Friday, March 31, 2017

Dr Feelgood- Dealer Or Healer

I am a certified drug addict and alcoholic. I am legit and bonafide through and through. If there is one thing I can talk about that is alcoholism and drug addiction. Dr Feelgood was from the Beltway Bandit section of town. He got sentenced to many years for prescribing hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of narcotic pain killers to patients with chronic pain over the years. His sentence was appealed successfully and he ended up doing around 4 years all together. He was way overprescribing, in my opinion there is no way that he couldn't have known that he was writing way too many scripts. Back then early 2000s many doctors felt that if you had more pain then it would be safe to just up the dosage of hard core opiates like Roxys and Oxys and you didn't have to worry about tolerance and addiction. The only problem was that once the Feds raided his business initially some of his chronic pain patients offed themselves because they stated that they were cut off from their only pain relief and just couldn't take the real pain anymore.. They stated that they couldn't find any other docs that would have the same kind of prescription aggression of  the Dr Feelgood. types. Detox can make one have chronic pain aside from ones legit chronic pain and this can make you feel like offing yourself as well. Here lies the chronic pain management conundrum. There still seems to be no right or wrong across the board approach to chronic pain management. One thing is clear and that is many doctors know the least about the disease of addiction and many are even addicts themselves. The problem with cracking down on the pill mills is that this just led people to start shooting more dope. The pill mills in this area were supplying the entire country with meds that dealers would sell off the street so to speak. Dope is much less expensive so this is what has led us to where we are today. Gov Scott is seriously considering declaring a public health emergency. ODs and deaths in 2017 are predicted to surpass 2016. Its tough to actually gage how many people are od-ing, because calculating deaths is much easier. For example I know people that have od- ed many times already and they are still standing. One doesn't necessarily have to die to od but many already have and were  resurrected by Narcan.. This is a life saving drug that many people should have on them at all times. I feel sorry for people with legitimate chronic pain that can no longer get their legit pain management drugs anymore as a direct result of this epidemic. Many doctors are gun shy of having the DEA bust down their doors just like Dr Feelgood. The problem with opiates is that it turns people into hard care dope fiends because that is how powerful it is. Its hard to convince a dope addict in early abstinence that he/she can no longer use any narcotic mind altering substance, not even one drink, its just not going to work. This is considered to be alcohol in any form. I found this out the hard way, I was born an alcoholic that is why I was in rehab at 16 years old. If we have a disease that tells us that we don't have one and  is basically trying to take us out then I don't know about anybody else  but this means that my disease is my enemy that needs to be taken out and arrested with ruthless aggression. That is the only way to fight this addiction war. I convinced myself that I needed Vicodin, its a cunning baffling and powerful illness that will sneak up on you and take you down and out every single time to show you who is boss. The only thing that will ever work is complete abstinence on a daily basis contingent upon the maintenance of a healthy spiritual condition. These rehabs are being negligent and criminal with how they are overprescribing non-narcotic psychotropics, its all a money maker and nothing more. If you are a heroin junky then Suboxone for maybe two weeks tops and then you should get off it completely with the help of a real doctor. Xanax should be a lot longer, the taper off of this drug is horrific and can last literally many months. That is why people should avoid this drug like the plague. This drug makes your brain hemorrhage and I have heard of people that died as a direct result of this and many others that went clinically insane. That is what happened to me so I will ask this again why aren't doctors- GPs doing a lot more informed consent especially for a drug like Xanax? This drug in my opinion is even more dangerous then heroin. Maybe not fentanyl or carfentanyl but heroin yes I believe that Xanax is that bad.    

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Task Force- Christie Do you know how pissed off I would be if I was Michael Levine- These government cia protected as holes like OLiie North that have criminal investigations and actual arrests by DEA stonewalled of  black ops drug smuggling in the 80s while Levines brother agents working deep cover end up getting killed over a couple of ounces. Seriously who the f do they think they are- Their job is to protect and serve the American people not get our Federal Agents murdered for nothing. Nobody seems to want to listen to the Michael Levines of this world, top cop, the highest level one can get within the DEA, expert witness, the whole 9 yards. So what has changed now that cia is protecting all of the heroin coming in from Afghanistan? Not much except more of our people are dying and overdosing. Crack cocaine and cocaine itself doesn't kill as many people, it just ruined and destroyed many more cities and lives. That's why I am not sure that I even want to watch Oreilly anymore. First of all people like Alex Jones have been talking about Globalism for years, how all of our jobs are being outsourced, money laundering, off shore cartels, very few  factory jobs are stateside anymore. It has all been Wall Street agenda driven, the corporate elites. That is why Oreilly the establishment mouthpiece extrodinarre had a hard time believing that most Americans could not scrape together $2,000. Lou Dobbs was telling it the way it is, basically that the middle/working class of this country has been essentially wiped out. Decimated by a bunch of greed mongers on Wall Street that placate to the George Soros- Chris Mathews types. So let me get this straight our Potus had eradicating Globalism and bringing jobs back home as his central theme for his  Presidential campaign but many facets of our subversive press apparently loath him and are trying to get him impeached? I am not a rocket Scientist but this more or less tells me that we have enemies of the state that are working as journalists. CNN- MSNBC- let me tell you something, these people are scraping bottom because I don't like people that have it out for a Populist President who is actually proud to work for we the people. As a matter of fact that should bring up our game up a lot higher to expose these enemies of the state who stage school shootings to snatch our weapons as well as to terrorize the masses. And then they have the audacity to try to ruin our President who is trying to make sure our Republic doesn't turn into a Banana Republic? Not only that these freaks are covering up Pizzagate. Alex Jones is confident that this is definitely happening but Oreilly just brings in Dennis Miller to try to make us laugh. Miller isn't even funny, he wasn't funny as NFL guy either. This isn't a joke  because we are stepping up our game and soon many of these pedophiles are going to be exposed for who and what they are. The subversive press is going to crash and burn and in the not  too distant  future the Rachel Maddows of this world wont be able to scrape 2 gs together either. I am confident that Chris Christie will make things happen in reference to the Opiate Task Force. Our President wants to help people that have been addicted and who are currently struggling with addiction. When did I ever read that Obama wanted to sincerely help anybody seriously? This is going to be many steps ahead of The William Bennet types. Michael Levine stated that Bennet was a horrible drug Zhar who knew next to nothing about addiction. How can somebody be a drug Zhar when he gets pushed around by cia and The military Industrial Complex? Levine stated that he was in it for basically resume enhancement only and that's about it, a typical Bushworld capital crony appointee. I believe that the colossal force Team of Trump/Christie and many other fire breathing demon chasers will eventually put some bad guys away as well as to help our overall opiate epidemic. This is important because this is much more serious then the cocaine cowboy days of the 1980s

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Real War When Conspiracy Theory becomes conspiracy fact- 90% of the heroin is coming in from Afghanistan- Ron Paul is listed as a source in this article- Fox News is doing a good job with pointing out how being PC is hurting this country- This is true, the phony liberals are so full of animus and creating non existent issues out of nowhere. They aren't even real liberals, they are fake people that are filled with rage and self absorption. I am telling you Chris Mathews is bad news with how he talks about our Potus and his daughter and son in law- Disturbing, MSNBC and CNN politically correct, they are a total and complete waste of time. Mathews asked a woman a question and didn't even wait for her to respond, she couldn't get one word in edge wise, pathetic. Liberal Academia- why spend over 100k for a liberal education if its only going to be slanted way to the left. I watch Oreilly- he wants us to be successful by reading not only his books but many others. He also has a word of the day every day very impressive. Do you think these liberal pc ideologues want us to be successful? They want us to be as miserable as they are, this shows with their jealousy of Fox News. Our Potus wants us to be successful as well and let me tell you something I  want to be successful and that is why I read books and look up the words that I don't know just like Oreilly wants us to. The liberals are intellectually dishonest. Maxine Watters will never be successful because people like this are incapable of telling the truth. We have an administration that is Pro Americana, the stock market is booming and gloom and doom is in the distant past. However if we are supposed to be fighting this drug war we need to be honest with who the real players are.. Its not Mexico because 90% of the heroin is coming in from Afghanistan with cia protection and cover. I will never fight something or stand behind pc people in the media who keep talking about how evil the Mexican Drug Cartels are. We aren't school children anymore, the Iran Contra drug running never left our Military Industrial Complex and many of our Wall Street Banks so please stop with the pc bs. Money Laundering drug money is that what our soldiers really died for? I would be pissed off if I was sent to a foreign land to find Bin Laden when in reality I was just aiding and abetting major profits for American drug cartels.  

