Saturday, June 16, 2018

Deep Cover EP shoe

If Patton believed in reincarnation then how come he was such a miserable sob? What does that have to do with anything? People who believe in the afterlife and former lives are usually happier and more spiritual. He supposedly believed that soldiers weren't supposed to have shell shock and apparently his own children hated him. Fast forward to our land of real PTSD and TBI, many of our warriors have serious issues. (Thomas Brennan TJ and Finbar Oreilly- Shooting Ghosts-) "No god would allow their creation to ever contemplate war-pp63- The shock wave from the rpg still ripped through the delicate wiring of the brain like a baseball bat smashing a computer circuit board-pp-57
  Their are at least 357k cases of TBI and many more cases of PTSD- Modern day warfare has enabled many soldiers to survive what in other wars were un survivable injuries- We need to be able to help our soldiers who have suffered a great deal. Infowars had an Army chaplain on who suffered from PTSD himself, a familiar case of people who help others who actually need help themselves. Writing is cathartic and this man wrote two books that look to be very interesting to say the least. He actually talked about what it would be like to actually have heaven and peace on earth. What else is on the agenda? A deep cover ep shoe and manufacturing plants in the USA-
  What are you talking about? Our new ep shoe is actually a sneaker that looks like a shoe. In other words our guys will be wearing an all terrain sneaker that will fit right in to the ep black tie gala-
 Its great if you can take out bad guys from a distance but one needs to be able to catch the bad guy or physically engage without limitations. Bad guys never get away in the long run, how many street perps get away when watching cops? The other thing is that its never a good thing to physically engage an idiot and a moron unless it is absolutely necessary. The best thing to do is get them into the system with the help of local leos. Nobody wants to be filling out paperwork and possibly risking an arrest for some idiot who was dumb enough to physically engage. So this new ep shoe will be just as effective, even better then any running sneaker on the market and nobody will be able to tell the difference. I was checking out a pair of Mizunos $215 and what made this even worse is that they are made in Vietnam- How many guys did we lose over there, 56k and PTSD, Agent Orange etc.. Make America great again- if we cant make a better shoe over here for less then that then we have serious problems

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