Monday, July 18, 2016

Manafactured Terror Business Here We Go I have come to the conclusion that trying to expose bad guys has become an exercise in futility. It is a double negative because not only is there no money to be made most people think that you are crazy. How does one explain to the uninitiated that some bad things allegedly went down but those guys really didn't die? That is why I have decided to move on over to the dark side. Its a great business model with lots of money to be made. For example you plan a mass casualty event blame some bad guys nobody really gets killed and then everybody gets paid. Not only that just think about how much these grieving family members make out. Its a win win for everybody. They get to sue, litigate, get huge pay outs and smile all the way to the bank. The family members make out the best because they control the entire narrative. What ever they say really goes. Anybody that calls them out as a liar, coward, traitor, gun snatcher and thief is just labelled a heartless wack job conspiracy theorist. Eventually the investigator gets threatened, harassed, arrested and even  killed. How much better can this manufactured terror business be? They have main stream media feeling sorry for them making sure to give them their 15 minutes from time to time fake tears and all. So not only does the investigator calling these people out not make any money he gets called a conspiracy nut job how much worse can it get then that? Look what happened to Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory. I am going to put a few feelers out and maybe come up with my own Manufactured Terror event business plan to see how much interest I  get from wall street or from potential angel investors. It has to be better then the conspiracy theorist business because that business sucks really bad, it definitely is an exercise in futility. Like I stated in my new crisis actor career in one of my previous blogs- "if you cant beat them then join them" 

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