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sober Living Vs Half Way Houses

Half Way houses need to be shut down to make room for the Sober Living Housing Units, many of these sober living units are already in place. Half Way Houses have owners that are nothing more then snakes in real estate that let their clients do what they want and this also means getting high. You can go to one store and find at least 5 different ways to get high these days, ie- Kratum Spice etc.. Sober Living environments is what the program is all about and this also includes pet therapy. In half way houses you are just doing time and are usually dry and miserable but in sober living you can actually change for the better each and every day. In a sober living environment you aren't guaranteed a 6 figure job or any job for that matter but you are confident that your home will be a safe place. In halfway houses the inmates run the asylum and it may not be cool to rat out your friend for getting high or drinking Kava or even sniffing your Wellburtin.. In Sober Living environments the positive influences out weigh the negatives, this means that if you are a bad apple that is not into getting sober you are going to be called out on this and in many cases kicked out even if you are still paying the rent. Not only will half way houses let you get high they definitely don't care if you are going to therapy or meetings. In half way houses some people think that they are cool with their junky pride. It all trickles down from the top- If somebody is a snake themselves how are they going to give away something that they don't have? In other words sobriety is The Secret but unfortunately most of the people at the top that are running these places are nothing more then money grubbers where cash is king. If you are a day late and a dollar short they will kick you to the curb. The Task Force is weeding out the half way houses but their needs to be more housing for the indigent. This is a perfect example of how and why half way houses need to be squashed out expeditiously. I read about a former Army girl who died of a heroin od. Her mom knew the system because she worked in it but she still couldn't get her daughter treatment right away. Infact she had to be put on a waiting list and had to wait up until 1 month just for a treatment bed. It is hard enough under  the best of circumstances to get sober and the deck is stacked against the individual, that is why sober living environments need to be 100% above board. In treatment when they ask how many people want to get clean and sober close to 100% of the clients hands usually get raised. The clients actually mean this on a gut level however once they leave the facility most fall into the spiritual abyss. This abyss more often then not can include a half way house where at least one person ends up banging dope. This is a recipe for disaster because this has taken down many people around the drug user and this must be eliminated. Until somebody can get a solid footing in early sobriety this kind of environment has taken out countless addicts to their death or at the very least back out onto the streets. This is criminal and that is why this Task Force is doing a good job. In a Sober Living environment its not that much of a grind, there is somewhat of a camaraderie that is built even with some of the people that use drugs/alcohol and end up getting kicked out. In a world where their is very few real statistics I can make the argument that sober living units can greatly enhance the chances of people getting and staying sober. This is very important considering that most of the press is negative and many of the town ordinances as well as the residents look down on the druggie buggie addicts. Recovering addicts don't bring crime and drugs to the neighborhood infact its the other way around. The drugs are already there so this means that maybe more people should get locked up that are selling the drugs. Most addicts come out of rehab with pure intentions, including myself, I have been studying this for a while now. Sober Living environments are night and day compared to the  half way houses and they can also make the difference between life and death.   

US vs Them Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae- After they helped to loot America in the Dust Bowl That Almost Was how are they still in business? How many people go into political positions because they are out for our greater good? Maybe in the land of fairy tales but not in our world. The problem with American Greed- Scams  Scoundrels and Scandals with Stacy Keach is that they seem to focus on the little league scams. What about the big league plundering and pillaging operations of the gullible people that fall for fraudulent and phony charities for so called victims of innocent school children shootings? Its pretty much a guarantee that most benevolent looking charities are fraudulent on some level. Any time something is geared toward pulling at your heart strings then that is red flag 101. Like the ASPCA commercial ads with the dogs that are malnourished looking and about to die. Most of these charities wont be considered fraudulent but extortionist to some extent. In most cases they are just paying themselves fat cat salaries from the donations that they receive from the gullible American saps. What ever happened to Barney Frank? Freddie Mac Fannie Mae I wonder if he is hooked in with Obummers looting scheme? In todays world unless I really see the body for myself to make sure that its not a wax dummy and conduct the DNA tests then I am not buying that anybody's really dead. So they can put up all of the Go Fund Me Charities they want to try to pull at our heartstrings however unless I am the one who conducted the investigation then to me the story is not legit. The problem with most of these fraudulent stories is that the family members as well as the various news outlets are in on the scam as well so that makes it a lose lose scenario. And many of these so called truthers are not necessarily FBI cointelpro or controlled opposition but rather products of the cia that were well in the know all along. Their job is to basically piss us off even more and to also raise awareness as well as to create divide and conquer scenes that end up just being an exercise in futility. That is why Eckard Tolle had it right on the money with his overall analysis. The US vs Them is just our collective ego that is actually insane especially when it comes to war and the killing of other humans. He basically stated that being normal is really insane as far as our bellicose hawkish ideologies. Also anytime there is an us vs them declaration of war then this is usually a guarantee that it will be a losing war to some extent because this only ads fuel to the fire. He mentioned The War On Drugs, The War on Terrorism. This is Hegelian Dialectic that was created by the cia long ago. It is guaranteed to only make things worse and Sisyphean once we declare war on someone or something. Look at Hamburger Hill in Vietnam or Fallujah after our Devil Dogs fought their hearts out.

Bias I am starting to like Oreilly a little bit more. Last night he was grilling Nunes about how we shouldn't have any faith in Congressional inquiries. Once Congress gets involved its pretty much a guarantee that nothing ever will get done. They will just continue on with their dog and pony show. The Russia Hackgate story is a hoax but the Obama surveillance story actually has legs. He also had a Sean Hannity vs Ted Kopell snippet that had Hannity wanting to talk about the liberal bias in the media. This is already a proven fact, that is what Bernie Goldbergs book Bias was all about. I read that book over 10 years ago so how can the liberal media still try to defend their position on this? Goldberg worked for Dan Rather and if I remember correctly he was bi- partisan. He just couldn't deal with the leftist leans anymore, the book was very good. I am telling you I watch Rachel Maddow and I really feel that I am in another country in enemy territory. She has that  much vitriol toward our Potus and his administration, it is very creepy to say the least. I could barely watch 5 minutes of her program on Sat. afternoon because it was that stomach turning. I believe that most of the people in our country don't swing toward a particular party on a deep level but they are backing our Potus because they want and need change. Their should only be one party anyway called the Populist Party, everything else is just a distraction and a total waste of time. The fake news that keeps calling Infowars ultra right wing fringe conspiracy theorists are not straight shooters. I believe that if our previous Potus didn't do things that were border line subversive Infowars wouldn't be slamming the left as hard as he has. He also slammed the Bushes and the Karl Roves of this world just as hard and lets not forget about the Clinton dynasty. Stand downs at the border Obamma care where people are refused treatment and insurance premiums that double and triple the list goes on. Also Jesse Watters interviewed some people on the street about the Supreme Court. I didn't know how many Supreme Court Justices their were, I am not a fact geek that is into minutia, that is because being a big picture guy is more important. Anyway the Americans didn't know a dam thing. Gorsuch has been all over the news but they didn't even know who he was. The only person that knew anything was a girl from Norway. That is how they get away with everything that they do ie- Operation Mockingbird etc.. They know that people aren't paying attention anyway so they can do whatever they want. I want to know why Pizza Gate isn't making the news? I believe that the story may be legit, if it wasn't then I  don't think that AJ would still be talking about it. I listened to him state that he had more then one  reliable source that was feeding him intel. Also Oreilly read Blue On Blue great book on the NYPD IAB.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Are You Serious I cant write because I am too upset about these as holes who push vaccines when its a known fact that Mercury is a poison. Neurotoxins- Are you serious- Does this really mean that they know that Vaccines are not safe and effective but  they still continue to push them anyway? I cant wait until heads roll at the highest level- They intentionally give poison neurotoxins to little babies could this actually be true? Evidence seems to point in this direction and facts cant be disputed as Eckard Tolle states in A New Earth. These facts seem to be indisputable but  its up to me to make it personal and I have decided to make this  personal. The cowards behind the curtain have blood on their hands- Natural News has a good article that shows how big Pharma Lies are the same as Big Tobacco lies but just recycled- That is another thing cigarettes are so addictive, they put chemicals in them to make it this way- The Insider with Russel Crowe- I am not talking about just pittance lawsuits that in aggregate are pennies on the dollar considering how much money they actually make, I am talking about people going to jail- If anybody can straighten this mess out it is our new Potus- And if you aren't indignant and  seeing red about this then don't worry just go back to your chemical lobotomies everything will be fine- let the real men of this world take care of business

