Monday, September 24, 2018

Deep State Unmasked

What else did you learn from our former DNI's Magnum Opus? I learned that Cheney better known as chain gang or Darth Vader inserted his civilian capital into the military and injected it straight into the Pentagon. I checked out Lincoln by Spielberg and this only made me want to learn the straight story about the Civil War. Have no fears because Dr P always come through especially when we need him most. He explained that the Civil War was nothing more then (auto genocide) and that Lincoln was an unstable megalomaniac. Think about it what kind of Potus would instigate a major civil war kin vs kin where 600k American soldiers died? This was more then a criminal act and only dictators act that way especially when the war had nothing to do with liberating the slaves.  Barbaric, no medics and many of our soldiers died from infections gangrene etc..
   Deep State unmasked DSA- Democratic Socialists of America- lets f s up total abuse of tax payers money and unbridled arrogance- James O'Keeffe went undercover where these people are exposed for who and what they are. Project Veritas- doing great work for many years. No second hand anonymous bogus sources and no he said she saids- We get to hear it straight from these people who seem to have contempt for our rule of law.

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