Friday, July 1, 2016

Phony Tears False Flag Fake Person No Remorse This is totally ridiculous and unconstitutional. We the people should decide who gets taken out on stateside soil not some rogue president with his secret cia hit squads. The prosecutors husband in Stews link apparently was taken out, she  was working the case against Slick Willy. I cant even write what his wife was preparing to put more legal pressure on that is how heinous it is. How can our government put out hits on stateside soil without habeas corpus and due process? I cant believe this New York Times writer was even allowed to write a book about that kind of thing. There you have it folks conclusive proof that our commander in chief is not such a nice guy after all. All of his phony false flag tears and transparent smiles. We shouldn't put up with this. Do you think Donald Trump would ever take out American citizens? Lets be honest we have entered into such an ugly time of history it needs to be turned around in an expeditious fashion. Those Drone strikes seem like inhumane acts of terror as well. Killing more people with secondary drone strikes if true is about as diabolical as one can get. Collateral damage some secret sigint cia drone take out plan, don't you think they will only escalate this type of thing without a major uprising by we the people? You are supposed to use humint for drone strikes and you are supposed to kill as few people as possible. When are we the people going to demand to learn more about these secret hit teams by Obummer? Where only we can  decide who is an enemy of the state? People need to seek out protection teams. The only positive thing I heard in a while is that supposedly the bad guy count is rising, I was under the impression that only the good guys were going down. Just think about how these slime balls operate. They all have advance teams bomb sweeps and triple diamond protection details only to try to take our weapons away. They have no honor or decency. How could they be such gun snatchers only to hide behind major protection and shadowy cia hit teams. They are beyond pathetic. I am sure they will continue to have all of their cia sad and sog teams all programed to do their dirty work. When are the good guys going to leave these people alone with no protection that is what I want to know? 

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