Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Sanctimonious Fraud

Comey never liked or respected bullies but never stood up to them. When you get called out by a bully one is never supposed to stand down because this shows cowardice. Grade school children respect people who aren't afraid but Comey seemed afraid. Otherwise he would have fought to earn respect and this is usually when bullies either back down or they don't fight as hard. He was correct by stating that real leadership doesn't have anything to do with threats or intimidation but that doesn't mean one should stand down to bullies. Not only that he didn't speak the highest truth as our former FBI director.
   Comey was making it appear that we live in a fairy tale of greatness as a nation but this isn't based in what is real. Our Potus is a straight shooter, the upper echelons  of the FBI and DOJ are not. They are dirty and continue to manipulate the press with yellow journalism. Russia is not our enemy and if I were to surmise I would state that our President's adversaries are the real war mongers. These are the people who continually make up half truths and spin while trying to sell fear. Oreilly stated that Putin is a killer and our Potus responded by stating "there are a lot of killers do you think our country is so innocent"? Comey needs to lose the holier then thou act, Thomas Paine is calling him out for 28 counts of Treason. That is The American Intelligence Media. So is America that great? Not based on the way we launched wars and what we did to the Indians. We have a military that dealt arms to Iraq during the first gulf war and then our soldiers got debilitating illnesses from gulf war syndrome. Our Potus is trying to make America great and not engage in this type of behavior to our own people. And our deep state rogue agencies are still out to get our Potus, somebody that is really trying to make a difference and already has. He doesn't claim to be perfect but at least he doesn't lie to us like the rest of our unscrupulous predecessors

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