Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Billionares Boys Club

What is the difference between a fat cat war monger and an NFL owner? Not much the only difference is that in war people die however  in the NFL they are willing to give up their life.  Both the NFL owners and the fat cat war mongers are protected by the billionaires boys club and they take no prisoners. They both have executive protection and their only real interests are their own. They are used to getting protected but don't really care what happens to the warriors in the arena. In war the fat cat war mongers make a lot of green- (high speed lucrative overseas contracts with high returns). The more that they spend the more they make the exact opposite of the way a real business is supposed to run. It doesn't really matter how messed up the war plan was they still made a killing.
   The warriors in the NFL need guaranteed contracts and need to be taken care of. The average career of a player is 3 years and 60% of the players make the league minimum but  cant tap into their pension until their fourth year. Its kind of like the social security scam where they want you to die before you collect. The coddled billionaires boys club where most never even played the game. The warriors on the field risk life and  limb and the opiates are in abundant supply. Some also have equipment that are inferior to Div 1 programs.
   So what else are the greed mongers up to? Lets see addiction for kids- nicotine marketing as if nicotine inst addictive. Vapes nicotine may not kill you as quickly as the cigarettes with the tar and chemicals but who ever deemed Vapes as safe? The same people that stated that cigarettes weren't addictive and the same marketers who stated that opiates were safe and effective. Nicotine is still highly addictive and they already know this.

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