Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Iatrogenic Harm We have some conclusive proof that benzos are the devil himself. Iatrogenic- Long Term Adverse Harm or illness caused by medical treatment. Medical treatment meaning psychiatrists that prescribe-  Xanax, Adavan and Klonopin without informed consent of the real dangers. I took a look at the stories of these people in The World Benzo Awareness Day Video. These people were taking their meds "as directed" they didn't mention that they were abusing them like me or taking too many. These people are permanently disabled are you kidding me? Their central nervous system is all messed up and they were taking their meds as directed. What is the medical establishment going to say about this as far as the reason why these people are suffering? They dont care anyway because there is no liability but I am sure that it would be something along the lines of "oh some people have adverse reactions but only a small percentage comparatively speaking" These psychiatrists are the most dangerous drug dealers on the planet next to the cia. I am presuming that these people got their meds through a licensed psychiatrist. Most General Practitioners are not going to prescribe a benzo to a patient long term. I know what benzos did to me. I was coming off them and I felt worse then drunk. I couldn't even walk straight let alone button my shirt. I felt like curling up in a ball and basically dying so I don't really think benzos are that healthy. Now here is conclusive proof that for even people that have taken them as directed have developed permanent disabilities which many appear to be irrevocable. This Fla girl was talking about her indignation that she received better information on the web on how to taper then what she received from her doctor that is making hundreds of dollars per hour. My question is what would these psychiatrists do if they didn't prescribe meds? Nothing because that is their only job, they don't do any real therapy because that is what the therapist does. Why do you think they were created? They all came over from the Nazi regime. They would all be out of a job if they didn't prescribe massive amounts of meds. There are exceptions like Kelly Brogan. She has a lot of courage by telling it the way it is. Psychiatrists don't even want to handle severe BPD cases or even diagnose for that matter. All of the real therapy is conducted by Therapists. People need to go to jail that is the only way things will ever change. This girl in the video was talking about how she developed severe mental issues as a direct result of coming off of benzos. It causes irreparable brain damage and disrupts the central nervous system and people are ok with this? We are going to continue to let our medical establishment get away with this? Look at Yale University Psychiatric Dept and Adam Lanza what more needs to be said? One of the people in the video had partial paralysis from coming off of benzos are you serious? I talked to somebody who was very close to somebody who went "clinically insane" from benzo withdrawal.. So these people end up either in jail or the psychiatric ward just because they were prescribed meds from their doctor. I really don't think that this individual was clinically insane before he started taking benzos. It seriously screws up the muscular skeletal system as well, I can attest to this. There is no question in my mind that their is bad intentions behind the curtain of this drug maker. I cant forget the (Emotional Lability) are you kidding me? This drug makes you an emotional basket case where you over react and shed tears and cry for reasons that would never happen in a stable non drug induced emotional state. So now we have people who are supposed to be getting stable that are going off the chart and over reacting disproportionately. Its like permo PMS and it is for no other reason then they were taking a drug prescribed by their doctor that was supposed to make them more squared away. I have been physically sick and spiritually sick. Take it from me it is much better to get spiritually fit and to avoid Big Pharma like the plague.     

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