminal (extreme carelessness.) Thanks a lot Comey and the rest of you arrogant FBI and DOJ officials who should be in shackles right now. Subverting our constitution and the rule of law, this from people that were sworn to uphold it. Comey concealed 700,000 e-mails from congress.  Sessions our new AG recused himself from the Russia investigation which put it in the hands of the FBI- Blaming the opposition for something that they are guilty of these people are hard core criminals. Fake Steele dossier not worth the paper it was printed on used to fraudulently obtain a FISA warrant and lying to a federal judge on 4 separate occasions. False affidavits and leaks to the press these people do whatever they want because they are the law. Fruit from the poisoned tree and Mueller is still wasting we the peoples time with all of this.
  ME Thomas diagnosed sociopath and trial lawyer- "The thing with sociopaths is that we are largely unaffected by fear- besides the nature of the crime is of no moral concern to me, I am interested in only winning the legal game". What did Hillary do laugh when she got off the child rapist and then CNN covered this up for her by stating that she really didn't do this. This is bad news and is only going to get worse.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Dry Drunk From Southport

'We were perfectionists who failing to attain perfection had gone to the other extreme and settled for the bottle and the blackout-" AA Comes Of Age- The dry drunk from Southport was trying his hand in the rooms and it wasn't working out so well. The old timer gave him a dose of reality a little while back- "You are full of you know what because around here we don't care who you know we shoot straight from the hip and straight from the heart because nobody is paying us by the hour."
   The dry drunk needed his benzos and everything else in between and didn't have a problem telling everybody how and why he needed his meds. The dry drunk still had two therapists on retainer and continued to go on tangents. Anything more then three minutes is bs and pontification, he had a lot of bs. The old timer told him that he fit right into the Southport scene because that is where Comey is from. Irish blarney stone, arrogance, insolence and condescension. What happened to we don't engage in any political controversy the dry drunk stated? I am just calling a spade a spade, the dry drunk said that he read A Higher Loyalty and has a lot of respect for Comey. What are you kidding me I am no longer your spiritual advisor the old timer stated.
  I heard through the grape vine that you were into Buddhism the dry drunk rambled, this means that you cant refuse to help me especially if you took an oath to Bodhisattva This means that all suffering and sentient beings must be helped. My roots go back to the Mayflower and I also read a lot about Buddhism- The noble eight fold path- right view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort mindfulness and meditation. The old timer reiterated that it doesn't matter who you know or how much you think you know I don't want anything more to do with you. That is my choice and I am sticking to it. I already gave you my advise what more can I do. I will continue to give you my thoughts if and when you ask me. Do you think you are smarter then the doctors why do you have a problem with me taking my anxiolytics? Its a slippery slope and you have been sliding on one your entire life, it may be too late for you to wake up and smell the rose buds.  Benzos are narcotic and even if they weren't they would still be persona non grata in my view. Find somebody else that wants to hear your bs and maybe you can manipulate them like you are trying to do to me. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Founding Fathers

Tell me more about Gingrighs book- He is smart and had some great quotes, here are a few of the highlights- "In Washington if you can name the capitals of 42 countries you were thought of as a sophisticated person. If you know the appropriate wine to drink in each of these countries you are a superstar. Whether the info is useful is of secondary concern to displaying that you know stuff and therefore you must belong in the club" "Trump wants to set aside the abstract establishment theories and get to what makes up the real world"
  He explained how Mark Bowden from Blackhawk Down became a sports reporter and discovered that the players didn't like the sports reporters very much. One can see why, their job is to critique and criticize up in the stands especially when many never even played the game. However if they continually misrepresented the facts they would be out of a job in short order. For some reason "news reporters  face  no consequences for consistently misrepresenting politics."
   Newt Gingrighs was a history professor but he knows a lot about geo- politics unlike many of the types that are in academia. Some are very good but it looks like the prevailing theme is a bias left winged agenda. Considering higher level education continually places people in seemingly interminable debt one would think that the fair thing to do would be to not have a propaganda based motive on these college campus's that are placed both far and wide. He broke down how NAFTA was a terrible deal for we the people but great for the political pundits and rich benefactors. Special interest and multinational companies, this is becoming the prevailing  theme  and  more apparent in where America went wrong in the past.
  So let me get this straight our Potus is doing the best he can to turn things around but continually gets vilified  in the press by CNN and MSNBC- Print media doesn't appear to be doing him any favors. Does this mean that they really are the (enemy of the people?)He is not too far off, if they continually utilize yellow journalism and are trying to impeach a man who knows how to make things work what would you call this? Gingrigh knows a great deal about our founding fathers as well. " The founding fathers had a passionate belief in the rule of law. As the protectors of the weak, the bulwark against corruption, the guarantor of a reliable process of commerce and life itself. We have to restart the sanctity of the law against political corruption, bureaucratic tyranny and judicial dictates" We are supposed to function differently then  third world countries, that is what has separated us from  places  that are filled with it. Our crony capitalist special interest culture breeds theft and dishonesty. The fraudulent Russian investigation where multiple felonies appear to have  been committed is a perfect example of this.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

