Saturday, July 2, 2016

Above The Law

The Attorney General should resign because this slick Willy news blackout on the jet is a travesty of justice. She shouldn't recuse herself, the Republican party should raise Holy hell and she needs to resign, plain and simple. That is exactly what Judge Jeanne stated. Our Attorney General should be a role model, instead she appears to have been appointed by the Clinton Foundation. How much longer do we have to deal with this? The hubris this family continues to demonstrate is off the chart. Why doesn't the Democratic nominee for President Of The United States step down right now just out of principle alone? Just out of curiosity how have the Clintons avoided any real legal trouble for all of these years? America needs to turn around, we really cant have these kind of corrupt people representing our values. Instead our Attorney General made it sound like it was going to be her decision regardless of what the FBI recommends. Our Justice Dept has been stonewalling for this family for decades going all the way back to Oklahoma City. Alex Jones pointed out that the Clintons blew up that building in 1995 as a Wag the dog tactic to avoid legal pressure in regard to that families corrupt political malfeasance. I would be writing for hours to just scratch the surface for what this family has avoided as far as criminal repercussions. The FBI has been covering for this family for many years as well. When are we going to start off our Independence Day with a new Democratic process, not some shady socialist above the law rogue Clinton Foundation regime? How many people out there would be able to trust Hilary with your life money or wife?  

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