Monday, July 23, 2018

Billionare At The Barricades

What is on the agenda this am? Billionaire At The Barricade. "Politics takes place in the real world with real people, not in the dusty pages of an Ayn Rand novel" Laura Ingraham is very smart, one  of the few real media people out there. What else lets see their was some socialist who couldn't explain what was going on with the Israel/Arab situation because she isn't an expert in geopolitics. She's running for president of the socialist party and stated that capitalism is not going to be around forever.  If somebody wants a highly intelligent real person representing the progressive party it should be Abby Martin. Seriously how can you have this Cortez woman out there who cant even  answer a real question basically embarrassing their entire agenda when Fox news should ask Abby Martin.
   I don't respect IDF snipers who take out innocent and unarmed Arabs because not only is this cowardly that is a war crime. The Israel lobby controls too many people and even pulls the strings of some of the high ranking Fox news pundits. Bibi should be in jail but Hannity and a few others speak highly of him, that is why I don't fully trust Hannity all the way. What about Gorka what is his deal? I don't know is he even a naturalized American citizen? He comes across as the new leader of the Patriot movement but seems somewhat condescending. I like him but I don't think I will read his book. Why We Fight, AJ doesn't get a good vibe either and even alluded to him as the self appointed leader. Jones is the real leader of the Patriot movement because he has brass balls and he is going all the way. I am telling you Abby Martin is one of the smartest girls I ever listened to, smarter then Ingraham? Being smart is a relative term so let me break it down this way. Martin reads books not establishment controlled books, she has high intellect and communicates in a way that can easily be absorbed. The Empire Files- real investigative journalism, she is on the front lines around the world asking people direct questions. She is against all empire capitalism and its corporate interests.
   It is not ok to harm indigenous people for a corporate greed filled agenda where innocent people end up getting killed or harmed irrevocably. Not only is this a war against we the people its a war against humanity but Fox news doesn't talk about that. They are still stuck in the left/ right paradigm and why democrats are bad news. Ingraham and Tucker Carlson doesn't do that but we have serious problems with the preceding corporate media and the oil cartels that are filled up and fueled up by the military industrial complex. Peace through strength however war should be abolished in its entirety. The only bad guys we ever had are the ones that we created to make money off of. So why is CNN and their puppets making it sound that Russia is our enemy and our Potus shouldn't be nice to Putin? So what about the Chi Coms are they our enemy? I believe that they want to take us out economically, this is the hidden secret that AJ talks about and many of these talking heads are funded by them. I believe that to be a real threat.       

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