Thursday, August 2, 2018

No I in Team

How did you like Understanding Trump by Newt Gingrich? I liked it very much, he is a good writer and I will now read some of his other books. What were the good points? The entire book had good points and great quotes. I used to not like him that much but this book has changed all of that. Why didnt you like him that much in the past? I thought that maybe he was just another capital crony living high on the hog, just another main stream media pundit. How many books were written by these people over the years, they basically write thier own history based on what they want us to believe.
  Were thier any negative points to the book? Yes- two, that he respects our AG and that addiction needs MAT to treat. For starters our Potus Tweeted that our AG acted like a coward by recusing himself for an investigation that he should have been supervising. Why was he hired to stand down? Not only that Sessions is way off base with this opiate epidemic and all of the money that he makes by incarcerating people into the public and private prison system. Not everybody is an addict, that means that chronic pain patients shouldnt be deprived of thier meds. Comitting suicide because they cant get meds for legitimate chronic pain, our AG also wants to lock up weed smokers how pathetic can you get.
   Also as far as legitimate critisism Gingrich stated that in academia the left tries to brainwash the students into believeing that all of our wars have been based off of neo-colonial imperialistic hegemony and that capitalism is a formidibale foe that needs to be abolished. Capitalism should never be abolished but the left is right on the money with the war machine and its greedy benefactors. Lets take a look at Halliburton- The more you spend the more money that you make is that real capitalism? That is a rigged system based off of counterfeit currency, they get a percentage of the entire contract so they make sure that the contracts are fat and large. In a real business you have to run a tight ship and turn off the lights, waste not want not, our Potus knows this that is why he is turning everything around. He knows how to build and has real people skills unlike his predessecors.
     He uses the word we during his speecehes because its not about him anymore, how many times did Obama use the word I?  Thier is no I in team but our previous leaders never had a clue about this, that is why thier ship is sinking fast. Thier rigged elections and witch hunts are coming to an end much sooner rather then later. Our top Law Enforcement officials shouldnt be involved with crowny capitalism and a  bias slanted political agenda. We are proud to be a bible clinging gun loving flag waving deplorable.

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