Saturday, August 11, 2018

Diagnosed Sociopath

The US is supposed to be different from third world countries, it was founded in response to the corruption that held together the British government. Kevin Ship thinks that Hillary Clinton is a sociopath maybe even worse. What could be worse then a sociopath? I don't know maybe a sociopath that acts out their thoughts. Title 18 USC-  Felonies, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, Misuse of classified information, lying under oath, destruction of subpoenaed e-mails, obstruction of a criminal investigation these people are real winners. Comey- obstruction of justice in a serious espionage case not to mention covering up for HSBC what should have been major criminal prosecutions with people going away for a very long time. Instead they settled for a pittance of a civil fine in aggregate to how much money they laundered from drug running and financing terrorist organizations. Loretta Lynch cover up, the AG who just continued on the corruption of the Holder Obama era. This is so bad it is almost not believable but Ship and many others are standing by these facts.
  Uranium 1 20% of our Uranium that went to Russia  and a secret e-mail server with intel going to China according to Ship. Exoneration before investigation turning what should have been a gross negligence charge into a non criminal (extreme carelessness.) Thanks a lot Comey and the rest of you arrogant FBI and DOJ officials who should be in shackles right now. Subverting our constitution and the rule of law, this from people that were sworn to uphold it. Comey concealed 700,000 e-mails from congress.  Sessions our new AG recused himself from the Russia investigation which put it in the hands of the FBI- Blaming the opposition for something that they are guilty of these people are hard core criminals. Fake Steele dossier not worth the paper it was printed on used to fraudulently obtain a FISA warrant and lying to a federal judge on 4 separate occasions. False affidavits and leaks to the press these people do whatever they want because they are the law. Fruit from the poisoned tree and Mueller is still wasting we the peoples time with all of this.
  ME Thomas diagnosed sociopath and trial lawyer- "The thing with sociopaths is that we are largely unaffected by fear- besides the nature of the crime is of no moral concern to me, I am interested in only winning the legal game". What did Hillary do laugh when she got off the child rapist and then CNN covered this up for her by stating that she really didn't do this. This is bad news and is only going to get worse.

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