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Non PC Judge We have a judge that is not politically correct, she should be given a gold star instead of a reprimand. If I were a private attorney I would specialize in helping to defend drug addicts/alcoholics but if you were a slime ball predator rapist etc and overall moral retro bate then I would kick you to the curb. So why is Judge Dana Santino not celebrated in this politically correct world of ours? There is a new sheriff in town, our Potus and he is not pc so leave Judge Santino alone and stop with the bs sanctions. I respect prosecutors that are in it for the right reasons and not defending  horrible people.( Around 25% are pure criminals) Even though the criminal justice system doesn't seem to work I still feel  that everybody should experience what its like to do time. I find that addicts that have been incarcerated carry themselves differently from the ones who have never been behind bars. The young adults that I see that haven't been incarcerated seem to  have more entitlement issues and overall less respect for people in and around their environment. Maybe being locked up is the missing link but for me it didn't seem to do the trick. In other words when I did the 6.5 months for a DWI, my second VOP I still didn't get sober afterward. I saw the priest on the inside and even went to some meetings but I still didn't entirely turn it over. Everybody is different, we all have our own unique experience but in my humble opinion being locked up is  good for your character but not necessarily to actually get sober. I don't think that Electric Shock Therapy will work either because that will make you forget and as alcoholics we already have a built in forgetter so this will only make things worse. I did a week when I was 16 years old in the adult jail in Bridgeport. I was doing 1 arm push ups to show that I was tough and was ready to fight who ever even though I was nicknamed (the white boy from Greenwich with the penny bond.) I got sober not because of jail but rather when I came out of rehab and started the 90 and 90. Hazelden just planted the seed. Probation did make all of the difference however because I was required to go to 3 meetings a week and to also get a sponsor. I feel that the young adults who haven't been locked up yet are more apt to start blaming everybody else but themselves for using and when it comes to a pee test they seem have a higher tendency to do the "false positive bs or my meds made me test positive for dope." People that have been locked up are harder on the inside as well as on the outside. So even though I don't think that there is any correlation between people that actually get sober if they have been to  jail I still feel  that it is good for your soul. I went into places that I didn't know existed just to survive and when you are on the inside its all about survival. I wasn't in Rickers and some say that I was in a Country Club but I beg to differ. I know that it was a lot worse then being upstate because we didn't go outside that often and it was more then claustrophobic. Everybody that I talked to stated that the county jail that I was in was much worse then being upstate. What it comes down to is that its a higher power that I surrendered to and this is what helped me to get sober this time around. Surrender to Win because draconian punishments made me not want to use drugs anymore but that was still my will and my will never worked. I had a spiritual awakening in rehab, that is why they call it The Lighthouse. I knew that my life was going to change when I came out after many years of self will. Anyway we should encourage this Judge to speak freely in our country because the last time I checked our country was still supposed to be free..   

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Not Legit Fake cia news perfect example. Seriously how low can these fringe news outlets go, especially when they call legit sites like Infowars and Breibhart out as being fringe. I want to know how the Russians could actually interfere in our election? Russian Hackgate is just sour grapes from the other side. I dont think that the FBI is going to find anything of substantive value. The Fake News has horrible writers as well. 

CIA Vampires

Its good that Judith Miller didn't reveal a cia source but seriously how much can we really trust our news papers anymore? Judith Miller had bogus intel about WMDs and there has never been any blowback about this. She was on Oreilly last night, I just read a snippet about her in Fiasco the last time that I read it. Lets be honest the New York Times are not lovey dovey liberals, they are deep state war monger hawks disguised as liberals. The problem is that intel should be real not made up to use as a pretext for going to war. Lets take a look at how and why the Iraq war ended up so horribly wrong. It is because it was all based off of egregious deception and fraud. We didn't have the moral high ground going into it so we were guaranteed to get caught up in a quagmire. Its like how much bs did they come up with Col Powell, 9-11 Bin Ladens jet fuel that made both towers implode into dust within a few hours the list goes on. My legs weren't blown off by an IED and I don't have TBI but a lot of soldiers do and if I was one of them I would be more then a little pissed off. Nobody is ever held accountable for the deaths of our soldiers based off of lies and deception. I watched Bad Voodo on Front Line PBS. These Army soldiers basically lost their entire company one way or another after multiple rotations because they weren't doing anything except driving around in their Humvees just waiting to get blown up. George Tenet, (Slam Dunk) Judith Miller our cia doesn't have any credibility so why should we protect them if they haven't been protecting us? What have they ever done to earn our trust Warren Commission? Fox News says that we should be upset about the leaks of classified info in reference to their spying campaign why? What has the cia ever done that was above board and out to protect our National Security? They run the fake news with Operation Mockingbird, they illegally spy on us and they just continue to deflect and create drama with their rank amateur agent provocateurs. Oh yes I forgot to mention that they also stage school shootings and make believe that little children were murdered. They have blood on their hands and they need to be held into account. In todays main stream world of lies and deception if you come out with a bogus story about WMDs like Judith Miller you end up getting a promotion to Fox News. If you are a drone junky like Obummer and end up utilizing secondary drone strikes to maximize the number of civilian deaths without humint and only sigint then you get a Presidential Medal Of Freedom. Also the alternative news sites like Breibhart and Infowars are not far right neocons so please stop the bs fake news. They are libertarians that would have voted, supported and backed a real Democrat for  President just as easily as a Republican as long as they were a good fit. Our Potus has the opportunity to destroy the establishment Deep State as we once knew it. That means breaking up the main stream news cartels that continue to control all of the information. The only outlet that I see that should be left standing is Fox News and not because I am a conservative or a Republican. They try their best to be fair and balanced and have a lot of good people- Oreilley, Hannity, Judge Jeanne, Tucker Carlson, Judge Andrew Napolitano. Oreilly always had liberals like Juan Williams on his show to defend their position. They are also pro Americana, they aren't angry and divisive like CNN. CNN are a bunch of blood sucking vampires. How can you realistically make up a story about little children getting massacred by a lone wolf assassin that has no digital footprint nor a record of ever even existing? Where is James Tracey that is what I want to know? Did the Deep State operatives threaten him just like Wolfgang? So what did the Iraq War really accomplish? More Debt but unfortunately less imperialistic neocolonial hegemony which was the neo-cons goal all along. Did it create more jobs like Rosie the Riveter? I would love a job that supported our overall war effort as long as the war was real.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Task Force 129 Targets- (Drug Cocktail Scam) I like this site, it goes into detail about the abuses in the psychiatry field. It apparently has links to Scientology in some distant way. Lets face it David Miscaviage is a Napoleonic Complex bully, cult leader, Church Of Satan the whole 9 yards. I believe that what the celebrities stated about their experience with that cult is true. Does that mean that this website is bad news as well? I don't think so because they have a lot of great information on it in reference to the psychiatry scam better known as quack or junk science. It appears that Tom Cruise was onto something when he had a public debate with Brooke Shields. Meds help some people but this Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center Big Pharma scam is off the chart. First of all this alleged chemical imbalance mental disorder without real proof is a perfect example. Their spect scan has not been proven to be legit from what I gather. The big problem is that meds are in my opinion one of the biggest reasons why their is such a high recidivism rate. If you go to rehab for drug addiction and they continue to prescribe you drug cocktails then this is criminal. Very few people that have long term sobriety take anti depressants, that should mean something. If you are ruining peoples chances of getting sober by over the top prescriptions of psychotropic drugs then people should be held accountable. This money maker is way out of hand, this issue is as big as body snatching and insurance fraud within the Treatment Center Industry. There is no difference between drug addiction and alcoholism, we have a physical allergy and a soul sickness not a brain disease or a chemical imbalance. Depression, anxiety and hypomania are symptoms and Kelly Brogan MD has already blown the whistle on this. So where is the Task Force to expose these people? How come more people aren't indignant? People can call me a vigilante, that is good because I love going after bad guys. We can read all about the scumbags like Kenny Chatman but how often do we read about this issue in the newspapers? Since I have been writing about this and complaining for a while now and still haven't received any support or encouragement from anybody then it looks like I am the self appointed leader. Who wants to be part of the team Task Force 129? Call me up, my number is on the home page. I was raised to be a leader and not a follower and I loath doctors that don't do any real therapy and just prescribe drug cocktails. There is something called the Hippocratic Oath and if you don't honor this then at the very least you will be exposed. The Big Pharma Vaccine agenda, Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center drug cocktail scam, the list is getting quite large but that is ok because we have time on our side. We have a physical allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind. That means that we need to fill up our spiritual cup on a daily basis and start to believe in a power greater then ourselves. It doesn't mean that we need pychotropics due to a chemical imbalance of depression or manic depression. Just out of curiosity how many doctors tell the patient that they really need to get off that shit permo meaning the meds when they write prescriptions because inquiring people want to know?      

