Saturday, July 16, 2016

Herbalife Cult Herbalife is full of cheeseballs and smarmy individuals. One doesn't have to be the sharpest tool in the shed to do a basic analysis on how these people operate to come up with "this is a cult." ABC News did a great  investigative report going undercover and they showed exactly what I am talking about. This woman waiting on line for one of their cheesy infomercial panels and then proceeds to get bullied by the security guard "no talking to the press corporate is on their way down to talk to them" "Ok says the mind control girl I only told them how great Herbalife is." These clowns come across as very similar to Scientology infact eerily similar. You can see how deep their pockets are and you can see how they act during their party seminars, this is absolutely as close to a cult as one can get. OK so the Feds came in and said well we are going to back off the Pyramid scam label and just hit them with a 200 million dollar fine for deceptive practices. One doesn't have to be an astrophysicist to see how much juice and power this company has. That is what you get with an army of $1,000 per hour lawyers. There is light at the end of the tunnel because Bill Ackman feels that with the ongoing investigation he initiated this company is going to eventually implode in a big way thus the reason why he has shorted the stock. Did anybody take a good look at those 1970's vacuum cleaner salesman polyester suit cheeseballs? Especially that rube in the 1980s when they got in trouble the first time. These people are worse then Sham wow and every other late night sales scam we have seen over the years. I have faith in Bill Ackman, that is the benefit of being successful , you can launch your own investigation with almost unlimited funding. If I remember he was up in the $20 million dollar range at this point. I have faith in Ackmans ongoing investigation  because most people are just looking to make a few extra dollars legitimately because lets face it life is hard and the system is completely rigged. To take these peoples money and promise them the moon and the stars is criminal. How do you think it makes them feel? They dish out their hard earned money only to find out that they cant make money unless they get others to buy in and only the top dogs at the top of the Pyramid make money.  Its like the rat in the maze just churning along on the hamster wheel. Its a cult and they have been  taking advantage of innocent people for many years. These Herbalife freaks  should hook up with David Miscaviage to learn more about the latest mind control bully tactics and tricks    

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