Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Madam Secretary

quotes of the day- "Sessions has no command presence and Christopher Wray is an empty suit-" Joe di Genova- What is the story with the new Socialists? If the new socialists want to have capitalism spread toward more then just the one percent then what is all of the duality about? The new socialists supposedly know that socialism in a totalitarian government owned scenario doesn't work and believe in a more fair and balanced system then they shouldn't complain against the Trump Train-
  The Trump Trains entire campaign was based off of creating wealth and abundance for the masses so why does the left continue to make up pernicious lies? This is because their is a big difference between the left and liberalism- The left are nasty liars, liberals are fair and balanced. The left consist of the main stream media anarchists who continually misrepresent the facts- Chris Mathews stated that our Potus was guilty of(high crimes and misdemeanors)  One day in the not too distant future the press is going to have to be honest otherwise their will be legal repercussions- Fox news continues to do a great job contrary to some intel analysts that claim otherwise. They are hitting home runs with the majority of their investigative journalists- Hannity, Sarah Carter- Greg Jarett- I was impressed that Maria Bartiroma is aggressively seeking facts as we get closer and closer to the Deep States demise. Judicial Watch- Many people are making us proud because they are doing the best they can under the circumstances. Judge Jeanine is never going to stop asking questions until people are indicted.
  Wouldn't it be great if we had a real Madam Secretary working for we the people. Somebody like Tea Leoni- beautiful, integrity all about god and country doing the right thing and not full of self. Somebody that doesn't have a money laundering scam that robs from the poor people of Haiti. Wouldn't it be great if we could eventually have faith in our FBI and DOJ?  Our AG is so out to lunch it is beyond the pale- Its all politics, he wrote a Tweet that made zero sense. He is not going to be influenced by political considerations- What is that supposed to mean? We the people want a real investigation of the investigators that blatantly took advantage of our intel apparatus and many peoples lives were ruined as they tried to rig an election and frame our Potus. They have been doing this for years, not only does this  need to end it is going to end. The best is the non paid interneship working for the Clinton scam-  The left pushed for a minimum wage increase until it directly affects them. Taking advantage of vulnerable students coming out of school, many have no choice because they want experience and a decent resume. Working for the biggest money laundering operation in our nations history for zero pay could be a good place to start I suppose.  

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