No I in Team

How did you like Understanding Trump by Newt Gingrich? I liked it very much, he is a good writer and I will now read some of his other books. What were the good points? The entire book had good points and great quotes. I used to not like him that much but this book has changed all of that. Why didnt you like him that much in the past? I thought that maybe he was just another capital crony living high on the hog, just another main stream media pundit. How many books were written by these people over the years, they basically write thier own history based on what they want us to believe.
  Were thier any negative points to the book? Yes- two, that he respects our AG and that addiction needs MAT to treat. For starters our Potus Tweeted that our AG acted like a coward by recusing himself for an investigation that he should have been supervising. Why was he hired to stand down? Not only that Sessions is way off base with this opiate epidemic and all of the money that he makes by incarcerating people into the public and private prison system. Not everybody is an addict, that means that chronic pain patients shouldnt be deprived of thier meds. Comitting suicide because they cant get meds for legitimate chronic pain, our AG also wants to lock up weed smokers how pathetic can you get.
   Also as far as legitimate critisism Gingrich stated that in academia the left tries to brainwash the students into believeing that all of our wars have been based off of neo-colonial imperialistic hegemony and that capitalism is a formidibale foe that needs to be abolished. Capitalism should never be abolished but the left is right on the money with the war machine and its greedy benefactors. Lets take a look at Halliburton- The more you spend the more money that you make is that real capitalism? That is a rigged system based off of counterfeit currency, they get a percentage of the entire contract so they make sure that the contracts are fat and large. In a real business you have to run a tight ship and turn off the lights, waste not want not, our Potus knows this that is why he is turning everything around. He knows how to build and has real people skills unlike his predessecors.
     He uses the word we during his speecehes because its not about him anymore, how many times did Obama use the word I?  Thier is no I in team but our previous leaders never had a clue about this, that is why thier ship is sinking fast. Thier rigged elections and witch hunts are coming to an end much sooner rather then later. Our top Law Enforcement officials shouldnt be involved with crowny capitalism and a  bias slanted political agenda. We are proud to be a bible clinging gun loving flag waving deplorable.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Spear Of Destiny

Buddhism Plain and Simple- "During the Civil war, both sides claimed the support of god. God cant be for and against the same thing at the same time" Lincoln- Socrates supposedly said  "when you fight for truth as you fight for breath come back and I will teach you." I thought that Socrates said that "the only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing".  So how can he teach anybody anything if he doesn't know anything?
   Maxine Waters claims that god sent her to get Potus Trump- She should retire, uncivilized, low class, condoning violence against the Deplorables and making the democrats look like a bunch of loose cannons. Potus Trump is the Highlander from the clan Macleod and has the Spear of Destiny on his side. This means that he is immortal. Giving Back- "He has struck something better then gold. He may not see at once that he has barely scratched a limitless lode which will pay dividends only if he mines it for the rest of his life and insists on giving away the entire product" pp129

