Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Pharmakeia Crimes

What do you think about the Buddha king and his sexual impropetities? The king of Buddha, it shows that he is human but nobody should be the king, their should be no hierarchy even for Lamas who are known as the king. At least he told us that he is a real person and even spiritual giants can make mistakes. I have more trust  for sexual desires from spiritual giants then I do from monks that sublimate their sexual desires, hide in a cave and pray all day. And much healthier then some pedophile priest that is for sure. What are the four noble truths? The first noble truth is that life is suffering, the second one is that this is due to our attachments and addictions- the third is that their is hope after all which leads us to the fourth noble truth which is through prayer and meditation we can seek enlightenment with the noble eightfold path. We are all Buddha's, we don't have to study Buddhism incessantly or hide in a cave.
   What is one of the biggest stories out there and why do you have to get involved? I would much rather be on the front lines then be in the rear with the gear. Isn't that ego? No infact it is just the opposite and all spiritual warriors know this already. "When your love for truth is greater then your ego then you are free".  Also time doesn't matter, we can do more by doing less and when we do nothing this is when we can accomplish absolutely everything. That is deep tell me more-
    We have some big problems with Big Pharma because they are gangsters who engage in racketeering and they are also culpable in the deaths of many innocent souls. Even if we shed light away from the opiate crisis and what Purdue Pharma helped to create prescription medication is the third leading cause of death worldwide behind cancer and heart disease. So this means that people become much worse off health wise by taking these drugs then they were before they started taking them? That is basically what I am saying because the evidence seems to be irrefutable. These companies have settled civil lawsuits with nominal fines for wrongful deaths ad infinitum but nobody ever seems to go to jail for some reason. Deceptive marketing practices, Purdue Pharma had marketing teams pushing these drugs as safe and effective. Just the side effects for the various antidepressants are horrific, how they can continue to operate with impunity or without criminal liability is mind blowing. The one thing they wont tell you before you start taking a med besides the horrific side effects which they do warn us about  is what it is like to try get off them. They are a real racketeering outfit because they want  us on these meds for life because its hell on earth to wean off micro taper etc..
  " Drugs are expensive not because of development costs, which are largely born by publically funded research, but because of the marketing machine, political lobbying and excess profit taking" James Dickenson, he reviewed the book Deadly Medicines and Organized crime written by Peter. C Gotzsche. Like many Teflon gangsters these people know how to operate directly  outside of the confines of the law. Lets go back to 2003 when Purdue Phrama J David Hadox came up with the term pseudo addiction, this meant that we really didn't get addicted to opiate based narcotic pills,  it was all in our mind. He is enshrined in Fla administration law board of medicine. And then there was Dr Russell Portinoy- an internationally renowned pain medicine authority figure. He stated "Addiction is distinctly uncommon for people taking opiates for pain". On Good Morning America they urged broader prescribing of all opiates.  

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