Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Unprofessional Intelligence Assets

https://memoryholeblog.com/2016/07/25/top-ten-reasons-sandy-hook-was-an-elaborate-hoax-2/ What an article by Vivian Lee. Revised and updated, it had so much information in it that it definitely deserves 5 plus stars. I like the old maxim- When You have excluded the impossible whatever remains must be the truth- Sherlock Holmes. The bottom of the article about Karl Rove and how the elites create reality and Trauma based mind control was quite interesting. She reiterated what I stated in a previous blog that these people actually get off on the deception. It is their form of entertainment. Having children that were supposed to be murdered singing at the Super bowl is pretty sick and twisted. Its funny to them but what about when we all get these freaks in front of a Federal Grand Jury? It wont hurt when Trump gets elected. There were so many egregious violations of the rule of law during this Sandy Hook hoax and that is only one shooting. I have analyzed many others, they are all hoax frauds. This Orlando shooting is a false flag joke. There are so many good citizen journalists out there and these people aren't making any money, they all have other jobs. No media outlet is going to  pay these investigative journalists because their work is too good and its too close to the truth. These as holes gave me PTSD on 9-11 when they kept showing the Towers going down and I am upset about this. They did the same thing for Sandy Hook especially when they kept showing pictures of the children. I cant wait until  these scumbags go down, they can run but they cant hide. Anybody that stages either their own death or facilitates in the participation of a  child's death that was staged is a severely disturbed individual. Just think about how deranged it is to stage a death of somebody especially a child for political or monetary gain? I can understand if stars do it because they are tired of living in the spotlight so I give them a pass. I am referring to these Free Mason cia morons who do this on a routine basis all at the expense of the mind controlled sheeple. What about this Richard Gutjahr clown, the Munich hero who just happened to be a hero in France as well. He plays Secret Agent man on his social media and his wife is Israeli intel, isn't that a little obvious? They use Noah Pozners pic for a mass shooting in Pakistan these criminals have no shame. It must be intentionally mocking because these shootings are so unprofessional. I always thought that Mossad had their act together and if they pulled off a crime that there would be no crumbs left behind. It is quite the opposite so these idiots should be ashamed of themselves for their sloppy work. If I was an intelligence asset I would take pride in taking care of business with little or no trail, not these pathetic false flag crisis actors. I am sure that the real deal intel assets from Mossad or IDF look at you clowns in derision, you are making them all look bad. For that reason alone I would hope that they would want to see all of these slime balls get locked away for years. Misprision of felony, that is only one of the charges . I had some girl call me up a few days before the Va shooting last Sept. with the reporters, this one was especially sloppy. The shooters hands were white and he was supposed to be black. This girls voice definitely didn't match her pic, I know this for sure. She said that she had to go up to Va for a few days. That was meant to send me a message. If you are going to send me a message at least have your voice match the pic of your face, these people really are pathetic       

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