Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Quote Of The Day

"Acting has been around as long as mankind- Politicians are actors of the first order-" Marlon Brando- It takes one to know one. Does this mean our Potus is an actor? I don't think so he seems pretty real. Infact he is a breath of fresh air. Lindsay Graham making believe that we may get hit again like 9-11 if we take troops out from overseas. This is the same smarmy actor that considered the AG position.
  How does taking some troops home endanger us stateside, these politicians try to use the same old tricks all over again. Nothing that comes from most of these people  is authentic, its the same boring script.  I am also not surprised that the Democrats are not giving our Potus credit for de escalating our presence in other countries. They aren't real people they are partisan, they cant give credit where it is due because then that wouldn't fit into their agenda.

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