Thursday, July 26, 2018

What Have We Done

US politics are riven by the utter mistrust that many voters feel for the elites who govern them and by the concept many of the elites feel for the voters" 94- What did Peter Strzok say that he could actually smell the deplorables at Walmart? He is FBI he isn't supposed to create an insurance policy and attempt to change the course of history. He is supposed to be non partisan especially as FBI second in command. What did you think about Mind Hunter?
   Excellent- the origin of the BAU in the 70's based off of John Douglas the founder. Getting inside the deviant criminal mind can make one go  crazy and that is why he had a meltdown during the last episode. They also had the OPR- Office of Professional Responsibility interviewing the young wunderkind. The OPR, isn't that the same office that recommended Andrew McCabe's firing? Yes- What else, what is the latest intel?  The latest is that the VA was giving the wrong type of therapy. Prolonged exposure therapy supposedly can do  more harm them good- Prolonged exposure therapy can traumatize the veterans all over again. That is why they now  recommend yoga and emdr. A quote from Shooting Ghosts- "TBI is a physical albeit invisible injury where the brain is damaged causing changes in cognitive function mood and behavior. Then there is moral injury which causes wounds to  the soul. Reasons for being sent there unraveled destroying any sense that it ever served a greater good." I want to read David Woods book (What Have We Done.)   

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Populist Surge

What did you think of Billionaire at the Barricades? Very good book- She has courage, focus and one of the very few media types who dares to make a difference. Not only that she has humble roots without a sense of entitlement. Her parents were working class and  showed her the value of a buck. While other people were partying during spring break she was writing for the Dartmouth review- This quote will go down in history- "To all my friends up there in the press, you know why in your heart Donald Trump won the Republican nomination. You know it. You know why he won it? Because he dared to call out the phonies, the frauds, and the corruption that has gone unexposed and uncovered for too long. Too long Do Your Job." The crowd went crazy, she rocked the house-
  The basket of deplorables know the score, it is important to trust our populist instincts. The same wave that helped Reagan ascend to higher levels. "What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. Jan 20.2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer." Donald Trump
    Are you an ideologue? Let me put it this way I was feeling that we had no hope as a country until I found out that he was running for president. I had a strong feeling that he would win against all odds. Here we are a few years later and the press still doesn't acknowledge his achievements in such a short period of time. Its fairly simple when you are in it for the right reasons without anybody pulling your strings then this is what we have as a result. Optimism and a feeling that tomorrow will be a better place. He is going all out to put us first without having to worry about any type of financial compensation or what would benefit him first.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Billionare At The Barricades

What is on the agenda this am? Billionaire At The Barricade. "Politics takes place in the real world with real people, not in the dusty pages of an Ayn Rand novel" Laura Ingraham is very smart, one  of the few real media people out there. What else lets see their was some socialist who couldn't explain what was going on with the Israel/Arab situation because she isn't an expert in geopolitics. She's running for president of the socialist party and stated that capitalism is not going to be around forever.  If somebody wants a highly intelligent real person representing the progressive party it should be Abby Martin. Seriously how can you have this Cortez woman out there who cant even  answer a real question basically embarrassing their entire agenda when Fox news should ask Abby Martin.
   I don't respect IDF snipers who take out innocent and unarmed Arabs because not only is this cowardly that is a war crime. The Israel lobby controls too many people and even pulls the strings of some of the high ranking Fox news pundits. Bibi should be in jail but Hannity and a few others speak highly of him, that is why I don't fully trust Hannity all the way. What about Gorka what is his deal? I don't know is he even a naturalized American citizen? He comes across as the new leader of the Patriot movement but seems somewhat condescending. I like him but I don't think I will read his book. Why We Fight, AJ doesn't get a good vibe either and even alluded to him as the self appointed leader. Jones is the real leader of the Patriot movement because he has brass balls and he is going all the way. I am telling you Abby Martin is one of the smartest girls I ever listened to, smarter then Ingraham? Being smart is a relative term so let me break it down this way. Martin reads books not establishment controlled books, she has high intellect and communicates in a way that can easily be absorbed. The Empire Files- real investigative journalism, she is on the front lines around the world asking people direct questions. She is against all empire capitalism and its corporate interests.
   It is not ok to harm indigenous people for a corporate greed filled agenda where innocent people end up getting killed or harmed irrevocably. Not only is this a war against we the people its a war against humanity but Fox news doesn't talk about that. They are still stuck in the left/ right paradigm and why democrats are bad news. Ingraham and Tucker Carlson doesn't do that but we have serious problems with the preceding corporate media and the oil cartels that are filled up and fueled up by the military industrial complex. Peace through strength however war should be abolished in its entirety. The only bad guys we ever had are the ones that we created to make money off of. So why is CNN and their puppets making it sound that Russia is our enemy and our Potus shouldn't be nice to Putin? So what about the Chi Coms are they our enemy? I believe that they want to take us out economically, this is the hidden secret that AJ talks about and many of these talking heads are funded by them. I believe that to be a real threat.       

