Friday, September 7, 2018

Disconnect From Academia

quotes of the day- "before enlightenment chop wood carry water after enlightenment chop wood carry water- Silence is the way of the warrior". "The war machine has fallen silent and the summer hum of insects fills the air" Shooting Ghosts- on the Gaza strip- We have wanna be politicians who aren't experts in geopolitics who want to abolish ICE-
  We are living in bizarre times, lets take a look at the drug war before we examine other wars. We have 65k people dying each year from ods from a drug that is labeled a schedule 2 meaning less dangerous then (Ibogaine considered a schedule 1 the most dangerous) a drug that is non addictive, rewires the brain and eliminates the withdrawal effects of opiates and other drugs.  Schedule 1-through 5- According to the big pharma rep opiate pills were safe and effective and pseudo addiction was the name of the game. Ibogaine is illegal and people cant even do it within the US what is wrong with this picture? There is a solution- prescribe drugs which cause the maladaptive behavior and suicide and homicide ideation. These are drugs with no clinical efficacy. Actually they do the job they give people chemical lobotomies dwis and make them forget what day of the week it is. Now everybody has co-occurring disorders,
 this means we need different drugs to ween us off the drugs we are coming off of. Also one has to stay on the meds interminably, that is part of the protocol otherwise peoples brains go haywire.
    What is going on with the other wars? Never listen to somebody who talks or writes about war that has never been there before. Unless they are getting intel from real soldiers then its useless. I never read or listen to people who talk about our mid east campaigns in a way that our real soldiers have. The Future of War by Lawrence Freedman written by an English academic, an Oxford type who seems to embody the reality of academia's establishment.  It's not up close and personal, a total and complete disconnect from UK's finest. Lets listen to real warriors- "TJ was blown up by a member of the Afghan police, misguided futility of the Afghan campaign- the very forces Americans were trying to help secure their country- Hemland Province- It was considered the least strategically important with only 20% of the population but 20% of Americas military resources were devoted to it. In 2015 Helmand became the biggest producer of opium then ever before. Rather then bringing peace and stability the intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan have only made things worse.
     What did our Potus state about Iraq? During the campaign for Potus he stated that the war was wrong and we never should have been there and he doesn't care if he loses for saying it. He also stated recently that Americas invasion of Iraq was the single worst decision of all time. Times are changing for the better. If our vets are killing themselves because of the meds that are being prescribed there are going to be big problems on the horizon.

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