Friday, August 24, 2018

A Higher Loyalty

What did you think about A Higher Loyalty? It was a good book Comey comes across as a clean cut boy scout above and beyond reproach. He was somewhat concerned because he never saw our Potus smile. Comey seems to have a positive outlook on life and knows the difference between confidence and cockiness. Was the book all smoke and mirrors? I don't know Greg Jarrett seems to think so and so do many others. He stated that he never leaked classified info because his Intel  was not only marked unclassified it was released to the press through his source after he became  a private citizen. Once he got fired from the FBI he claims that he was no longer bound by the same rules and laws. He talked about the Imposter Complex- This is when we fear that if people really knew us they wouldn't like us very much. It was hard not to develop an affinity and respect for our former FBI Director after reading his book.
  What else did you learn, Comey may have come across as a boy scout that is all about fidelity bravery and integrity but then again so did Robert Hansen. Comey was a federal prosecutor in Manhattan and worked to put many high profile mobsters away. He mentioned that Giuliani was somewhat of a superstar back in the day, he earned a fierce  reputation for prosecuting some members of  the maphia as well. Sammy the Bull and a few others. Comey made it very clear that the Feds are never supposed to mix intel and politics. "The intel committee does facts the White House does politics and spin." He made a reference to the bad intel for the Iraq War. He was also humble enough to admit that his work as a high ranking prosecutor wasn't enough for 5 children headed to college and this is why he went to work in the private sector.  He also had some profound quotes, he seems to be a philosopher of sorts.  Here is one by Churchill- "In wartime truth is so precious that she should always be protected by a bodyguard of lies." 

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