Friday, July 20, 2018

What We Create

If what we resist persists then how we relate is what we create. Love is like a magic penny, if you give it away you will have many. If you keep it, you wont have any. That is the secret of the magic penny. Do you still have moral and philosophical convictions galore? Yes and much more. I am  like the retired businessman that basks in the Fla sunshine complaining about the sad state of the nation. The only difference is that I was a failed businessman but that doesn't mean that I didn't get up and try again. Peter Strzok comes across as arrogant and condescending. Whoopi Goldberg is covering up for the deep state. That is deep tell me more.
  Judge Jeanine has been in the crime business for three decades and she knows a con when she sees one. How these talk show hosts can get away with smoke and mirrors is beyond me. She asked the judge who is the deep state but they didn't show us the response. Why do you think some of these talking heads deny that there is a deep state or avoid the subject altogether? Who do you think pays them? She had the CNN girl filling in wasn't that obvious. Lets put it this way it doesn't matter if we think that they may be evil or not but lets strictly focus on  the legal aspects. We need a new Attorney Gen and Deputy AG because these people are ineffective and cover up con artists.  Peter Strzok should come across as a humble servant but he is anything but. Supercilious,  he swore under oath and looked like a third Reich puppet the way he lifted his hand up in the air. His smile is very strange as well. His body language tells us a lot about this character, he was number two at the FBI I believe. We have talking heads telling us and I believe it was Rosenstein himself that  told us that their was no bias. Another insult to we the people, we read the text messages how can this clown tell us that there was no bias?  

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Pharmakeia Crimes

What do you think about the Buddha king and his sexual impropetities? The king of Buddha, it shows that he is human but nobody should be the king, their should be no hierarchy even for Lamas who are known as the king. At least he told us that he is a real person and even spiritual giants can make mistakes. I have more trust  for sexual desires from spiritual giants then I do from monks that sublimate their sexual desires, hide in a cave and pray all day. And much healthier then some pedophile priest that is for sure. What are the four noble truths? The first noble truth is that life is suffering, the second one is that this is due to our attachments and addictions- the third is that their is hope after all which leads us to the fourth noble truth which is through prayer and meditation we can seek enlightenment with the noble eightfold path. We are all Buddha's, we don't have to study Buddhism incessantly or hide in a cave.
   What is one of the biggest stories out there and why do you have to get involved? I would much rather be on the front lines then be in the rear with the gear. Isn't that ego? No infact it is just the opposite and all spiritual warriors know this already. "When your love for truth is greater then your ego then you are free".  Also time doesn't matter, we can do more by doing less and when we do nothing this is when we can accomplish absolutely everything. That is deep tell me more-
    We have some big problems with Big Pharma because they are gangsters who engage in racketeering and they are also culpable in the deaths of many innocent souls. Even if we shed light away from the opiate crisis and what Purdue Pharma helped to create prescription medication is the third leading cause of death worldwide behind cancer and heart disease. So this means that people become much worse off health wise by taking these drugs then they were before they started taking them? That is basically what I am saying because the evidence seems to be irrefutable. These companies have settled civil lawsuits with nominal fines for wrongful deaths ad infinitum but nobody ever seems to go to jail for some reason. Deceptive marketing practices, Purdue Pharma had marketing teams pushing these drugs as safe and effective. Just the side effects for the various antidepressants are horrific, how they can continue to operate with impunity or without criminal liability is mind blowing. The one thing they wont tell you before you start taking a med besides the horrific side effects which they do warn us about  is what it is like to try get off them. They are a real racketeering outfit because they want  us on these meds for life because its hell on earth to wean off micro taper etc..
  " Drugs are expensive not because of development costs, which are largely born by publically funded research, but because of the marketing machine, political lobbying and excess profit taking" James Dickenson, he reviewed the book Deadly Medicines and Organized crime written by Peter. C Gotzsche. Like many Teflon gangsters these people know how to operate directly  outside of the confines of the law. Lets go back to 2003 when Purdue Phrama J David Hadox came up with the term pseudo addiction, this meant that we really didn't get addicted to opiate based narcotic pills,  it was all in our mind. He is enshrined in Fla administration law board of medicine. And then there was Dr Russell Portinoy- an internationally renowned pain medicine authority figure. He stated "Addiction is distinctly uncommon for people taking opiates for pain". On Good Morning America they urged broader prescribing of all opiates.  