One Party System

We need to get rid of the Two Party system because its just a complete waste of time. Instead of everybody working together after somebody gets elected the left just goes out of their mind to undermine our Potus. Its like Sen. Blumenthal yesterday stated that if Gorsuch did anything out of the mainstream that he would oppose him. We need to start to do things that are out of the mainstream. I wouldn't have had a problem with a woman running for President as a Democrat, that was never the issue for me. If you are in a position of political power you shouldn't use it for your own selfish gains and that was my issue with the left and all of her demagogues. Our system needs a major overhaul and it starts with getting rid of the creepy cia and all of their wiretaps. The only time you would catch me wearing a wire is if I was deep cover and if I already infiltrated some real nefarious criminal organization. You know the types that are into child sacrifice and pedophilia, human trafficking, murder. I would also be trying to take down those unscrupulous operatives that are shipping in all of the dope as well because that is hypocrisy at the highest levels. These weirdos wire tap everybody even in social settings. If they aren't wiretapping then they tape record with their Smart Phones. Seriously wtf is the matter with these people? Are they that interested in other peoples private conversations? That is disturbing because what Billy Bush did to our Potus was pathetic. Orwellian and deceitful. I would resign  if they wanted me to tape record somebody during their private conversations knowing that I was going to release it to the public somewhere down the road. Its like why don't people start to tape record people during their fifth step because these people are beyond disturbed. We should have a one party system called the Populist Party and two people that try to get elected. This left vs right us vs them is divisive and its not helping the overall big picture. Our Potus puts his country first, he doesn't want to use his position for kickbacks like the Clinton Foundation. How do we allow this, we have so many weak people that aren't doing their job. How can you use a Foundation as cover for greed and avarice? We have a nation of children who want to leave this as their legacy. Hoax as holes Black Magic everything is shady and deceitful. The Double eagle Free Mason symbol is not an eagle its a Phoenix bird and its all about worshipping Lucifer. I am not down with being a back stabber, liar and a piece of garbage. I want to destroy Lucifer and that is the way it should be for everybody.       

Monday, March 20, 2017

Emotional Intelligence

"Tell us thy troubles and speak freely. A flow of words doth ever ease the heart of sorrows, it is like opening the waste where the mill dam is overfull" pg- 180 Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Coleman- That was a Robinhood quote- The book was hard for me to get through maybe because I don't have enough EQ- I would rather have a high EQ then an IQ- The part that resonated with me was the death dying and grief part where the Oncologists didn't seem to be equipped to deal with patients or family members emotional state during hospice times. I read about that 15 years ago and as a result of this I wanted to open up my own Palliative Care Division for people that were moving onto their next stage. These people don't necessarily need a psychologist but rather an empathetic soul to hear out their grief and turmoil especially the family members. Oncologists cant take on peoples grief, it would become way too overwhelming however their needs to be more grief divisions and counselors to hear people out. Depression and grief is real, it doesn't mean that we need meds, but rather talk therapy. You really find out who your friends are when confronted with these kind of harrowing experiences. The worst kind of feeling is when people become convinced that people really aren't listening. That is where EQ comes into play. My EQ is pretty good but I need help with my restraint of pen and tongue. The reason why AA has such a high success rate is because it becomes a celebration of life in a group setting with people that all have a common bond, ie- suffering. For some people the suffering was 45 years ago and this is how long they have sober. I loath people that are crisis actors and have fake and phony grief because seriously these people need to burn in hell. This is the ultimate sin, because this is making a mockery of something that should be sacred, eternal and real. People that intentionally push buttons are extremely  twisted and don't even deserve an EQ rating. Other crisis actors who get paid to defend the real sick and twisted ones by attempting to legitimize something that is uncontrovertibly fake are mentally disturbed as well. These are the types who deflect and even come across as somewhat legit, their acting is good but not good enough. How do these people even look at themselves in the mirror? Hoax, Black Magic Occult, these people are not even people, they are manipulative con artists and are less then reptilian. Anyway I believe that if we had more grief counselors to help people that have real grief this would help make America great again. 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Spooktown USA The perverts in the main stream media aren't reporting on the great work our Potus has conducted thus far as far as rounding up pedophiles and victims of human trafficking. Why isn't the main stream news covering this inquiring people want to know? Sanduskys son that is the only pedophile I saw in the news. Who ever covers up and stonewalls and censors this kind of information should be charged  criminally. Just out of curiosity how many cho mos were arrested under Obamas watch? As President you have an obligation to investigate the deepest and darkest crimes. There are so many good people in the system that are now relieved that we have a Potus that is going to restore the rule of law. We have had a lawless crime ridden and meek DOJ for many previous years and now we should start to feel a little better. The question still remains how come pedophile round ups don't make it to the national news? I want to know what is going on underneath those under ground tunnels in Newtown better known as Spooktown USA? I know that our previous Potus allegedly was using the social security number of one of those weirdo spooks who hides under one of those underground tunnels. These people are off the chart strange. I cant wait to burn down the church of Satan- Freaks pedophiles, pieces of garbage that stage school shootings and make believe that little children were murdered- What pathetic excuses for human beings- Our former Potus stood behind it with his fake and phony crocodile tears and he is solely responsible. Its hard for me to contain my rage toward these hoax as holes Free Mason Satanists that deserve to be rounded up and chained in the van on their way to prison (not protective custody) just like our Potus has done to 1500 cho mos thus far 

Selfie Addiction Crisis

Oreilly hit a home run this morning on Fox And Friends. He talked about something that is a real issue and that is how adults that are really hooked on their Smart Phone Devices. This problem is as bad for the kids as it is for the adults who really should be acting as role models for our youth. Its distracting and disturbing and even the people on the show stated that it was mostly brain dead activities not business related. The kids are playing violent video games and this X box addiction has reached the millennials at epidemic proportions. The liars who state that violent X box games lead to mass shootings are not telling the truth however what they should be saying is that this leads to brain dead vegetable type activity along the same lines as the adults who should be reading books not playing dumb kid games and taking selfies. That is the problem right now NPD for the adult populace, most of these people are less then attractive but they still continue to take one selfie after another. It skeeves me out to say the least. People that are so wrapped up in themselves that the only thing they know how to do is to take selfies and play dumb games on their Smart phones. Oreilly also talked about what a phony Hillary is and that she lied on more then one occasion when she continually stated that she would go on his show. He also stated that she was the worst candidate that he ever witnessed in his 40 years. The only problem is that he also mentioned that she should do some good and stick with her Clinton Foundation. That is another serious issue  because I want to start investigating her alleged Racketeering Foundation that already has more then two reliable sources stating that The Foundation is nothing more then a Money Laundering Scam. Rico Crimes, where are the real investigators in this country, James Comey buds with the Clinton crime family? They are too busy taking selfies with the rich and powerful at their black tie galas. I would love to investigate The Clinton Foundation and don't worry I don't want pictures with  the Clintons at the Chappaqua social scene to legitimize my own self aggrandizement and importance. A real investigator should not care who hates him, infact if somebody wants to take him/her out that should be an honorable compliment that means that they are flying into the flak not away from it like most people. I watched JE Hoover with Leonardo, his FBI was focused on not having political hacks as investigators. The only problem with J Edgar was that he supposedly embellished his feats and personally took credit for take downs and arrests when he apparently wasn't even near or around these crime scenes. That is egomania 101 and that is the exact hypocrisy that he stated that he wanted to avoid when he took the position as FBI Director. He had special files, he was definitely weird and obviously not humble but I respect his G-Man standard. Don't Shoot G-Man so when is the FBI going to investigate the Clinton Foundation as a potential money laundering operation?  Apparently they have multiple lawyers protecting it and as lawyers themselves it looks like they know how to do things to not get indicted. I didn't look into it but I have a feeling that Client number 9 was set up because he was going after real bad guys. Its just my gut feeling because having sex with high end prostitutes is really not something to get everybody up in a tizzie. The hypocrisy of this country, they blow little things way out of proportion to cover up what is really going on, we have a nation of children. I hope that our Potus can turn things around because when I see adults who do nothing but play dumb games on their Smart Phones and not so attractive girls who continually take selfies I know that we are still in a deep dark and ugly hole.      

