Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Founding Fathers

Tell me more about Gingrighs book- He is smart and had some great quotes, here are a few of the highlights- "In Washington if you can name the capitals of 42 countries you were thought of as a sophisticated person. If you know the appropriate wine to drink in each of these countries you are a superstar. Whether the info is useful is of secondary concern to displaying that you know stuff and therefore you must belong in the club" "Trump wants to set aside the abstract establishment theories and get to what makes up the real world"
  He explained how Mark Bowden from Blackhawk Down became a sports reporter and discovered that the players didn't like the sports reporters very much. One can see why, their job is to critique and criticize up in the stands especially when many never even played the game. However if they continually misrepresented the facts they would be out of a job in short order. For some reason "news reporters  face  no consequences for consistently misrepresenting politics."
   Newt Gingrighs was a history professor but he knows a lot about geo- politics unlike many of the types that are in academia. Some are very good but it looks like the prevailing theme is a bias left winged agenda. Considering higher level education continually places people in seemingly interminable debt one would think that the fair thing to do would be to not have a propaganda based motive on these college campus's that are placed both far and wide. He broke down how NAFTA was a terrible deal for we the people but great for the political pundits and rich benefactors. Special interest and multinational companies, this is becoming the prevailing  theme  and  more apparent in where America went wrong in the past.
  So let me get this straight our Potus is doing the best he can to turn things around but continually gets vilified  in the press by CNN and MSNBC- Print media doesn't appear to be doing him any favors. Does this mean that they really are the (enemy of the people?)He is not too far off, if they continually utilize yellow journalism and are trying to impeach a man who knows how to make things work what would you call this? Gingrigh knows a great deal about our founding fathers as well. " The founding fathers had a passionate belief in the rule of law. As the protectors of the weak, the bulwark against corruption, the guarantor of a reliable process of commerce and life itself. We have to restart the sanctity of the law against political corruption, bureaucratic tyranny and judicial dictates" We are supposed to function differently then  third world countries, that is what has separated us from  places  that are filled with it. Our crony capitalist special interest culture breeds theft and dishonesty. The fraudulent Russian investigation where multiple felonies appear to have  been committed is a perfect example of this.

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