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Sober Warrior Soul

We asked Chad what other souls and beings he communicated with during his magic carpet ride. Lets see- it was much better then sharing a drink called loneliness and it was definitely better then drinking alone. Tell us more- I met a soul who was a warrior from overseas who had a chance of taking out a bad guy but decided against it. What do you mean- He came back stateside and had a guy break into his house. With stand your ground and the Castle law most other people would have taken this guy out. He took him down hand to hand and the guy eventually got sober. He was just a drug addict looking for a fix. The warrior soul  had his Mossberg and many other hand guns he could have easily ended his life. As a vet I am surprised they didn't confiscate his weapons before this since he is a vet with TBI an PTSD- It would have been a good shoot but he had restraint. The warrior soul told me that the man has been sober a while now and has been able to help countless other souls by sharing his experience strength and hope.  Did he get arrested at least for breaking and entering? Yes- the system helped him get into a program and it actually worked for him.  

Its Time For War

So the cia warned everybody in 09 that pill poppers may start to shoot junk into their veins even though they were running it? Yes- "The cia has been involved since its inception both operating the international drug trade in illicit drugs and in creating financing and arming various terrorist organizations around the globe"67-68-  If the production of heroin poppies in Afghanistan was reversed from record lows to record highs under the watchful eye of the US military that means that we have serious problems. Do you mean to tell me that our guys got blown up over their and still continue to do so just so the fat cats can continue to get rich? When is our Potus going to go to war with the deep state? What about Blue Magic and all of the Vietnam drug money they laundered and still continue to launder? In the 1950'S US created the largest world supplier of heroin in Laos, Thailand and Burma- This was eclipsed by Afghanistan in 99-
   A lot of dope is coming in from Mexico because its cheaper to get it over the border and the globalists want to save on freight charges. This means that the US sponsored globalists distribute heroin throughout the world and then launder the dirty money through banks like Vanguard and HSBC- Then they have clown politicians like the Irishman from West Va making believe that he is the hero and the savior of this epidemic. Even though he was a lobbyist for the major Pharmaceutical distributors before his reign as the AG and so is his wife and now he wants to run for Senate. Typical hypocrite two faced politician and their are many more standing right next to him. I took one look at the guy and what he tweeted about wanting to blow up Washington DC and take care of the opiate epidemic and I knew that he was full of smoke and mirrors. Another blarney Stone kisser just like A Higher Loyalty Comey- The former head shed of the FBI on the board of HSBC- stonewalled criminal prosecution of money laundering charges of international drug traffickers and terrorist organizations and was culpable of the queen of the cartel getting a free pass with the email server, exoneration before investigation.
  Perjury, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, fraud conspiracy to commit fraud, false and misleading statements these people are real winners. Now the Russian hoax wants to make believe they did a valuable service by indicting 12 Russians. No Americans charged and no allegation of vote counts that were affected and they probably wont even get extradited.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Killing The Deep State