Friday, March 17, 2017

Stop Gap Measures/Risk Mitigation

There is way too much liability involved in early sobriety for hard core dope addicts that is why sober companions would help this epidemic considerably. This is risk mitigation in its purest form because lets face it what parent wants to get the phone call that their child od ed and died or ended up on life support? Sober companion/security details should be implemented for particular individuals to get them through the first 90 days, the most crucial time period. This differs from the old school AA way of doing things where people are left up to their own devices and either they want to get sober or they don't. The disease of addiction rears its head in a myriad of ways that is why sober companions would actually save lives. Today this dope is way too powerful and its cut with fentanyl or its pure fentanyl or carfentanil so this means that the next time their son/daughter goes back out there is a solid chance that they will end up in a body bag. The sober housing units can only do so much that is why the choice to kill oneself has to be taken away from the client  for at least the first 90 days. In todays world the bolt of lighting that hits somebody as far as a spiritual awakening is concerned is more often then not in a cap of heroin or a hot shot that puts people into very ugly places. If they can stay abstinent for at least 90 days but continue to attend daily meeting plus therapy the best one can hope for is a spiritual awakening or a spiritual experience of the educational variety. After the first three months the liability goes way down and the chances for long term sobriety goes way up. This disease is one day at a time for the rest of my life and if I start to think otherwise then I will end up exactly where I already was (jails, institutions, being homeless, the only place left for me is death) I have already been to very ugly places but today I want to live and share my experience with others because that is what makes all of the difference. Nobody wants to send their child to a foreign land in the hope of a  (miracle of sobriety) when their most important and crucial concern should be to just keep their child alive. This issue is that serious because too many young people have already past away to the other side and are now on their next journey but one thing is clear they aren't here anymore to get the chance to get and stay sober. I am all about having the eye in the sky for all of the right reasons. Law Enforcement cant do this because they are way too busy responding to the calls once its too late or once the individual is already aspirating. Executive Protection is all about advance work, risk mitigation and prevention. One needs to know where the ieds are before you run over them. This same premise holds true for the inveterate drug addict where one must protect the client from themselves and to completely take away their power to kill themselves for at least the first 3 months. Once somebody is thrown out of their sober home for using this is one of the most crucial time periods where many addicts end up dead. If you have a detail on an individual and have contracts signed by the parents then this will be the only way one can prevent somebody from od- ing and ending up as just another statistic. This is serious work that would call for more then one individual per client. I can see a two or three member team for one individual all working together. Of course the work would be conducted on a sliding scale based on the family's economic situation. We are in the business of saving lives not hurting people financially. There is no higher calling, there is a way to keep somebody alive and abstinent in early sobriety once they get out of detox or their 30 day rehab. The goal is to eventually not have anybody on their tail as far as a security detail/sober companion is concerned. That is because once the spiritual experience at the very least of the educational variety takes place we then go to meetings because we want to. It then becomes part of our daily life, a celebration of life filled with gratitude and humility. We go to meetings because we want to but we also go to meetings because we have to. The only way for us to stay alive ourselves is to fill up our spiritual cup on a daily basis and to give away to others what was freely given to us. We are looking at a 90% recidivism rate and chances for long term sobriety are even slimmer then that. We need to start working other avenues to help people because what is being done as of today isn't working as well as it could or should in my humble opinion.   

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Time To Go After The Real Criminals

I am trying to figure out how the establishment deep state big pharma shrinks and GPs can prescribe Desoxyn to people with ADD but then sentence drug dealers to life sentences for doing the same thing? Is it because the drug dealer didn't have a proper medical license? Not really, the faces of meth are not pretty but this kind of double standard in our legal system officially certifies this country as a Totalitarian Regime and a criminal state. There needs to be pardons for thousands of convicted drug dealers that have been sentenced to draconian and Fascist style prison sentences for dealing drugs. I am sure that the man sentenced to life in Indiana had more then that one conviction but what difference does that make? The criminal justice system doesn't work anyway when they continually give people first second and third strike chances. Once you get caught up in the system people should try to help you get out. This mans life is over because he dealt meth wtf are you serious? It was like in the 6os Keith Richards was facing life because he was caught with a small quantity of heroin and they made it appear that he was trafficking. Seriously we are going to look back in a few years from now and realize how backward our system really is. The problem is that there are many people locked up and their lives are basically over. The system has a great way to help people once they get out, its like see you later we know that you wont make it so we will see you back here soon ya hear? Its a joke because the biggest drug dealers we have are the cia and all of the shrinks that are in bed with the medical establishment. This is entrapment, because if you are bringing in all of the dope and then putting the hammer down on the small fry dealers under the phony guise of protecting society this is pure Janus Principle double standard hypocrisy. This is a major league Rico crime at the top of the grid that has people making triple and quadruple avenues of wealth. If they are bringing in all of the dope and making money with sober housing plus on the prison systems as well what's left for the little guy? Humble Jobs at Subway and Dunkin Donuts that were never proven to work to begin with?  In other words working a slave labor minimum wage job when you are capable of a lot more is not humility its stupidity not to mention extremely demoralizing. Of course the establishment is making money with the Suboxone/Subutex treatments to keep the drug addict hooked because they are real movers and shakers I must admit. Now they have commercials for meds for depression that are supposed to counter balance the effect of their other med that isn't working. Of course they mention suicide ideation side effects to cover their pathetic behinds these people need to go to jail. They need to release and start to pardon thousands of incarcerated drug addicts and drug dealers that have a lot more to offer then the establishment criminals at the top of the grid who put them there that continue to make all of the rules. The only time you should keep somebody locked up for life is when they are violent and unequivocally threats to society, sociopaths that really have no hope period. Perfect example the difference between the meth dealer sentenced to life and the triple murder jailbird that had that tattooed on his face. That guy admits that he is a threat to society and should never get out, he is definitely in the right place. What about this meth dealer who has the same sentence life in prison which essentially means death? Does this double standard make any sense? What about heavy weight weed dealers that were sentenced to life a few years ago? This country is so screwed up, its like Big Brother knows and sees all and they would never do anything devious. The establishment isn't helping anybody but their greedy selves and now their scam is blown wide open, they definitely aren't protecting society with all of their  Rico crime syndicates. Bringing in all of the dope so they can lock up the small frys and sentence people to life when they are the ones that should be doing the time lets be honest about this. I don't know if there is any hope for us based on what I see. Mexico is bringing in some dope but the RKM controls all of the cartels including the Afghanistan drug pipeline from what I gather. I just found out about somebody else who died more then likely from a heroin od, time to go after the real criminals. Also I want to know why Sheriff Rick Bradshaw doesn't want his guys to carry Naloxone/Narcan- Liability issues are you serious? Your job is to protect and to serve and that means to be able to save the life of somebody who is aspirating after a heroin od. I never trusted Bradshaw I must admit.  

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Who Is Bonafide And Legit? The Deep State is real and this article and author doesn't have any substance. The deep state are the Beltway Bandits that run the fake news and basically had our President as a longshot to win the election. I believe it was after the second debate that the main stream news officially stated that Hillary would be our next Commander In Chief no questions asked. I accepted that fact and was quite demoralized because supposedly whatever they say is usually right on the money right? Not quite to say the least but there are definitely saboteurs as Sean Hannity stated that are doing their best to pull all of the strings. Some of these so called truthers in the alternative media that allegedly have legit sources appear to be products of the deep state themselves more then likely on Rockefellers or Brzezinskis payroll. Either way they are established elites that continue to justify red tape bureaucracy and plenty of fake news stories. I felt empathy for our Potus when he was going through the grueling campaign stages and didn't have the backing of the major news networks. Its not that he was looking for subjective or slanted viewpoints he just wanted fair and balanced and it was anything but. So this individual is trying to claim that the Deep State doesn't really exist? Articles like this are easy to read through because they have no substance. I like hard hitting reality from people like AJ because what he says has credibility. The Deep State is going to be destroyed because they are shady operators. The Beltway Bandits aren't straight shooters, they will sell you disinfo and distortion campaigns, propaganda, half truths and back stabbing. VT has been one of the biggest letdowns of all. I should have known when their was a pejorative comment about Wolfgang on their board just because the man has guts and was doing his best to investigate the Sandy Hook Scam. Getting rid of Fetzer and a few others writers abruptly and seemingly out of nowhere was also very telling. Gordon Duff is flat out not humble either and made a comment to a woman that was inappropriate just because she asked a question about Jade Helm. I admit that I put Duff on a pedestal because I saw that he had guts and was calling out 9-11s bogus official report as well as the entire nefarious establishment itself with what he considered to be 100% verified intel. Child Sacrifice pedophile rings, Franklin Cover Ups, whatever he was investigating I was very much interested in because this kind of filth had to be eliminated and firebombed immediately. Not too many other investigators seemed to be targeting that scum of the earth. I wanted the man as President because I saw him as a balls to the wall leader that would have been able to put real bad guys in jail. I am not sold on Stew Webb anymore. I have to get this off my chest because I no longer believe that Stew Webb is the real deal. First of all I never believed that he really saw the devil. Secondly wtf who are The Michigan Flag Officers that are supposedly conducting all of these secret behind closed door testimonies that nobody else knows about for  all of these alleged crimes committed by the deep state? The thing that really pisses me off is that he stated that he himself had a bw helo shot down wtf is that all about? Let me tell you something how and why could or would Stew Web shoot down a bw helo? If this was really true then they wouldn't be sending third and fourth world punks and thugs to try to kill him. Stew Webb stated that these African rank amateur weasel punks came to try to take him out and it caused him another car crash. I don't believe that Stew Web had enough juice to have a bw helo shot down. The bw guys are super Patriots why the f would he even say such a thing or insinuate that he did something like this that is what I want to know? Those guys are the real deal so I 110% don't believe any stories that suggest otherwise or that they are anything but 100% bonafide soldiers of the apocalypse and rock and roll mercenaries who love their country deeply. Their instructors are the best in the world and anybody that claims differently are the same types who continually try to knock AJ off of his media empire, its all jealousy. The bw compound was hallowed ground to me, their instructors are down to earth and completely humble. Stew Webb seems to have good intel but is it really legit and for what reason would he have a bw helo shot down inquiring people want to know? He is also so negative about AJ that I really cant deal with him anymore.     

