Saturday, August 25, 2018

Quote Of The Day

"(What kind of man is this an AG that did not take control of the Justice Dept-" Potus Trump quote) We are living in a time where priests abuse little boys under the name of god and we have newly sworn in AGs that quote the wrong statutes to recuse themselves from investigations. Real Clear Investigations- Paul Sperry- Comey lied to the American people when he insisted days before the election that his agency had reviewed "all of the communications found on Clintons secret server. Only 3,000 of the 694k e-mails were reviewed for either classified or incriminating info- Comey told congress "thanks to the wizardry of our techs the FBI was able to eliminate the vast majority of messages as duplicates. Tireless agents then worked night after night after night to scrutinize the remaining material." "Virtually none of his account was true." Unauthorized unsecure server officials in  Washington tried to bury the new trove of evidence" "Under a federally mandated damage assessment directive classified intel was improperly stored and transmitted-" The FBI did not refer the matter to the US intel agencies-
   Important parts of the investigation remained open when Comey prematurely declared that the case was wrapped up in front of congress- According to a senior FBI official no real investigation was conducted. FBI soft-pedaled the original investigation of Clinton e-mails and suppressed the follow up probe related to the laptop. Strzok didn't obtain warrant until 10-30-16- violating Dept policy edited warrant affidavit-on his home e-mail account- bypassing FBI system- Then proceeded to draft an exoneration statement before conducting the search. Warrant was limited in scope- excluded any messages exchanged before or after 2009-13- how convenient. Contrary to Clinton supporters who feel opening up the e-mail case before the election was what caused her to lose Comey opened it up  only because his hand was forced. AG Lynch ordered a rush through the evidence.
   Why did Comey break protocol and arbitrarily decide to not turn the info over to the DOJ? The FBI deals with evidence and facts and then the DOJ decides if charges are to be brought just like the DA's of various municipalities. Since Lynch's credibility was questioned this was Comey's explanation, the entire thing is a charade and a mockery of our criminal justice system, the same system everybody else must abide by under penalties of fines or arrest. Non criminal statute extremely careless why not move to Venezuela- Third and Fourth world countries system of greedy politicians and sworn law enforcement officials who are hypocritical and utilize a double standard. Every democrat should want justice to be levied evenly across the board because this should have nothing to do with partisan politics. If we don't straighten out this mess ie-  two tiered criminal justice system our country is going to continue to break down in every way.

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