So what is on your mind? We can talk but there is a rule as long as we don't talk program and we don't talk politics. What else are we to talk about then? How about the Buddha prayers which led to saving the cave victims in Thailand. Milapras spirit at its finest. Isn't that talking program? Good point did you hear about Richie C- he went back out. What does going back out mean? It means that you relapsed. How can you relapse if one never got sober here we go again. There should be no surprises if somebody never makes the decision. What do you think about Jimmy Mac? Jimmy Mac doesn't retract, no apologies nor  regrets. A real gumshoe investigative journalist on SVU-
  Last time I talked to Richie C he was trying to make a name for himself in an anonymous program. He also stated that he would rather have big shotism then bigshot wasim- I would rather be an insider looking out then an outsider looking in. I thought we were supposed to be in this world but not of it and wasn't it Deepak who stated that we are not in the world but the world is in us?
  Tell me more about the deep state and how the cia is responsible for this heroin epidemic. The Palm Beach post made it sound that the cia tried to warn everybody  that pill poppers may turn to shooting junk in their veins. That is not a surprise they always tell us what they are about to do because they had it planned way in advance. They tried to make our Potus look like a buffoon and I am still pissed off about that. People need to go to jail and then prison plain and simple. Can somebody realistically explain how HSBC pled out to money laundering for aiding and abetting terrorist organizations and international drug traffickers and only received a fine? The entire time going after only the small fries in a pathetic attempt to make it look like they were  doing their job. Who are you referring to? Loretta Lynch, Comey Mueller, Eric Holder, (Comey was on the board of HSBC-) this is beyond pathetic, so in our face and brazen.
  Let me put it this way our politicians working in conjunction with rogue factions of our cia are completely responsible for this opiate epidemic- HSBC was laundering drug money going way back to Vietnam- Jerome Corsi- Killing The Deep State- Now we have an opiate epidemic of epic proportions. Gov Scott refused the nation wide data base because he was in on it. According to a corrupt cop and a ci (criminal informant) Scott must have been getting paid from somewhere- Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, round up the usual suspects. The international drug trade is so huge that the world economy would shut down overnight if they all got taken down criminally for doing what they always have done. It would make the dust bowl that almost was look like small potatoes.
   So what do you think about the biggest health care fraud bust ever 601 people 124 within the Fla region, many corrupt doctors and many others that were on the take. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Spiritual Giants

So what is going on in the celestial spheres? "Spiritual giants are universally accepted as hero's in Tibet where the names that are remembered aren't those of sports figures, politicians or movie stars." Milarepa the eleventh century troglodyte was one of these beings. Fast forward to the 21 century where our Potus is now a spiritual giant. Infact he is well respected throughout the anthropomorphic community. We are now witnessing great progress with real leaders that are no longer considered politicians. I want you to name names. Ron Desantis- should be Fla next  governor hands down. All of the folks that are putting pressure on the DOJ- Jim Jordon, Gaetz, Chaffetz, Nunes, Judicial Watch, there are countless people working behind the scenes and one day we will know all of their names. Sarah Carter, Joe Di Genova- Bongino, Hannity, Judge Jeanine, Infowars the list is long and quite extensive.
   The faux leftists are grasping at straws, harassment and attempts at intimidation is low level thuggish behavior. Sarah Huckabee, Fla AG Pam Bondi, she is a great person who doesn't deserve idiots and morons bothering her. She is one of the few leaders out there willing to sue big Pharma for racketeering. What has anybody else done about this plague of our century? She will probably be able to turn the civil suit into criminal cases with the right teams behind her. Like who? Desantis he was not only ivy league but he was also on the Teams.  