Bad News These writers are really bad. Apparently the way to make it to the Yahoo or MSN home pages is to be a horrible writer with run on sentences that make zero sense. This article appears that it was written by a 12 year old or at the very least somebody that just graduated form college. I am telling you that this country has scraped so far down the scale of what is supposed to be considered quality and acceptable journalism its quite upsetting. Breitbart like Infowars and Drudge are Pro Americana websites that tell us the way of the world. I just cant wait until MSN and Yahoo get broken up the way CNN and a few others should be. Nobody reads Yahoo for intellectual edification anyway but these people spin the the reality based off of how much they are getting paid. Fox News tries to be fair and balanced, they may be slanted a bit to the right but at least they are real Americans and they have great enthusiasm unlike these other clowns especially the person who just wrote this article about Steve Bannon. How do these types of articles even make it past the editors? Our President just hit a grand slam a few weeks ago with his speech to Congress so I want to see more fair and balanced coverage of his administration not only from the main stream media but also from these sites like MSN and Yahoo even though nobody really reads them anyway .t-posts-audio-of-ryan-saying-he-wontdefend-trump- Like this article  that claims Breitbart is far right about Paul Ryan- First off all these people who claim that sites like Infowars and Breitbart are far right are way off the mark. They are libertarians not war hungry neocons so please stop the bs- Also I don't trust Paul Ryan- I believe that he may be just another Irish crony capitalist political appointee that Dr P told us the entire cia was filled up with. On top of that he stated that he didn't want to support our President substantiated by this audio which was my gut feeling all along. He stood up and clapped during the Congress speech a bunch of times but I believe that he may be just another political hack that would do anything to try to get to the top as demonstrated by his run up for VP- God created whiskey so the Irish wouldn't take over the world- If they aren't drunk drunk then they become dry drunk on power. Hopefully Paul Ryan can prove me wrong, only time will tell. Its good that he has his own opinions, I hope that he disagrees with our Potus on certain issues.

Monday, March 13, 2017

The Infiltrator I couldn't listen to what AJ stated about what our Pres is wrong about due to audio problems but so far I have a critique. I watched 60 minutes and they had this Gitmo survivor on there. We need to get rid of Gitmo because its a total waste of time. I know that Gen Mattis knows how to interrogate correctly but it just seems that if something is already broken then you don't try to fix it. In other words the program stated that our Potus was going to fill up Gitmo with some bad dudes. We need to get away form this archaic draconian unsophisticated mind set of good vs evil. Obama did the right thing by trying to shut that place down, that is because its bad news. Obama is a Fabian Socialist but he didn't do everything wrong. First of all housing so called bad guys without a proper business model of proven effectiveness is just one more example of the many things that are wrong about this country. I may watch programs like Burn Notice but I  have also read a lot of books and everything came back as Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (torture is inhumane and totally ineffective). Its like how many innocent people were rounded up and incarcerated during our GWOT? We had neophytes with zero experience, ie- military contractors and Army soldiers that were trying to get intel out of many innocent people. That is barbaric and inhumane and these criminals better take their tap off my phone because I am starting to get pissed off. Why does my phone have an echo, that is illegal without a warrant? I have nothing to hide because it all goes down on my blog anyway but this is just a perfect example of our criminal deep state. Enhanced Interrogations can work depending on the particular situation as the expert Michael Weston demonstrated and its called- (Violence Perceived Is Violence Achieved) however once physical violence is initiated then you are more often then not just going to get a false confession from somebody that was more then likely innocent in the first place. Real Private Investigators, trained operatives and the homicide detectives on the First 48 know how to get intel and they do a great job. Most of them never raise their voice or lay a hand on a suspect but it appears that they take down a lot of murderers. Ali Sofan told us a long time ago what was wrong with our Islamic Jihad intel gathering plan. How are you going to fire the entire Republican Guard Iraqi Army and use white skinned black hat cia doctors filled with rage and animus to wage your hostile force intel gathering plan? It never worked and it never will. SF knows how to get intel, anyway we should just close down Gitmo because its just a black mark on America. This 60 minute pow was given drug cocktails as well for his chemical lobotomies. We have Satanists at the top pulling strings so they better stop torturing innocent people because they will never be able to get away with this long term. I am a certified conspiracy theorist and I am drinking AJs coo laid and I am telling you that it taste pretty good. He is a legit and bonafide warrior that even has Sean Hannity talking about the deep state. Soon there will be a revamped FBI under President Trumps Dept Of Justice. President Trump would have definitely locked up some white collar criminals after the Dust Bowl that almost was. That was just another example of a totally corrupt and lawless land where they just rolled over the little people with their bulldozer and knew that there wouldn't be any consequences. I was never a saint but always had respect for Law And Order. I watched the Infiltrator- Very good movie, just another example of how good guys got bullied by cia and their deep state. DEA cant even go deep cover to take bad guys down without cia interference. Michael Levine found out all about that. Don't make drugs illegal if all of you cia criminals that murdered Barry Seal are going to bring that shit in. What kind of example is this for our grandchildren? That is because they are like corrupt little devious children themselves. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Your Fired

