Tuesday, July 12, 2016

9-11 Fraud- Hollywood Free Mason Hoax

http://www.therealnewsonline.com/911-the-hoax-uncovered.html Welcome to the cia Free Mason world of subterfuge and deception. Hollywood tricks and sleight of hand. Brian Staveley doesn't have a deep and dark intel background but look what he is bringing to the table. He is basically making the argument that he doesn't think that anybody really died on 9-11. I took a look at that falling man that was way too far away from the towers as well as many of  the vic sims that Simon Shack has exposed (www.septetemberclues.info). Inquiring minds should want to know more, These two website are  quite impressive. I wrote a few blogs criticizing Alex Jones in reference to 9-11 truth but as I reflect back I do believe that those blogs were unjust. For starters most people would have never even known anything about 9-11 truth if it wasn't for Alex Jones. Secondly Jones never stated that he knew exactly what transpired in reference to 9-11 he just stated that the official government story wasn't legitimate for obvious reasons. He has always been humble in my opinion therefore Jones deserves support and encouragement. He has stated that the official story wasn't the right one thats it. This means that if anybody has an inquiring mind  they are going to dig on their own and they are going to keep digging until they find something that seems to be the most plausible.That is why I respect Jones, he never came out and said "I am the chosen one and all intel begins and ends with me".I never heard him criticizing others or attacking their work either. That is why people should stop bad mouthing Jones and calling him cointelpro shill etc..He is the one who taught me about Hollywood green screens and media tv fraud with CNN etc.. If it wasn't for Jones  I wouldn't have been able to compare notes. In other words he pointed out CNN was a joke in the First Gulf war with the fake scud studs (really being in Atlanta not the Middle East) as well as Anderson Coopers nose not adding up with green screens during Sandy Hook. That is why it was easier for me to say yes ok Simon Shacks intel makes the most sense because I learned that all from Alex Jones. If it wasnt for people like Jim Fetzer and Wolfgang and their indefatigable Sandy Hook Investigation I never would have thought it possible that these weird Illuminati Free Masons could pull off a false flag and not have anybody that really gets killed. I learned from The Modern Gnostic about Occums Razor which means go with the simplest and most plausible theory first because your gut is more often then not right on the money.It actually makes me feel better because I was quite depressed there for a while. In fact I was never the same after 9-11, this is when I stopped going to meetings completely..My life never got back on track and 12 years after 9-11 I had to come to the realistic conclusion that cia had their hooks deep in 9-11  just like  JFK- I was more then a little upset infact I wanted people to go down hard for this. I lost all faith in humanity to think that these cockroaches actually killed 3000 people so they could initiate  their PNAC world wide hegemonic operation. I wanted them all dead but now that I know that it was more then likely an elaborate hoax I feel better. It doesn't mean that they arent scumbags at the highest level. I feel that all so called truthers need to tone down the cia murdered 3,000 innocent civilians at least until they check out this intel. Also those vic sims make it quite apparent that alot of photo shop and cgi was involved. I also feel that this so called evil empire isn't killing as many people or witnesses as some truthers are trying to make us believe. Until I see verified DNA, dental records and legitimate autopsies,chief medical examiner records(Not Wayne Carvers), death certificates and actual exhumations with blanket warrants and real cadaver dogs I dont believe much at all. We cant forget about substantiated records with real time lines in the social security death index as well. Lets take a look at those Apollo frauds that were all supposed to have been blown up in 1986.They are all still alive with verified facial recognition with little or no change to their real name. Fetzer also taught me that Fraud Vitiates everything    

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