Sunday, July 10, 2016

Clinton Foundation Scam I was listening to Stew Webb and Glen Canady. They had Charles Ortel on their Mr Ortel is a graduate of Harvard Business school and seems to be very wise to the ways of the world. He stated that the Hillary Scam foundation is the largest fraud faux charity in the history of man. Before its News had an article with somebody who claims to be an anonymous FBI analyst. I don't know enough about beforeitsnews to say yes this is the real deal however if it is then that article is quite informative as well. Basically this analyst states that this is the biggest potential scandal anybody has seen in a long time maybe ever because it has the potential to bring down the entire house of cards. Charles stated that these people are  robbing from the poor as well so they are the reverse of Robin hoods. What a disgrace they are, if you are going to rob from somebody at least rob from your own kind. At least unleash your criminal wrath on people that wont notice the difference in their lifestyle anyway. When is there going to be real people who step up and demand action? Obviously not our FBI Director because I believe that he is an enabler and a political animal. It appears that  prosecutors from each state can take action and if that is the case then even a presidential pardon wont have any effect. Stew Webb has French Intel connections so he is trying to push that angle in reference to this world wide espionage scandal. Extradition laws etc.. I am tired of 95 year old men sitting on top of their perch pulling strings and creating reality for the rest of us common folk- hoi polloi- I cant even get a job as a garbage hauler while these criminals rape plunder and pillage and then decide to run for President of The United States what is wrong with this picture? When are the True Patriots going to rise up in mass and demand action? Oreilly you always used to have Patriots and Pinheads at the end of your show. Stew Webb is a very solid Patriot and warrior so how come you never mention him or have him on your show? The real story appears to be the Clinton Foundation not the e-mail server. Charles Ortel states that this scam may exceed well over 100 billion dollars.

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