President Trump did the right thing by firing 46 holdover prosecutors from the most corrupt Justice Dept that we ever had. Chuck Schumer is the deep states head clown with bogus and fraudulent tears to go along with our former Potus. This is the beginning of the end for the deep state that didn't do a dam thing except stage fraudulent false flag school shootings. Who is responsible for what goes on in our country? The President is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer Of The Supreme Law Of The Land. The Navy Yard shooting was 100% total fraud bogus that didn't add up 100% DHS crisis actors to go along with everything else these deep state criminals got away with. How is VT going to blame anybody except our Commander In Chief. Obummer was his own man and he was not a puppet for Israel's Mossad, this is a total distraction bs fall guy blame game that the deep state continues to use to try to justify their crimes. Eric Holder had to brainwash the American people about guns and we had to start to think about them in a vastly different way. So why not stage a drill and have their deep state criminal bogus media outlets like CNN report on it as if it was a real shooting? This is fraud, deception and a serious Rico crime. We have a National School Safety expert with an impressive resume who has has poked more holes in The Sandy Hook final  bogus story report then Swiss Cheese. He even has a copy of the drill from DHS or Obsidian Analysis who wrote the script when they were really supposed to be protecting us from bad guys. They should be ashamed of themselves. These deep state operatives swore an oath to the US Constitution and they blatantly and egregiously violated their oath and service to the American people. These deep state criminals have also threatened Wolfgang Halbig by stating that his grandchildren would more or less be harmed if he didn't take his Sandy Hook Justice website down- They can go fuck themselves because Wolfgang is my friend and I already lost sleep thinking that these pieces of shit were going to kill him or at the very least have him neutralized. We aren't going away because there is going to be heads rolling at the highest levels. President Trump is going to have his own Dept. Of Justice, eliminating 46 holdover Prosecutors from Eric Holders contaminated and corrupt Justice just the beginning. There will be a major Federal Class Action lawsuit initiated by We The People. This is a serious Rico crime and if the FBI wasn't totally corrupted and not in on this fraudulent scam themselves they would have been doing their jobs and already investigating this as a major league Rico crime. The state of Ct has a legal obligation to respond to legitimate FOIA requests and they haven't responded to Wolfgang Halbigs inquiries in a satisfactory manner. These maphia thugs think that its ok to terrorize the American people so they can start to snatch our legal weapons and insult every American soldier that swore an oath to our country as well. They have insulted the very fabric our country was founded on, they are arrogant bullies who never had to become accountable for their actions. I got charged with multiple felonies for my long guns and these people stage a school shooting and make believe that little children were murdered. They are beyond disturbed and despicable excuses for human beings. I have echos on my phone which more or less means that my phones are being tapped. My number is on the home page so call me up deep state criminals. I don't deviate my boring schedule and I never mix up my route. This means that I am very predicable as far as where I go every day. After my meetings I go to work out across the street at the North Palm Beach Community Center so lets see how tough these people really are. So come on show me what you are made of you pieces of garbage, I just called you all out lets see what happens.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Free Mason Deep State Con Game Gordon Duff from the clan Macduff wants this to go to President Trump. The only problem is that the rabbit hole of 9-11 goes much deeper then a blindside cheap shot by Israel's Mossad. How do I know this without sources? Its because my gut tells me a lot more and in my humble opinion the deep state is using Israel as the fall guy for something that goes much deeper and darker indeed. Infact it really isn't that deep and dark because many people knew about 9-11 in advance and if Israel really was the sole culprit as Dr Sabrosky alleges then Military High Command would have scrubbed them off the earth a long time ago. What do I know right? That's correct I just go with my instincts and they tell me that Israel and their  alleged nukes is being used as a red herring for a deep state cia operation that had everybody in the know way before 9-11 including many of the head sheds on Wall Street. This also includes many if not all of the major media outlets. It really doesn't matter because it more then likely will never get adjudicated. Israel is our ally and they would never try to hurt us the way that Gordon Duff seems to claim on a regular basis. They know how to be successful and how to make things happen in the business world as well so I really cant deal with VTs anti semetic Israel alleged bad guy scenarios anymore. Let me tell you something Gordon Duff had me over the edge with blind fucking rage with all of his 9-11 Israel Mossad bad guy claims. Of course they knew about it in advance but so did our entire Military Industrial Complex and especially the entire cia but  Mossad didn't solely run the operation. We have an unbreakable bond with Israel because they run Wall Street and just about everything else. The entire Israel did 9-11 façade is a distraction because if somebody really wants to adjudicate 9-11 way too many powerful people would be brought down and I don't think that this will ever happen. I am not talking about Israeli Dual Citizens either because that is just another distraction that the deep state uses to try to make Israel the fall guy. I am talking about thousands of Americans that had nothing to do with Israel knew about 9-11 in advance.. As Leona used to say only the little people pay taxes but what she really meant was that the heavy hitters will never get in any trouble. That is why Hillary and the Slick Willys of this world laugh at us little people and that is why no powerful Americans like the Bush Chain Gang will ever do time for 9-11. As Sgt Barnes said- "That's the way it is and that's the way it out to be". His guys were smoking that shit to escape from reality but he was reality and that is the whole truth and nothing but. That is just the way that the elites have it set up. There is no sense getting upset about this because its all a Free Mason black magic hoax con game anyway.     

Deep State Crimes Obama is a Marxist who worked a scam with Obummer Care- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fraud- He was never  really a true liberal and is he is a total phony. Our Potus is a real capitalist and is already creating many jobs. Seriously Obamas America was horrible for the working poor, the deep state is a criminal state and the cia is way out of control. These deep state democratic operatives don't have any credibility. Fraud vitiates everything, Pissgate total scam joke the way these people operate is sophomoric and rank amateur, little league style. Russian hack gate is a total fraud con game from what I gather Buzzfeed CNN two extremely illegitimate sources. A neerdewal British operative created it. Now our former Potus is coming out of retirement as his bud Eric Holder stated  they are going to try to dethrone our real legitimate Potus. I think that our President should start to drop bombs right away as Jerome Corsi stated and hand over all of these Data dumps to the Justice Dept now that Holder isn't running it.  Our former Potus didn't do a dam thing for the lower/ middle class and the criminal state has penalized people that have to work two shifts at minimum wage just to still be poor and get evicted. That is 16 hour days at minimum wage which is still way below the poverty line, this is not sustainable and this is what our new President will eradicate. My dad spent a lot of money for me to get an education from  a good school how come there are no jobs out there? It is because of Obummer and his fraudulent deep state operatives. He is trying to sabotage our President because he knows that the gloves are coming off. How many things did the deep state get away with? Project Longevity- Eric Holder the Constitution State is a criminal state that stages schools shootings and makes believe that little children were murdered. Fast And Furious, Benghazi, Extortion 17 these people need to get locked up. There needs to be an adjudication of these deep state alleged acts and slander and libelous defamation cases should be initiated against all Media Outlets that are controlled 100% by the deep state cia and all of their bogus handlers. We should be able to get our illegitimate former Potus with questionable birth certificates under oath and bring Wolfgang Halbig in as an expert witness. As President you have an obligation to tell the truth to the American people and if you don't you deserve what you get. I am very confident that our new President is not going to stage crisis actor drama, he will never lie to us and on top of all that he is going to create wealth, jobs and prosperity even for the poor folks. To be fair to our former Potus I was told by somebody that Obama care helped him so it had its advantages, he might not be evil incarnate but he is definitely not an angel.  

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Vault 7 Treasure Trove What is the difference between a private eye and the cia? Basically they are one in the same except that the cia is not supposed to be allowed to work stateside. Top Secret America has spook houses tucked and hidden away in so many remote locations that it would make most peoples head spin. Green Badgers that are supposed to be protecting us via cyber espionage from all of the bad guys. They are more or less Private Intel Corporations with advanced technology, they are in essence just an extension of the cia and its humongous intel apparatus. The Vault 7 leak looks like it came form a former contractor. The question is what is the cia really doing with this technology? They specialize in sabotage and undermining their opponent in any and all ways possible. In other words what happened to that school teacher from Pound Ridge that had LEOS surround his house for privately questioning the veracity of the Sandy Hook story? Lt Vance was basically threatening people with arrest to anybody that  questioned its bogus narrative. Private eyes cant track a car with gps unless they have consent from the registered owner but cia can do whatever the hell they want whenever they want and they don't even need somebody to place the tracker on your car. Its all a matter of how you look at it who is the bad guy and who is the good guy because it always depends on who's side you are on. Top Secret sensitive compartmented information security clearances or SCIs are for people that aren't allowed to disclose how illegal their tactics are. cia is men in black and it really shouldn't be that way. cia has good guys that work for and with them like Michael Weston and TBA humint operators that analyze body language and voice inflections for inconsistencies and to detect deception with earning reports but they can also take your car out remotely like they did to Michael Hastings. The problem with Top Secret America is that they have the majority of people brainwashed with their 6 talking head media cartel outlets and basically if they say that you are a bad guy then boom then they call for your execution. It has worked for many years, there is no reason that they should be allowed to manipulate our emotions any more with their bull shit crisis actors and fake news stories. That is what they specialize in, pushing peoples buttons and taking things way out of context and basically gathering up as much intel about you illegally as possible so they can  build up their case file. Its like their treasure Trove of dirty little secrets, all of your sexual proclivities and private moments and thoughts for that matter aren't really private that is why they are so disturbing. All of your private conservations and deepest and darkest secrets can and will be used against you when the time is right. In the interim they just undermine and sabotage and hire humint operators to push your buttons and try to make you react. Infact it is more like to see how you react as well especially under pressure. Lets not forget the EMP pulses that seem to come out of nowhere and gang stalking but when somebody reaches out for help with this then they have professionals that make you feel like you are crazy and need mental health help just like Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory. This really happened to the Pound Ridge Teacher, they had him fired from his job and involuntarily committed to the psychiatric ward. Its all considered collateral damage but as long as main stream media doesn't report on what is really is happening then we are all kept in the dark. What about Jonathon Reich look what they did to him, cia has LEOs in their back pockets so is cia really that good? Of course they wipe your brain out with ECT and turn you into Jason Bourne and once you cross over to the dark side their is absolutely no turning back. If their harassment still doesn't work and you continue to make noise this is when you end up Arkensided and your body mysteriously ends up being cremated no questions asked. No questions can ever be asked to surviving family members either because then they will be next, they are all sworn to secrecy- its all MK Ultra specialization.  

