Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Truth To Power

"As long as one doesn't put the cart before the horse the world can be your oyster" Any more profound quotes- yes- "Comey is going down the dirty cop is going down-" Joe di Genova- Dirty feds with book and movie deals- now McCabe is getting in on all of it with a tell all book. Unwritten law of intelligence- "Speak straight unbiased intelligence truth to power and the leave the business of policy making to the policy makers" Does the former head of the DNI say anything else of significance? So far he maintains that one must keep a low profile in the intel business. Under the radar and shouldn't be giving speeches or appearing on talking head shows nor giving interviews.
  He did state that books may not be a great idea but I don't mind if they do write because I like to learn from these former spooks. I just don't know if I am getting the straight story or dis info to fit their agenda. He seems to have respect for our former Commander in Chief and even referred to Obama as humble.
A quote from Comey's predecessor Robert Mueller as FBI Director and now the head shed of the Russia investigation-  "I love everything about investigations, I love the forensics, I love the fingerprints and the bullet casings and all of the rest"

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