Saturday, September 15, 2018

Robber Barons And War Junkies

Standard Oil Antirust- "it takes time to crush men who are pursuing legitimate trade- but one of Rockefellers most impressive characteristics is patience- he was like a general who besieging a city surrounded hills, views from a balloon nothing was too small, corner grocery store etc.. Ida Tarbell- 1905- meet Lina Khan who compares Rockefeller to Bezos.
   What do you think about James Clappers new book so far- Facts and Fears- Not bad ones entire history should be taken into account. Pentagon Truism- "every nation is preparing to fight its last war." He is quite accomplished, a long and dedicated career. He talked about the pick up basketball game against Dan Quale and how he let his team win. Why would you let somebody win just because he is the VP? I wouldn't trust Quayle in a foxhole how did he ever become VP? Clapper seems to be politically correct, we didn't need that as a former DNI leader. He seems to be a decent man but definitely in the rear with the gear. I never heard any of these people talk about how dumb our previous wars have been. Gulf War 1- Stormin Norman- Iraq invaded Kuwait- and it quickly escalated from Desert Shield to Desert Storm- Stormin Norman was complaining about the area imagery intel photos- no wide area imagery photos- like looking through a patch of land through a soda straw. These people knew that Vietnam was unwinnable because of what the French experienced but they escalated it anyway. If that wasn't bad enough they did the same exact thing to our troops in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom-
    What do you think about Dr P's assessment that  many of these people are sociopaths- and that John Bolton is more then likely the source of the anonymous op-ed leak in the New York Times? For starters people shouldn't be anonymous because right off the bat they are being shady and untrustworthy. Secondly I believe Dr P is right on the money and I take back my assessment that he wasn't right about Obama probably being a sociopath. I looked into Bolton's eyes last year during one of his war junky tirades and I knew that I was witnessing a crazed war dog. The only thing these people know is war so they are just going to do what they have always done. Peace bores  the hell out of them but they are never the ones who end up getting killed or wounded. Dr P stated that Bolton subjugates his subordinates while kissing up to the higher ups-

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