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

AJ Is In The Big Leagues I respect AJ because he is aggressive and he has been standing up for America for years. He opened my eyes when  I wasn't planning on seeing but everything that  he stated seemed to check out. When the student is ready then the teacher appears. I got sidetracked by the opposition but always came back to his website and internet/ radio show for what is real and legit. What he does is not easy and he never seemed to receive that much credit for his efforts. If anything the small time players in the alternative media seemed to criticize him on a regular basis. If anybody thinks that  running an investigative journalist/ alternative media program with the intensity and power that he consistently delivers on a daily basis is not a struggle at times then they don't have a clue. It takes guts to be on the front lines every day, having excitement and passion is something that really cant be taught. Its like if you make it to the NFL or get past sf or Buds training you are officially in the Big Leagues. AJ is in the big leagues in ways that are much more important then Bread and Circus. He delivered for us in a big league way by standing behind our new Potus. Our Potus  seemed to come out of nowhere but I wasn't surprised because I read his book in 2012. I started  watching AJ around 2013 and realized more then ever that we needed big changes. Seriously AJ tells us the way the world really works and I love how he goes after frauds and phonies. He is Americana that is why I no longer  pay attention to his critics who I believe are more then likely jealous. Its like when you are making it to the big leagues or become a Whale on Wall Street there are going to be many people that try to trip you along the way. Back stabbers, petty jealousies and bureaucrats that only wish that they had the same passion and integrity as  AJ. Nobody is perfect especially me but I will no longer doubt Infowars and AJ because he does and says what he means and will always do what is right for our country. Hopefully he will have Wolfgang back on his program because AJ even said it himself going after and calling out the establishment is exhilarating. I have heard that when people have real live rounds flying down range coming from all different directions that this is the only time they really feel like they are truly alive. AJ knows how to fight and he always has sources to back his claims. That is why we all need to take on main stream media head on the only way the AJ President Trump way. I also respect the fact that AJ stated that he is never going to fake or stage his own death. If somebody is going to take him out then it will be real. I have no respect for some of these Illuminati Jacobites who make believe that they are dead when they are really not. I think it comes down to the more famous that somebody is then the bigger chance there is that they are still alive. I think that this is strange weird and disturbing. There should be honor in death meaning that you if you go down then go down the right way and that you stood for something. If somebody stages or fakes their death in my book they are just a coward. I believe that I heard AJ state that he wouldn't commit suicide not stage his own death. In other words the DC Madam was taken out after being on his show but the cia mobsters always try to make it appear that it is a suicide. What about that Milford cop that had Ct Major Crimes investigating his alleged suicide. This man  did not fit the profile of somebody that would take his own life. Are you serious this is like lets have all of the criminals run the investigations to make it more obvious then ever.  

War- Deadly Force And Rehab

You cant give away what you don't have. I got certified as an interventionist and sober coach but I wasn't sober myself. I had self knowledge which avails us nothing so there you have it I was never going to be successful under those circumstances. Motives can be pure but somebody has to be the real deal if they want to get into the business of trying to save lives. Today being successful is being of service and having a primary purpose, this is a reason for me to get up in the morning. Bill W had a business plan to make money with sober housing but the group conscience shot him down. He was a vivacious mover and shaker, a real entrepunuer that also made some things happen on wall street as well from what I gather. There are no money makers and hierarchies in the program, the highest level one can ever get is sober. That is how and why the recovery capitals of the world got so corrupted. War should always be your last resort, this premise holds true for when making the split second decision to use deadly force with a firearm during a hand to hand scenario. If somebody is trying to take you out and it is going to be lights out for sure then that is when you can reach for your firearm. If you don't have hand to hand skills then you shouldn't legally be allowed  to carry a weapon. This same premise holds true in the recovery world. Rehabs like war and deadly force split second decisions should only be the last resort. In other words the reason that these places are making so much money is because they have a hierarchy that works with insurance companies and the criminal justice system and people end up getting sentenced to treatment instead of jail. Rehabs are supposed to be a place of discovery, the actual recovery begins afterword in the so called real world. What about the drug addict and alcoholic that has a family member who calls up A and E but  has no criminal record but is still in very bad shape? That is where the interventions come into play however they shouldn't be sending these people to rehab right off the bat. They should be going to detoxes and have sponsors and holistic therapists lined up on the outside. The Treatment center industry today is totally corrupted with big pharmas hooks that have nurse PR actioners acting as drug dealers that are even worse then the dope dealers out on the street. They really are drug dealers and this is not a joke. If people aren't speaking out about this then that just means that they are part of the problem. If alcoholism/drug addiction are one in the same then that means that the treatment should be the same. Just because somebody is a pill addict or heroin junky doesn't mean that they have a dual diagnosis comorbid condition where anti depressants become part of the treatment plan. This is serious because I came out of treatment in 2011 so doped up on non narcotics this only made me continue to have drug seeking behavior. Of course drug addicts are going to say yes to drugs especially so called innocuous ones that is just the way we roll most of the time. The reason that there is such a high recidivism rate is due to the side effects of these drugs certified and pushed by the biggest drug dealers of all and they are actually supposed to be helping the client? A real intervention should consist of a 12 step call big book style where no money is made because this is how we stay sober. We take the client to detox and AA meetings and be there for them as their sponsor and or just their friend. One can make money as a sober companion for the first 90 days but these rehab treatment centers have gotten way out of hand. If you are a junky and don't feel comfortable in AA then NA works as well but AA has a proven track record of long term success and no other program has ever come close. That is why the druggie buggie rehab owners should give a few extra dollars to their clients if they don't have it and 9 times out of 10 they definitely don't have it so they can put the money in the basket. So let me get this straight these rehab owners can send a piss test to the lab and make 1000% pure profit exponentially and many times over but they cant give their clients a few extra dollars to put in the basket? AA clubs are not trying to make money they are definitely in it for the right reasons, however there are bills to pay to keep the doors open. The average donation in 1960 was a dollar per person, its now 50 plus years later. There is no reason why druggie buggie rehabbers cant be given a few extra dollars from the owners of these facilities to put in the basket whether the client wants to be there or not. These rehabs should be pushing AA hard core and I am talking about much harder then their drug dealer Nurse PR actioner/psychiatrist programs.    

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Top Secret America Hoax It is blatantly obvious how deceitful our humungous intelligence apparatus really is. Lets break this down into layman terms- After 9-11 Top Secret America came into play to give us a better advantage to track down and prevent bogey man myths. I am talking about a multi trillion dollar green badger black budget that basically has no accountability. Lets look at how great interoperability was supposed to work a few years after 9-11 with Hurricane Katrina in 05. Interoperability was supposed to enable our intel agencies as well as law enforcement to communicate and share information more effectively. Our guys were on the ground in record time but how long did it take Fema to respond to this natural disaster 3-4 days? How many people died in the stadium because nobody knew what to do and people were actually starving, prisoners got out of jail it seemed to be quite apocalyptic from what I gather. So that is how great Top Secret America worked when people needed them most. The National Guard started confiscating weapons house to house, it looks like this was a deep state test run for when they really planned to implement Martial Law through (COG-Continuity Of Government.) So lets face it Top Secret America are a bunch of bull shitters who's job is to just manipulate our minds and emotions with fake news stories. With all due respect toward Homicide Detectives if I was working a case where leads really had to come in within the first 48 hours how come interoperability doesn't work with them? In other words I was watching the First 48 and these detectives had to send prints out to the FBI and it was already expected to take "days to get back the results" Are you serious you mean to tell me that local leos don't have access to the NCIC FBI data base? Especially when its so important to break a case within the first 48 one has to wait? I would be more then a little pissed off if I was working a homicide case and had to wait many days for prints when obviously the first 48 hours is the most pertinent. Top Secret America is used as Snowden stated for us to buy into the myth of our governments supremacy. There are a lot of good people in the system but this multi trillion dollar blanket surveillance program that Edward Snowden blew the whistle on is quite pathetic to say he least. It would be different if 9-11 wasn't an inside job, one just has to read the book Top Secret America or see the Front Line edition to see how deep their hooks really are. They are using it to game the system where nothing is sacred and safe anymore. That is creepy to get inside peoples heads with their oga mind games and childish antics. They have NSA minions, they can do sneak and peaks any time they please and nobody will ever get in trouble for this. Of course they can rig scenarios to make it appear that our Potus had DNC and RNC hacks with the Russians. Our news is fake but our NSA spy grid is real because they are really using it to rig markets and set up and stage acting scenarios any time they want which is every single day. Nasa cia cgi spy's and lies, these people are bad news. I have great respect for real deal guys like Michael Weston from Burn Notice but have zero respect for these pathetic oga/cia crisis actors that have been used to snatch weapons and stage fraudulent school shootings. Its no big deal for them to  sell out their country for a few dollars no problem. They are disrespecting all of our dead soldiers that died during OIF as well as during the Afghanistan campaign, that is why they need to be taken down. One cant forget the fallen star hero's at Langley I know that they would want justice for their fallen comrades. Let me tell you something if anybody wants an example of a great investigator that would be Wolfgang Halbig. He has been all over the Sandy Hook hoax for years and he has been the only one that requested FOIAs. That is a man of action because it doesn't matter how many youtube videos you post or how much you complain unless you attempt to go through the proper channels then nothing else really matters and for that reason he deserves our much gratitude and respect.