Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Ponzi Scheme

What other insights did you get out of the Hacking of the American Mind? This is one of the most important books of our time. Dr Lustig breaks down issues that aren't being addressed in other venues. Like which ones? All main stream outlets- "Corporate interests hate to back losers" WSJ-11-5.This means our vote doesn't really count because its all about how much money the hedge funds and private equity firms funnel to the various campaigns. Its all an illusion. Our vote counted in 2016 with our new populist president however. It looks like corporate interests stand by the side of the democrats that is why they may take both the house and senate.
   After these marketing and pr firms do all the damage that is when they admit their guilt. Like Purdue Pharma taking a big full page out in the WSJ explaining how they now know how addictive opiates are and that is why they are working on a less addictive opiate. Same with Big Tobacco- The actuaries predicted a death at 64 from smoking and they knew this but still presented cigarettes as safe and effective. Ponzi scam social security. The healthy people pay in when they are young just so they can die at 64 the year before they are supposed to collect. Dr Lustig states that their is collusion with the processed food industry but stops short calling it a conspiracy. There is data to back collusion as an individual business to make money but not on a large scale between them that is what differentiates collusion vs conspiracy. As more people are kept alive due to metabolic syndrome this is breaking  down the entire health care system. "When the base of the pyramid starts to crumble the whole structure collapses." Young people 10 years old type 2 diabetes- Tricky Dick one of the first politicians to increase the cheap processed food revolution. The most dangerous drug sugar high fructose corn syrup can be considered to be poison             .

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