Wednesday, December 19, 2018

For Drunks Only

"Others live for the moment, they might as well be clams on the bottom of the ocean protected by their hard shell of indifference". Time is an illusion that is a non separation of two points of consciousness. That is why time doesn't matter and who ever got up the earliest has the most sobriety that day. Who said that? That right there is an illusion and more like a delusion because time does matter and anybody who says otherwise is not being on the up and up.
  Tell me more- Its the quality of time because the drunken horse thief who was locked up and stayed dry what others would call sober. The only reason he/she didn't use was because he didn't have any commissary. When he came out he was just another dry drunk convicted horse thief who ended up using again right away. Anybody that tries to sell the myth that we can all turn on a dime is selling fear not faith. This means that we can stay sober on yesterdays sobriety as long as we did the work up until that point. This also means that lapses or recurrences usually don't come out of left field. This is backed up by the Universal Law number 6 which states your actions today create your reality tomorrow. If somebody is miserable and dry one doesn't have as much to give that is why (A Vision For You) says we cant transmit something that we haven't got. That is why another great spiritual mystic told us to watch out for the wallowers who can end up taking somebody down into the mud with them if one isn't wise to their ways. Also don't put anybody up on a  pedestal just because they wrote a book. Some people use words that don't exist what is that all about?
   Their is an old saying don't drink and call your sponsor but lets delve a little deeper. Today we have a Smart phone addiction epidemic and the recovery rate seems to be lower then ever. In the olden days people didn't call their sponsor because their were hardly any phones around but they still got sober and back then there was a much higher recovery rate. What does this mean? Technology has made life more difficult in stead of easier. Ten years ago hardly anybody had a Smart phone now everybody seems to be glued to it 24/7 and they are still telling people to call their sponsor more then ever. We need to keep it simple, don't drink and go to meetings, if that doesn't work then go to meetings and don't drink. In the interim set up appointments with your trusted source. Ones phone doesn't have to be lighting up like a Christmas tree all the time because this can cause more harm then good. Anybody who states that if one uses after x amount of time they still didn't lose their initial sobriety date or (they didn't lose that time) is not being authentic. This means that they are selling myths and are clearly still part of the problem and not the solution. With shame or without it we need to surrender to win because in many cases our egos do need to be beaten into a state of reasonableness.  

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