Saturday, July 14, 2018

Sober Warrior Soul

We asked Chad what other souls and beings he communicated with during his magic carpet ride. Lets see- it was much better then sharing a drink called loneliness and it was definitely better then drinking alone. Tell us more- I met a soul who was a warrior from overseas who had a chance of taking out a bad guy but decided against it. What do you mean- He came back stateside and had a guy break into his house. With stand your ground and the Castle law most other people would have taken this guy out. He took him down hand to hand and the guy eventually got sober. He was just a drug addict looking for a fix. The warrior soul  had his Mossberg and many other hand guns he could have easily ended his life. As a vet I am surprised they didn't confiscate his weapons before this since he is a vet with TBI an PTSD- It would have been a good shoot but he had restraint. The warrior soul told me that the man has been sober a while now and has been able to help countless other souls by sharing his experience strength and hope.  Did he get arrested at least for breaking and entering? Yes- the system helped him get into a program and it actually worked for him.  

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