Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Hostage To Our ego

New age spiritual mystics- AA made us whole but it is not our whole life. The last time you said its a bridge back to life but not your whole life you ended up under the influence. What about the soul who is convinced that he/she definitely is not god but is still being run by the egoic mind. We don't need to get out of ourselves or continually run to the rooms for solace because we already have source within but we must give it away to keep it. The three dimensional hamster wheel runners are always restless irritable and discontent. Some also always make a point that their only problem is the first  drink but its clear that by the way they carry themselves they have much bigger problems then that. That first sucker drink is what imminently occurs when people keep spinning their wheels on the three dimensional hamster wheel.
  One should rather want to transcend into a five dimensional astroplane mission through the celestial spheres.  Big pharma is a big problem, they disavow the epigenetic natural mind body connection and destroy our homeostasis. The investors are happy because this creates  recurrence rates that are through the moon and back. It also keeps the lab rats  miserable but accountable however  the labs become quite prosperous and content. Everything is natural energy that travels above and beyond the three dimensional hamster wheel. Once this becomes our reality we no longer have fear nor do we need to look out side of ourselves for approbation. Why do we need to look out side of ourselves that is what led us to jails institutions and homelessness. We are already whole so we don't need some med to prove this to us. The same so called conspiratorial forces that were dragging us down are actually the same angels that were always trying to raise us up through the power of ascension.
   One toke is too many and 1,000 is not enough while we are stuck on the lower frequency astral plane. Your vibe is your tribe, this is why the drug seekers get the electromagnetic pull directly toward the dealer man. The dealer man knows one when he sees one because in many cases he is one. Today we no longer have to be a slave or hostage to our ego. This means that there is no devil just our shadow self dressed up as one.

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