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Deep Cover EP shoe

If Patton believed in reincarnation then how come he was such a miserable sob? What does that have to do with anything? People who believe in the afterlife and former lives are usually happier and more spiritual. He supposedly believed that soldiers weren't supposed to have shell shock and apparently his own children hated him. Fast forward to our land of real PTSD and TBI, many of our warriors have serious issues. (Thomas Brennan TJ and Finbar Oreilly- Shooting Ghosts-) "No god would allow their creation to ever contemplate war-pp63- The shock wave from the rpg still ripped through the delicate wiring of the brain like a baseball bat smashing a computer circuit board-pp-57
  Their are at least 357k cases of TBI and many more cases of PTSD- Modern day warfare has enabled many soldiers to survive what in other wars were un survivable injuries- We need to be able to help our soldiers who have suffered a great deal. Infowars had an Army chaplain on who suffered from PTSD himself, a familiar case of people who help others who actually need help themselves. Writing is cathartic and this man wrote two books that look to be very interesting to say the least. He actually talked about what it would be like to actually have heaven and peace on earth. What else is on the agenda? A deep cover ep shoe and manufacturing plants in the USA-
  What are you talking about? Our new ep shoe is actually a sneaker that looks like a shoe. In other words our guys will be wearing an all terrain sneaker that will fit right in to the ep black tie gala-
 Its great if you can take out bad guys from a distance but one needs to be able to catch the bad guy or physically engage without limitations. Bad guys never get away in the long run, how many street perps get away when watching cops? The other thing is that its never a good thing to physically engage an idiot and a moron unless it is absolutely necessary. The best thing to do is get them into the system with the help of local leos. Nobody wants to be filling out paperwork and possibly risking an arrest for some idiot who was dumb enough to physically engage. So this new ep shoe will be just as effective, even better then any running sneaker on the market and nobody will be able to tell the difference. I was checking out a pair of Mizunos $215 and what made this even worse is that they are made in Vietnam- How many guys did we lose over there, 56k and PTSD, Agent Orange etc.. Make America great again- if we cant make a better shoe over here for less then that then we have serious problems

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Ghost Chasers

What is on your mind this afternoon? Ghost chasers- What is the difference between a hungry ghost and somebody who shoots at ghosts? When you shoot at ghosts you join the USMC as an embedded journalist and get shot at in Afghanistan. That takes a lot of courage because one has to go in alone without a support system as an outsider so to speak. Marines are a tight knit bunch of solid warriors, to earn their respect is not an easy thing to do. A hungry ghost is known in Buddhism as the drug addict/alcoholic etc who cant get enough. Always trying to satiate their pallet but as we know this is a difficult task without a spiritual awakening of sorts. What could be worse then being stuck on the lowest Astral plane with the lowest frequency with no way to attain that money power and sex?
  The Dark Side of Light Chasers- "We are not in the world but the world is within us"pp-5- I thought we are in this world but not of it what is with the contradiction? Just go along with it demon chaser. What is the shadow self? Jung said it was the person that you would rather not be however the Light chasers encourage us to embrace our shadow self as a means to fulfill our highest authentic self. Tibetan Wisdom For The Western World- "Where I grew up, the best and the brightest were extremely competitive, they went to med school, law school, Madison Ave and Wall Street- In the Buddhist Himalayas the best and the brightest chose monastic life"pp-31 What do you make of that?
  I want to embrace spiritual principles but I don't want to hide in some monastery because that is just an escape mechanism. People can get so caught up in that way of  life they end up thinking that is normal. What is normal? Not living like a Monk- I have respect for spiritual warriors but have a lot of respect for warrior warriors, people who just don't drop one liners of spiritual wisdom. I embrace the people out there who try to change things without ignoring it, they seek their truth and even demonstrate ego. Too many spiritual books and sermons is not healthy. Maybe politics was not meant to divide after all. I think that Alec Baldwin will not win hands down in 2020 because the dems are losing fast. Robert Deniro saying negative things about our Potus when he has done nothing but help America become great again. Hollywood types, I cant even take Baldwin seriously because he doesn't act serious. He is talking on Howard Stern in some typecast character.
  Their is something seriously wrong with the democratic party, nobody spoke out against Hillary, that tells us everything that we need to know about their character. Then we have Communist Manifesto Bernie walking through the airport and cant even answer a direct question from Alex Jones- These people are beyond pathetic.  Hillary supposedly rigged the primary from Bernie, how come he isn't speaking out about that? Instead they are into neo feudalism and hiding behind what we already know doesn't work. Politicians are not supposed to be afraid and should welcome any questions, so how come Bernie is afraid of Alex Jones? I have the book Communist Manifesto, I don't have to read it to know that it doesn't work- dialectical materialism ie- Marxism, these people didn't do anybody any particular favors- Who is an example of a good leader, somebody that is in the public eye? Dean Cain- He answered a direct question with passion and integrity when asked one at the airport, what a difference between Bernie Sanders and Dean Cain- light years