Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Killing The Deep State

So what is on your mind? We can talk but there is a rule as long as we don't talk program and we don't talk politics. What else are we to talk about then? How about the Buddha prayers which led to saving the cave victims in Thailand. Milapras spirit at its finest. Isn't that talking program? Good point did you hear about Richie C- he went back out. What does going back out mean? It means that you relapsed. How can you relapse if one never got sober here we go again. There should be no surprises if somebody never makes the decision. What do you think about Jimmy Mac? Jimmy Mac doesn't retract, no apologies nor  regrets. A real gumshoe investigative journalist on SVU-
  Last time I talked to Richie C he was trying to make a name for himself in an anonymous program. He also stated that he would rather have big shotism then bigshot wasim- I would rather be an insider looking out then an outsider looking in. I thought we were supposed to be in this world but not of it and wasn't it Deepak who stated that we are not in the world but the world is in us?
  Tell me more about the deep state and how the cia is responsible for this heroin epidemic. The Palm Beach post made it sound that the cia tried to warn everybody  that pill poppers may turn to shooting junk in their veins. That is not a surprise they always tell us what they are about to do because they had it planned way in advance. They tried to make our Potus look like a buffoon and I am still pissed off about that. People need to go to jail and then prison plain and simple. Can somebody realistically explain how HSBC pled out to money laundering for aiding and abetting terrorist organizations and international drug traffickers and only received a fine? The entire time going after only the small fries in a pathetic attempt to make it look like they were  doing their job. Who are you referring to? Loretta Lynch, Comey Mueller, Eric Holder, (Comey was on the board of HSBC-) this is beyond pathetic, so in our face and brazen.
  Let me put it this way our politicians working in conjunction with rogue factions of our cia are completely responsible for this opiate epidemic- HSBC was laundering drug money going way back to Vietnam- Jerome Corsi- Killing The Deep State- Now we have an opiate epidemic of epic proportions. Gov Scott refused the nation wide data base because he was in on it. According to a corrupt cop and a ci (criminal informant) Scott must have been getting paid from somewhere- Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, round up the usual suspects. The international drug trade is so huge that the world economy would shut down overnight if they all got taken down criminally for doing what they always have done. It would make the dust bowl that almost was look like small potatoes.
   So what do you think about the biggest health care fraud bust ever 601 people 124 within the Fla region, many corrupt doctors and many others that were on the take. 

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