Saturday, November 3, 2018

Chasing The Dragon

The Hacking of the American Mind- Robert Lustig MD- "What is better taking out one wasp at a time or taking out the entire wasp nest." We are currently putting band aids on gushing wounds in an attempt to fight the addiction epidemic. This epidemic encompasses all aspects of our life especially nutrition. Brilliant book that explains the dopamine and serotonin connection. Our dopamine receptors get down regulated and we develop a tolerance. This means we need more to get the same result ie- "chasing the dragon"
  Big processed food business- 1.46 trillion dollars per year 45% profit- marketing campaigns that have contaminated our food supply. 1950- Mcds- processed junk and high fructose corn syrup. If the epidemic of addiction has any chance of being addressed we need to change the treatment modality- Abstinence is not enough because of switching addictions. The fact that our rehabs don't address the cigarette addiction is indicative of the overall big picture. It is all about the dollars and cents, the marketers would have a hard time in their recruitment efforts if they told the potential client that they are going to stop smoking cigarettes as well. We need to take out the entire wasps nest and not put band aids on gushing wounds. Obesity, Type 2 diabetes and hypertension- Metabolic syndrome- Our contaminated food supply is what is contributing to the mental aberrations and symptoms of anxiety and depression. This leads to big pharma profits and high blood pressure pills. Our ailments are all mostly lifestyle related, epi genetic diseases but the big chain greed monger rehabs are not addressing this issue. They are also aiding and abetting in this epidemic by pushing heavy MAT programs that have already proven to do more harm then good in many cases.
 We need serotonin which leads to contentment because happiness doesn't stem from dopamine induced hedonic pleasures. We have children with type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease all because of no exercise, eating junk and sitting in front of the x-box. Sugar does the same thing that alcohol does and it is surreptitiously placed in the ingredients with names that are not recognizable as sugar.

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