Saturday, September 8, 2018

Attack on We The People

Is it true that Clintons planned parenthood cronies believe in abortion up until 9 months? I don't know but these people are beyond disturbing. UN global population control, how many more felonies are these people going to commit. Title 18 under the US constitution. What about the late not so great John McCain is it true that he supplied the dirty dossier intel to Brennan and their globalist cronies in an to attempt to rig the election for Hillary? Are you speaking badly about a deceased POW war hero? I am going to side with our Potus on that- "I like people who weren't captured."
  What is your feeling about the pig socks worn by Colin K, the guy who sucks as qb and now is speaking badly about our law enforcement? He wore pig socks as if to say our cops are pigs, that guy is beyond disturbing. He may have a legal right to do this  but he just sealed his own fate. I hope the money Nike threw at him was worth being known as a lowlife and a degenerate. What does it say about Nike that they would hire a thug like this? George Soros, Antifa, radical anti American, their days are numbered. Our cops, fireman and our military vets are the real Americas hero's. I don't consider guys that throw footballs  for a living and crash into each other at high speeds in the same category. It is a good distraction (bread and circus) and decent entertainment but when you have an overpaid punk that has the audacity to attract attention to himself and then wears pig socks in reference to our cops we have serious problems. The NFL is sinking anyway, too many burned our boy banders at halftime and their commercial breaks are way too long. We are tired of Hollywood and their mindless violence as well as their pedophilia. Also we are tired of morons like Colin K. who insult our leos. We are also getting a little pissed off by continually being lied to by our media and with all of the degenerate low life greedy globalist politicians who just committed multiple felonies in an attempt to try to rig an election and frame our Potus. Any attack on our Potus by the media is an attack on We The People. 

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