Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Dry Drunk From Southport

'We were perfectionists who failing to attain perfection had gone to the other extreme and settled for the bottle and the blackout-" AA Comes Of Age- The dry drunk from Southport was trying his hand in the rooms and it wasn't working out so well. The old timer gave him a dose of reality a little while back- "You are full of you know what because around here we don't care who you know we shoot straight from the hip and straight from the heart because nobody is paying us by the hour."
   The dry drunk needed his benzos and everything else in between and didn't have a problem telling everybody how and why he needed his meds. The dry drunk still had two therapists on retainer and continued to go on tangents. Anything more then three minutes is bs and pontification, he had a lot of bs. The old timer told him that he fit right into the Southport scene because that is where Comey is from. Irish blarney stone, arrogance, insolence and condescension. What happened to we don't engage in any political controversy the dry drunk stated? I am just calling a spade a spade, the dry drunk said that he read A Higher Loyalty and has a lot of respect for Comey. What are you kidding me I am no longer your spiritual advisor the old timer stated.
  I heard through the grape vine that you were into Buddhism the dry drunk rambled, this means that you cant refuse to help me especially if you took an oath to Bodhisattva This means that all suffering and sentient beings must be helped. My roots go back to the Mayflower and I also read a lot about Buddhism- The noble eight fold path- right view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort mindfulness and meditation. The old timer reiterated that it doesn't matter who you know or how much you think you know I don't want anything more to do with you. That is my choice and I am sticking to it. I already gave you my advise what more can I do. I will continue to give you my thoughts if and when you ask me. Do you think you are smarter then the doctors why do you have a problem with me taking my anxiolytics? Its a slippery slope and you have been sliding on one your entire life, it may be too late for you to wake up and smell the rose buds.  Benzos are narcotic and even if they weren't they would still be persona non grata in my view. Find somebody else that wants to hear your bs and maybe you can manipulate them like you are trying to do to me. 

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